Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Get in my belly!

Those are just a sampling of the foods I have to have in my house these days. Normally I would never have most of those items in my house so I have to say I like these pregnancy cravings. Scratch that - I freaking love pregnancy cravings. Love with a capital S-U-G-A-R and S-A-L-T. And while we're at it a capital F-A-T too.

I need bowls of mint chocolate chip ice cream and big glasses of cold filtered ice water with lots of ice cubes. I need pigs in a blanket from my grocer's freezer section and ham salad sandwiches with cole slaw on the side. I need burrito supremes from Taco Bell with lots of mild sauce. I need my house to smell of pumpkin pie or snickerdoodle scented candles constantly...

Ooh, snickerdoodles. I know what I'll be making tomorrow...

I need all of these things. It's almost primal. And woe to the person who gets in my way if I'm trying to put them in my shopping cart. I'm really surprised I haven't bitten someone yet. I've growled, but I haven't bitten.

I can't even explain how good it feels to eat. I don't think I could accurately describe the pleasure I take from eating some days, but I'll try. Oh yes I will.

As one example: I had a grilled cheese sandwich soon after my nausea started to abate, a very simple bread and melted cheese sandwich, and I swear to God (har) eating it was a religious experience. I seriously believe I saw Jesus in that grilled cheese. And then I ate Him and licked the plate clean. How's that for having the spirit of the Lord in you?

Those of you who have experienced Hyperemesis know what I'm talking about. Those of you who haven't should consider yourselves lucky. But imagine this - You live in a house full of food. Your refrigerator is full, your pantry is full. You have people offering you home cooked meals. You feed others (in my case, Chicky) but you, yourself, can not eat. Even though the Food Network makes you salivate - when it's not making you vomit - you have zero desire to eat. And even if you did have a smidgen of desire to put something edible in your mouth, like say water, you would almost instantly throw it back up.

I, for lack of a more suitable term, was starving. Literally. Do I deserve to eat Skittles and French Fried Onions until they're coming out of my ears. Uh, yeah.

It's over now for the most part, the sickness and the starving. I still have some not-so-great days and medication is still necessary, but as you can see from the picture I'm not hurting as much as I was a few weeks ago. That bag of chips? It'll be gone by tomorrow. And is it me or do they not make boxes of Crunch 'n Munch as big as they used to? That box is empty. Hell, it barely made it home from the grocery store this morning.

Now, lest you think my days are one big bacchanalia after another, but without the wine... Okay, it's sometimes true. But for the most part I don't really eat much because my poor stomach is still adapting to having real food in it.

If eating like a pig on occasion doesn't make you hate me just a little, well hold on to you hats. Due to my months of not eating and then sporadic eating binges, if this pregnancy is like the last one no one will know I'm pregnant and since it's winter most people won't until I'm at least 7 months. I, friends, am a skinny pregnant woman.

I know what you're thinking - Poor woman gets to eat whatever she wants and still looks skinny. Let's spread nasty rumors about her and the school nerd and not let her sit at our lunch table. But for every silver lining there has to be a rain cloud of bitchiness.

As I understand it one of the perks of pregnancy is having people give up their seat for you and help you with your groceries and shit like that. Last pregnancy I didn't get any of that special treatment. Not once. I want special treatment, dammit! Is that so much to ask for all my pain and suffering? I'm breeding future Democrats here, for chrissake.

So try not to hate me too much. Sure, I'm 17 weeks pregnant and I can still wear size 4 jeans still buttoned (no elastic band through the button hole here) during my second pregnancy. And I live on a steady diet of high fat, high calorie foods but have only put on three pounds since Thanksgiving...

Nah, go ahead and hate me. I'll just drown my sorrows in another bowl of peanut butter cup ice cream. And I may not have strangers carry my bags for me but I'm banking on walking out of the hospital after delivery in at least my size 6's. I can live with that.

T.B. Wams @17 weeks
Objects in picture may be smaller than they seem.


Thanks so much to Izzy for the fantastic job she did on my blog. Ain't it purdy?


kittenpie said...

It's stunning.
As are you, you sexy thang.
But yeah, you totally deserve soem good bingeing after all that suffering, poor girl. Eat away.
(And me? When I was a 110 lb teenager, I never fit size 6, so I don't even get the skinny business. I love you anyhow.)

Heather said...

I am 16 weeks pregnant and have LOST 14 pounds. Of course I probably weigh twice as much as you to begin with.

Glad to hear that you're enjoying some food again.

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

I feel for you Heather. I lost 16 pounds. It's a bitch.

motherbumper said...

Binge away, do it while the window is open.

The new look is fantastic - I love it. Lookin' good Mrs. Chicky.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! If you need to eat, you FREAKIN EAT! Its amazing how starving you can feel even when you are not recovering from throwing up for 4 months! I personally put on a million pounds when pregnant, but I can say that it is 90% baby! 9 lbders will do that to ya~

Tania said...

My cravings still betray me. I can't keep it all down yet. BTW, 12 weeks, and down 8lbs. I think I'm on the gain though.

Christina said...

I lost nearly 10 pounds in the first trimester with Mira and then for the entire pregnancy only gained 5 pounds.

And I do remember the hunger and the cravings. Remember me at BlogHer this year? I was only breastfeeding at that point, but getting between me and the food trays could get a person seriously hurt.

Anonymous said...

Hate you? I'm freaking jealous. I swear, your tummy is smaller than mine and I'm NOT pregnant, you bitch!

Eat all you want. Eat more than you want. Cravings are da bomb!

IzzyMom said...

You need to steal one of those belly pillows from the Motherhood Maternity changing room so you can get that special treatment. After all you've been through, you've totally earned it!

(Don't hate me but I never threw up once with either of my pregnancies. But I also gained 38 lbs while thoroughly enjoying the hell out many, many grilled reubens, orange popsicles and a truckload of chocolate)

Anonymous said...

I didn't have hyperemesis during either of my pregnancies, but I did vomit a few times each day for the entire pregnancy. I lost 20 pounds with my older son and 15 pounds with my younger. On Christmas Day 2001 my grandfather looked at me and said, "Well, you're finally starting to look pregnant." I was 6 days overdue at that time. He made the same statement when I was about 7 months along with my younger son. I just carried both my boys really deep inside my abdomen.

Enjoy the eating before the third trimester acid reflux comes into play!

Lisa said...

Yes! Taste buds seem to come ALIVE when you are pregnant after that first trimester. (Ok. Maybe just yours and mine? heehee )I once ate a corn dog and mac&cheese and felt euphoric over its yumminess. \

But deary, you've earned your skinny-pregnant status. Wow.

Oh and LOVE the new look. So pretty.

flutter said...

awwww, oh Chicky!

you are adorable. seriously.

Phoenix said...

I'm just so happy that you can eat again. And really this is the best time of year to be able to eat again.

I'm breeding future Democrats here...too dam funny.

Lara said...


Blog Antagonist said...

Love, love, love the new look! Soooooo, sophisticated!!

I can't help being a little jealous of the weight thing. I had pre-eclampsia and gained 35 pounds in one week. Yes, you heard right. It was mostly water, but still.

But I know what a horror hyperemisis is. One of my clients had it with both pregnancies and I watched her suffer for nine months straight both times.

You're damn tootin' you deserve to eat!!! Eat to your hearts' content darling. Just remember to give that baby some nutritious stuff too. Sorry, can't help it. It's the doula in me. ;?)

Hannah said...

On the one hand I am very jealous, because I don't think I've been that skinny since I was a teenager. I weigh the same now at five months than I did at nine months and counting with the first pregnancy. Because I get the food cravings but every calorie sticks to something.

On the other hand, I'm so happy for you that you can finally eat again, that I don't care how obnoxiously skinny you are. Enjoy the holiday lard-fest.

Fine For Now said...

The new look is awesome and holy crap you are tiny! Congrats on finally being able to eat! :o)

OhTheJoys said...

Eat up girl! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I will be posting some belly pics tomorrow I am only 12 weeks people have been asking if i'm "getting close". I have gained zero weight and yet... well. I looks like I could eat you for a snack. Are you one of those women who leaves the hospital after having your baby in prepregnancy clothing? if so I may never be able to read you again..

Clink said...

No hatred here! I went 28 weeks on nothing but watermelon and ice pops. The one morning I woke up...and I was hungry...really really hungry. I not only wanted food but could make, eat and digest said food without illness. It was glorious!
Enjoy every second of it!!

Julie Marsh said...

Love the redesign!

And enjoy yourself. Truly. I don't know how you and others handle the hyperemesis, so I don't begrudge you the carte blanche eating and size 4's one bit.

karengreeners said...

yeah, you need to start eating those french fried onions and ice cream. pronto. because i don't want to hate you.

Redneck Mommy said...

Before I start insulting you, let me just tell you how much I love the new template. Well done to both you and Izzy!

Now, down to business...

You may be skinnier than me...at 17 weeks preggers (boy does that hurt to admit...) but I'm cuter.

Ya, fat and cute. No wonder the hubs is rushing home to see me...wink, wink.

Manic Mommy said...

Not even a little jealous of your ability to eat whatever. You DEFINITELY paid it forward.

Love new look. If I were a six, I'd show my ass, not my shoes.

- maybe a *little* jealous.

T with Honey said...

Glad to hear you're eating and enjoying it!

And I fully understand what its like to be a skinny pregnant woman. I walked in for my 38 week appointment when I asked the nurse if I needed to strip down for the exam she got confused. Then she looked at my chart and started to apologize... she thought I was only 6 months along. I gave birth to Princess, all 7 pounds of her a mere 4 days later.

No one showed any extra kindness in those last months but I didn't have strangers trying to touch my belly at the grocery store either. :)

TSintheC said...

What a cute little bump. And a beautilicious redesign. Eat away mama. It'll come back to bite you when you hit your mid-40's. hahahahahahhaha.

Seriously, you look great (well, between the boobs and the thighs anyway!)

Cristina said...

The blog looks great and so do you! I'm so glad the worst is over with the hypermensis. You are a trooper.

moosh in indy. said...

Welcome back to the land of food hogs baby.
I went home as a size four.
Suck it.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Your blog and your bump are adorable.

Also, I once made 10 deviled eggs in my office out of eggs from the basement cafeteria and two packets of mayo. I ate them all in 16 seconds. I probably don't have to mention that I was pregnant.

Rachel said...

Your new blog is Gawgeous and darling just like you.
I have been there. I lost 17 pounds in the first 15 weeks. I feel your pain.
I was 9 months pregnant and you couldn't tell from the back.
Go on with your adorable self.
Enjoy your salt, your fat, your sugar and your darling little baby bump.
You cute thing you!

Kimberly said...

I love your new look! And you? Look wonderful! Eat away!

the new girl said...

You are giving me pregnancy flashbacks. Before I got pregnant I told everyone that I was going to look like a little meatball but I ended up looking like a bread-stick! lol.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream. PB cup ice cream. Grilled Cheese. Seriously, those were my MAINSTAYS when I was sick and pregnant. Lawd, lawd. I can't believe you did it a second time.

I'm glad that it's easing up, for realz. 17 weeks. Whew.

the new girl said...

ps. I LOVE the new look!

b*babbler said...

You go ahead and chow down on any old thing you want.

When I was on hospital bedrest with Peanut just before she was born at 32 weeks, nurses who hadn't been brought up to speed on me would enter the room and ask why I was there. Yeah, that's how pregnant I looked. I missed all the special treatment, and it truly sucked. Pampering! Seats given up on transit! Help with tall shelves!

Nada. Bupkiss.

So chow down, plump T. B Wams up and go and grab some breeding lady treatment!

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