Friday, January 04, 2008

Someday people will start believing me when I speak

Before I had Chicky I was convinced I wanted a boy. I grew up a tomboy and still enjoyed things like sports and a good noogie from time to time, so naturally I would have a boy.

And even though I knew from conception that my baby would be a girl I was still surprised when we got the ultrasound results. A girl? Me? Really? Uh, what do I do with it?

I've gotten used to having a girl, I will admit. I love my girl. I love almost everything about her. I could do without the crazy mood swings and the teenage angst that is sure to come our way, but the girl clothes? C'mmmon. How can you not love a pair of boots with fuzzy pom poms? I only wish they came in my size.

Way back when I predicted another girl child for the Chicky family. Apparently everyone else in my family was convinced it was a boy. Which just goes to show you that you should always listen to the mother.

We had our ultrasound today. It's a GIRL.

We've already begun saving for things like the latest fashions, weddings, and the therapy that will have to happen because there will be three stubborn females living in one household.


Loralee Choate said...

I want a girl with the power of a thousand burning suns.


Whirlwind said...

Aww. Cool.

Yeah we are not looking forward to having three in high school and then three in college and then three weddings probably all around the same time.

Susan Getgood said...

I knew my son was a boy from the get-go. I did want him very much, but when I finally got pregnant it was the worst possible time for me professionally. I joked that men had been F***ing with my life all my life, why would this be any different. :-)

SciFi Dad said...

Congratulations! Although three girls? One house? I don't care how many bathrooms there are, I still say, "Yikes!"

ms blue said...

Oh your two Chicky's are going to be a dynamite duo.


Amy said...

Sisters are the best. Wonderful news.

kittenpie said...

Awesome! I so want another girl in our house, and so does pumpkinpie...

EUC said...

Congratulations! My sister and I survived childhood (and we'll about as far apart as chicky and the baby) just fine and are even friends now. Yay!

Ali said...

yay for baby girls.

ha! i posted those boots from target on my Juice site yesterday!

Amy Urquhart said...

Wow, that's great! Three women, sisters and friends. Terrific. Congrats!


slow panic said...

congratulations. i envy your shopping for all the cute little girlie clothes

Anonymous said...

Chicky Chicky indeed.


Tania said...

Two daughters sounds perfect. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME.

The three women in this house have a fabulous time together. Especially the two younger ones. And the man actually has a pretty good time too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Read "The Wink" ( if you don't - you'll fall into the magic of sisters.

I would also stock up on Midol and tampons. (snirk)

Jess said...


Rachel said...

Congratulations sweetie!
Our princess is the first girl in 11 generations (his side obviously) and nobody believed me when I told them she was a girl! Then, nobody believed me when I said monkey was a boy! WTH?

CONGRATS!!! I've been thinking about you today!

karengreeners said...

hooray! two baby girls are the best. you're gonna love it. congratulations!

Jacquie said...

How fun, coming from a 3 girl household Daddy has decided he is going to invest in 3 ladders and encourage eloping ;-)


Julie Pippert said...

If you don't already know from my stories about life with my sister and my stories about my two are in for something so special, a real treat.

Congratulations. :)

Her Bad Mother said...

Girls are awesome. No question. BIG, warm huggy congrats!!!

Sarahviz said...

Yay! So very happy for you and your family.
Chicky Baby is gonna be a GREAT big sister to this new little darling.

Stimey said...

Congrats on a girl! I wrote just the opposite post today. Originally wanted girls, got boys, totally happy. Of course, mine are all already here. The teenage years are going to be crazy I think.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Woo hoo! Sisters are wonderful little creatures! Congrats!

Christina said...

Congrats! Just think - you can reuse all of the cute girl clothes. It's a big advantage for us.

mo-wo said...

Congratulations on your girl news. Will we call her Chicky Little.

Sorry -- I love a groaner late on a Friday night.

And I was pretty happy when we went boy-o with #2... #1 daughter has proven my longstanding prediction that I just can't handle all the junk girls want you to do with their hair.

mamatulip said...


Cristina said...

Speaking as a mom of two boys, I can say that I am thoroughly jealous. Though I do love my boys, but still. I would love to have a daughter one day too.

Congrats, you!

mod*mom said...

congratulations lucky mama!
i was sure i was having a boy, but i LOVE my daughter sosoooooo much. she's the best + her clothes are too.

email said...

I always thought I would have boys, for the same reasons you listed. I now have four girls, zero boys. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Domesticator said...


Congrats on the good news, Mrs. C.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

You are a regular Nostradamus.

Seriously, congrats.

Manic Mommy said...

I absolutely knew that HRH was a boy despite having girl dreams constantly. RC was supposed to be my girl but I wouldn't change him for the world. Third time's the charm?

Congratulations to you and your Chickies.

I take it everything else was just right too. The best news.

Girlplustwo said...

sigh...i so love little girls.

OhTheJoys said...

Who better than a strong, kick ass mama to raise a house full of girls?

You go!

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than a house filled with estrogen.

Congratulations. Lil Chicky is going to be a fabulous big sister.

(Well, at least until she hits her teen years...then all bets are off...wink, wink.)

Hope you're feeling fabulous!

BOSSY said...

Congratulations! Bossy always did have a "Little Women" fantasy. By the way, Bossy always believes you when you speak.

Unknown said...

Yay for girl parts! Congrats!

Magpie said...

Yeah! And the hand-me-downs will work well!

Heather B. said...

Awww! How very exciting. Also, love the new header.

Kristin said...

Beautiful! 2 lovely chick-a-dees!

And, yes, feel free to name her after me... that's "Kristin" (note the second "i") middle name "Malia", confirmation name, "Regina'...

Di said...

Woo hoo, girl or boy, a new baby is a GREAT addition to a family!

Melanie said...

Congratulations! At least you'll know what to expect.

Mayberry said...


(that's for the girl AND the boots.)

carrie said...

That sisterly thing is going to be so amazing to watch.

Luck you! And, congratulations, again! :)

Lawyer Mama said...


Oh - and I love, love, love the pink and black shoes. I want them.

(Those boots are pretty cute too. Can I just come raid your closet?)

Unknown said...

CONGRATS! Another girl!!!

Although I love my boy - those girl clothes sure are cutie patootie!

Unknown said...

P.S. Sorry I have been MIA, and happy belated holidays and new years!

Phoenix said...

Ohhhh two girls, so cool. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Yay, two girls together are so much fun! Congratulations!

Childsplayx2 said...

Your poor, poor husband.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

I'm a tomboy too...and I LOVE my boys...but my girl, well she's just the best! Congratulations!

Creative-Type Dad said...


I hope your husband can survive all that estrogen.

dlyn said...

It is survivable, even with only one bathroom - ours are in their twenties now and still speaking to me :)

Kyla said...


the new girl said...

Chicky, chicky, CHICKY, baby.

Congrats on aaaaall the x's out your way.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

W00t! Congratulations!!!

Wait, this isn't a no-w00t zone is it?

Avalon said...

Oh, Mrs. C~~~~~ How wonderful. And scary.

Everydaytreats said...

Yaay for girls! Big hugs!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have three girls now and it is fun!

By the way, my 16 year old just got almost the same boots in size 9. They were from Kohls.

Kimberly said...

Congrats! I have 2 girls and they are the light of my life. They are also very, very close already. Even knowing that they someday will plot and conspire against me, I'm thrilled to see them together. You have many fun, special times ahead - lucky you!

Don Mills Diva said...

Congratulations! I think you learn to LOVE not just like whatever sex you get. I was CONVINCED I had to have a girl. Now that I have a boy I have CONVINCED myself that's all I ever wanted!

Binky said...

Ahhh! How exciting! I will have to wait till my spawn pops out to see if I'm in the same boat as you or not. My family is all convinced it's a boy...but I really have no intuition either way. Best wishes!

motherbumper said...

Congratulations for padding your side of the vote in your household and three cheers for grrrl power.

Alex Elliot said...

Congratulations! I thought I was having a girl both times and was surprised at the ultrasounds.

Mom101 said...

I was so excited to see Thalia's very boots in that picture (thanks, Tar-zhay) that I was all set to write about boots and then


You're having a girl!

Aw, Mrs. Chicky, it's been so great having two girls. Sisters. Forever. So wonderful.

PunditMom said...

YAY girls! Mr. PunditMom is outnumbered, too -- but he likes it! ;)

Ruth Dynamite said...
