Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Whoops Whoopi

I can't believe I missed the View this morning

*banging head on keyboard*

Whoopi Goldberg started today as official moderator of the morning bitch session, and she started it off by inserting foot directly into mouth.

She defended Michael Vick.


(here's a piece of the show)

On Vick's convinction for dogfighting charges: "You know from his background this is not an unusual thing for where he comes from," said Goldberg. "There are certain things that are indicative to certain parts of our country."

And I was so excited to see her on that damn estrogen-fest. Now I'm really wishing they would have picked Mario whats-his-face. He was funny, I liked him. And I'm thinking he wouldn't have defended a convicted felon and a killer of innocent animals for profit.

I was trying to rationalize this in my mind. Maybe Whoopi Goldberg was freaked out by having to fill Rosie O'Donnell's shoes, as outspoken as they were? Stirring up the ol' pot of controversy, right?

But you missed your mark with me, Whoopi. I don't care that this was part of Vick's "culture". I don't care if he didn't quite realize that what he was doing was wrong because dog fighting is a fairly common practice where he comes from. I don't care about any of that. All I care about is that the man is going to prison for the death and torture animals because he wanted to put a few more bills in his pocket and then subsequently lost millions of dollars of endorsement deals. That the NFL has suspended him indefinitely. I care about that.

I do not, however, care for Whoopi right now.

There are lots of common practices all over the world that are accepted only in those cultures. Female circumcision, for instance. How do you feel about young girls being forced to have their clitoris mutilated, Whoopi? Or how about the process of stoning a woman to death because she had an alleged sexual affair? Is that alright?

Oh, but we're just talking about dogs, right? Not people. Yeah.

Well then, how about worthless animal testing? Is that worth defending?

I wonder if Whoopi has actually seen a dog fight or at least the end result of one.

(I'll warn you, that last link is not for the faint of heart.)

Way to go, Whoop. You cooked up a nice batch of controversy on your first day. Rosie would be proud. Unfortunately, I feel nauseous.


Anonymous said...

Will Woopi stay do you think??

Anonymous said...

I dont think that was defending him at all. She is simply pointing out that this is a real thing. It doesnt have anything to do with Vick being a celebrity it has to do with the subculture he grew up in. If people would stop trying to find controversy in everything anone says maybe we could actually hear what is being said.

Anonymous said...

i read the transcript, and don't think she was defending him either. trying to understand the culture where he was raised is way different than defending him or his actions. he was wrong - he's admitted it - and i don't think anyone in their right mind could make it okay.

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

With all due respect, it doesn't matter if Vick is a celebrity or not. It also doesn't matter that this was part of his "cultural upbringing". It was a crime.

Perhaps dog fighting is used as a way to bring money to a person or family who needs to make a living, but then again so is dealing drugs or stealing. Are we defending that too?

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Almost forgot - By saying that Vick participated in dog fighting (more than participated, he hosted it on his property and he funded the organization) because of X,Y and Z that seems like defending to me.

Anonymous said...

She said what now?

Oh, Whoopi, it's on.

That's like saying that no one should really blame slave owners because they were just doing what they grew up with and didn't know any better.

No, that is not what I believe, but rationalizing what Vick did with the "it's what he grew up with" bullcrap is the same line of thinking.

OK, I've seen the new View, and I don't like it.

Jane, P&B Girls

Julie Pippert said...


I wish I could see/hear it myself. Is she asking us to be understanding? Compassionate?

Using My Words

kittenpie said...

Okay, I did not see this. But did it sound like she was defending him and saying it was okay, or just that she did understand why he didn't know better?

flutter said...

Well you know, it used to be indiciative of our country to own slaves. I don't think many people would think THAT'S ok.

Kyla said...

For the record, I totally agree with you. It is inexcusable and even if it is prevalent where he grew up, he is certainly old enough to know better at this point.

Tuesday Girl said...

I knew they should have picked Whoopi anyway!

I think no matter what is part of the culture where you grew up, or where you live even, you know right from wrong, legal from illegal as an adult correct?

Trena said...

Huh, that's funny, I'm currently living within the area Michael Vick is from and the general concensus here is that what he did was so very wrong on so many levels. Way to generalize Whoopi! I guess I'm glad I don't watch the view anyway.

Phoenix said...

Whether it's part of his "culture" or not, it's still illegial and just plain wrong. Also, a man who make 100 million a year, does not need money from dog fighting.

On Whoopi, well I generally like her, but I can't stand that show, so I won't watch it.

EUC said...

I didn't see it and I can't agree more that dog fighting is incredibly disgusting. I have two dogs and two shelter cats who are part of my family.

I also think it's important to note how much more attention that this got in comparison to the NFL players who beat their wives. For whatever reason (and it could be how horrific dog fighting it is) beating your spouse is more ok with the NFL than what Vick did. It's also been in the media a whole lot longer. Makes me wonder.

Anonymous said...

She said WHAT? I hate Whooppi anyhow, I think she's talentless as a rule, but defending Michael Vick? Is she out of her freaking mind?

I bet she thinks OJ is innocent, too.

S said...

I wonder how Whoopi would justify her comments. Has anyone followed up with her?

Blog Antagonist said...

Well crap. I have always liked and admired Whoopi. But that is a serious disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Jamie Foxx had the same explanation for Vick's actions. I am American-Italian and part of my culture is the Mafia, although I don't see anyone giving them a free pass. Funny, I know that killing people and animals is wrong, but I guess if you didn't get the message and you are a celebrity then you should get a free pass.

I am glad I didn't watch the View, nothing missed.

Jonathon Morgan said...

Note to self: turn on the view while blogging in the morning. Especially now that Whoopi is saying crazy things. AWESOME!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I heard someone saying on NPR that there are loads of people who don't understand the fuss over Michael Vick. That, he 'only' killed 6 dogs over 6 years. That dog fighting is widespread and accepted in many circles.

Sorry, I think it is sick and disturbing. And Whoopi sounds like she is justifying it. It'll be interesting to see if there is any backpedaling tomorrow.

painted maypole said...

wow, that link was intense, but informative. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I don't like her I admit it so my view is tainted. I think he's a sick, sick man. And he should know right from wrong. Bring his background into doesn't matter to me, it's just an excuse. IMO she was defending him but I also saw clips, no full transcript.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Hubby grew up here in the deep south of the state of Ga. He has NEVER Been to dogfights. He hates them. Abuse is abuse and there is no exsplaining it away. THere are all kinds of cultures in this world..But the individual has to choose to particapate in them. Is it out there? Sure. But then so is so many cultures he could choose from. Dog fighting is animal cruelty. And I can't see it as asport unless youare just a cruel person in general. This is just my opinion..And you know what they say about those. So I simply say" Whoopi, He chose to particapate and it had nothing to do with culture and background..its the meaness some people have inside them." I would hope that my sons can see the difference in a cruelty crime and a cop out for such a terrible injustice to the animal kingdom. Hugs Sissy

Anonymous said...

Did she mean "indigenous" rather than "indicative"? (So totally not the point, I know.)

Also, my guess is that she knew full well ahead of time that she would be making such a comment. Ratings, etc.

The View is one of those shows that I can't watch without yelling at the tv. I usually want to put my foot through Elizabeth's face.

Avalon said...

I just wonder why she felt the need to discuss it at all?

He is a criminal. Millions of other people are criminals. Many are much more famous than him.

There seems to be no reason, in my estimation, to even raise that topic other than pandering for recognition and press on her first day there.

It is a well-planned publicity ploy. Raise the controversy, raise the viewership.

Show her how wrong her opinion is by NOT turning on The View.

Lawyer Mama said...

OK, I live in Virginia. It is so NOT a cultural thing. It is not acceptable here, even in the land of Vick hero worship.

I can't believe Whoopi said that. But then I've never been a big fan of The View. Too much intentional pot stirring.

Keeping It Real said...

I didn't see the show but heard a little about it on the radio. I think Whoopi handled the touchy topic tactfully (say that three times fast).

Amy said...

We aren't allowed to watch adult TV here, so I missed it.

BUT - Micheal Vick's name should no longer be mentioned at all. To give him any public air is disgusting. What kind of human being tortures innocent animals? Imagine if he'd done the same to a person.

And that action against a person? Just a heartbeat away for the kind of personality who does what he pleaded guilty to.

Ugh. Good for you for standing up on this one.

Her Bad Mother said...

Sing it, sister. Whoopi's disgraced herself with this argument, totally.

Cultural relativism sucks, in all forms.

Kila said...

I'd still rather watch Whoopi than Rosie!

I'm not sure if even Whoopi would be enough to make me watch The View ;)

Kendra said...

I hate that justification. He is a horrible person who did horrible things to dogs who deserved better, thats all that needs to be said about it. I can't handle the view, makes my blood pressure sky rocket.

Trenting said...

Defending him.. acckkk!! It's got to be for the ratings!

karengreeners said...

Oh god, if we turn this (Michael Vick's actions) into a race issue I'm going to vomit.

b*babbler said...

Oh how I agree with you. And HBM - exactly the right point.

I've always hated the argument - in its many forms - that something is acceptable because of some form of past history. Do we excuse Mel Gibson for his anti-semitism because most European-based societies have been anti-semitic at some point in history? Absolutely not, so it shouldn't apply to Michael Vick either!

SUEB0B said...

What CENTURY was Whoopi talking about?

Unknown said...

yuck. Makes me glad I traded cable for cleaning service.

Jenifer said...

I don't wathch the view, though I usually like Whoopi.... I can't believe she would have said such a thing. Weather it goes on in certain parts of the country or not.. IT SHOULDN'T. That doesn't make it acceptable... just all the more disturbinG!