Sunday, November 05, 2006

Damn you, Extreme Home Makeover

Damn your overly caffeinated/bouncing-off-the-walls Ty Pennington (and damn him for being so annoying, yet oh so yummy).

Damn your toothy, too-much-time-in-the-tanning-salon designers.

Damn your slap-you-in-the-head-with-an-anvil product placements (yeah, Bissell, Craftsman, Panasonic, we get it already).

Damn your Pottery Barn-perfect homes (I'd like to see what those places look like 3 months later).

Damn your country music guests (can't we get some relevant pop or rock artists on that show?).

Damn your worst-case-scenario/horrific tales of hardship, barely skirting the line between exploitation (for Kenmore, no less) and charity.

And double, triple damn you for making me cry. Every. Single. Episode.

How the hell do you do it? And where the hell are my tissues?

Damn you, now my node is all stupped up.


beth said...

You know, I've only seen this show once. But as I was reading this post I was thinking, "oh no, I'm going to have to admit to her that this show made me cry when I saw it and I'm going to be so embarrassed," and then I read on.

sc@vp said...

I steer WAY clear of that show.


Too many annoying things. Not the least of which is my propensity to cry during it.

motherbumper said...

I always cry and it drives me mad. I totally know where you are coming from.

motherbumper said...

Damn You!

Sparky Duck said...

The both of us have stopped watching, well at least every week, because its always tear freaking jerker!!!

Cristina said...

This show totally makes me cry too. There's something about seeing people THAT happy that just makes my heart burst with joy. (And my heart rarely burst with joy for anything so that's saying something.)

Creative-Type Dad said...

Too funny!

"too-much-time-in-the-tanning-salon designers"
Actually, mine is getting a little light.

ditzymoi said...

I love the way you put that lol
yep... the kids and i all watch and cry every week too
its wonderful the amount of people that they've helped

Chaotic Mom said...

I can't watch that show. I'm either bawling like a baby over the deaf parents raising an autistic child with help of thier "normie" 14 year old son, or I'm pissed off that someone who didn't buy fire insurance because of their moron ex-husband's shenanigans gets a full new home.

I'm bothered that I might be jealous that their getting a new home. And I'm pissed off at some of the reasons they NEED a new home (idiot ex...)

Has made me ponder signing up to help build homes for others in our metropolitan area, though...

Anonymous said...

I love/hate that show.

I had to stop watching it because it was so depressing. I'd cry like a babbling idiot from the first intro to the reveal.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister!

ewe are here said...

I've only seen it once; we don't get it over here. I think the one I saw led to a lawsuit when the kids got booted out...was that ever resolved?

Bobita said...

What I would have done to have such a hottie bring me to tears in my college days! Now? My eyes are so puffy in the morning! They ought to recommend a cucumber eye cream before watching the show!!

Anonymous said...

I can't even watch XHM anymore, I cry every single time. It's terrible. I refuse to watch until the last 10 minutes when they are happy to see their new home.

Avalon said...

I can't watch it anymore....but for a different reason. The first season or two, it seemed like they were really helping people who needed a leg up. People who's houses burned down, got ripped off by contractors, were suffering from really nasty and often fatal illnesses...and the like. now, it's more like " I have an ugly birthmark on my head. Build me a McMansion dammit!". Less truly needy people and more people who have spent a lifetime making bad decisions.....and probably will continue to do so, just in a shiny new house. Aggravates the hell outta me ( can ya tell?)

Erin said...

I'm with ya... every freakin time!!

Lisa said...

You know when that show first came on, I told my hubby (we were living in the SMALLEST, crappiest house) "Hey, I'm going to write them too. I can make our lives sound as crappy as theirs!"

I want to see the property tax bill the owners get AFTER all of the expanion/improvements are made!

Tuesday Girl said...

God, I cried too last night after I vowed NEVER to watch it again OR cry over it.


ms blue said...

I cry because it's been a year without the use of my main bathroom. Ty, do you hear my pain? I need you!

Anonymous said...

haven't you heard? the house falls down around them after the crew leaves or at least that's what i tell myself. kinda like a home do-it-your-self project that is more costly and double the work.

i can tell myself this, can't i?

Jess Riley said...

Extreme Home Makeover recently did a house very close to my city; my best friend took her nephews to meet Ty.

You know, I've never watched that show; because I know I'd get sucked into the emotional vortex, too. But why on earth I watch shows like Animal Cops, I will never know. Maybe because it appeals to my vindictive side when they nab the bad guys.

Unknown said...

Ah! I'm not alone. Thank. God. I feel a little less like a basket case with uncontrollable teary eyes now.


Same. I'm always hysterical, even if I tune in for one minute at the end. Grrrrrr....

Michelle O'Neil said...

I usually come across it during the last two minutes, so I'm guessing at the tradgedy, diagnosis,

And I STILL cry!

The last minute crises and the gasp! Will they finish in time? horror is really annoying to me though.

Anonymous said...

I want all the stuff they give 'em when they redo the house.

Anonymous said...

yeah. it's great and it sucks all at the same time.

Anonymous said...

OMG, LMFAO! I totally agree, 100%!!

Great post!! Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's like an addiction or something. And wouldn't you just love to know that after everyone is gone, one of the new homeowners rearranges everything, or throws out a lamp, or stains the carpet, or has moles dig up the lawn, or....

petite gourmand said...

I seriously can't watch that show anymore.
I turn into a whimpering idiot with mascara running down my cheeks and smearing snot on my sleeves..
I dare not get up to get some tissue, for I might miss the "Move That Bus" part.
God Forbid.
inevitably Big daddy walks into the room to witness me in this ridiculous state of duress, then starts laughing at me.
the nerve.