Thursday, January 10, 2008

Come on, I'm promising you dog porn in return

Apparently it's Delurking Day. I love comments as much as the next guy, or girl, so today is the day to come out from behind that computer screen and say "HI!" *waving*, or "First time commenter, long time reader". You know, something like that.

I feel like Lucy Van Pelt on days like these. Comments, comments, comments! The beautiful sound of plinking comments. Because that's what comments sound like to me. Plink.So delurk already. If only just to say hi. Or to compare heinous hangnails (I've got one on my thumb right at this very moment that hurts like a bitch). Or to tell me whether you're a cat person or a dog person. How about to tell me you're going to send me boxes of Twinkies? That would be cool. And I, in turn, promise you a pornographic dog post for tomorrow. You know your interest is piqued now.

Thanks to Rude Cactus for kicking this off and Greeblemonkey for the fantastical image.


Whirlwind said...

Not a lurker, but "hi"

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

If I leave more comments do you promise NOT to show dog porn?

email said...

I'm going to send you boxes of Twinkies. Um, do you expect follow-through, 'cause I'm not the follow-through type. So scratch the whole Twinkie thing.

Maggie said...

Plink, Plink - I will delurk, since you asked so nicely. But I think I agree with Sarah...what does it take to get you not to show the dog porn?

Whirlwind said...

Oh and can I just send Girl Scout Cookies instead? I'm about to be up to my freaking eyeballs in them.

Arwen said...

Hi! I comment from time to time so I am not really delurking but I may need you to set up a pay pal account so I can hire you from a long distance to help with puppy training. And now that I have talked about a baby (dog) I think you can't post dog porn, that would be obscene.

slow panic said...

I think I have commented, but hi anyways -- just in case I haven't..... have a great day.

Don Mills Diva said...

Not really a lurker but HI!

Greens and Pinks said...

Not a lurker but just saying a quick hi because I have a pregnancy migraine headache and now I am blind.
Also I think I may steal that image for my own blog because since I am blind I cannot compose a real post today.

Dog person.

Julie Marsh said...

I am very grumpy and uncomfortable, but for you I will leave a comment. A nice one, even.

Bri said...

I'm pretty sure I've commented before, but it's been a while, so Hi! I am a cat person AND a dog person, but it's been a while since I've had enough room for a dog.

Anonymous said...

Lalala.... my brain can't think.

Delurking day... it wasn't on my calendar!

Kyla said...

You already know me...but hi!

I like dogs and cats. They both have their own strengths.

SciFi Dad said...

Not a long-time reader, but a reader nonetheless.

Dog porn is hawt.

Unknown said...

Hey you.

Ali said...

you know i'm here ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Chicky!!!!! I'll be back for the dog porn tomorrow.

Magpie said...

Cats. Definitely cats.

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...


Have a nice day :)

Carol said...

No dog porn, thanks. But HI!

Carol in Seattle

Mayberry said...


I am a dog person ... I've even discussed my dog with you, probably for far longer than you actually cared to do so.

Radioactive Tori said...

I am lurking lately instead of commenting, so hi!

SJINCO said...

Hi! I've commented before but not always. Oh, and I'm so a dog person.

Unknown said...

I like both dogs and cats. Never commented before. Delurking just to say I am enjoying your site a lot....although the dog porn sounds er oddly creepy? Tommorrow should be quite interesting!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have commented, but only once or twice (I think, I don't really keep track.)

Dog person and torn over the whole doggie porn issue. Knowing your position on animals I am sure no animals were actually harmed in the making of the porn. I hope. And at the same time, ewww.


All Things BD said...

I don't really lurk, but I'll come forth and say hi anyway, if only to give a big ditto to NO dog porn.

Anonymous said...

I lurk! I read all the time but not for the dog porn.

Anonymous said...

You had me at dog porn!

Genevieve Hinson said...

Delurk, delurk, delurk. Stopping by AND saying Hi. :)

flutter said...

I think I generally talk too much in your space anyway, but Heeellllloooooooo

Anonymous said...

You are the third and last person today that has called me out for being a lurker. It really isn't my fault though. One or both of my kids usually start crying before I can read, post to my own blog and comment on everyone elses. And no I don't feel ashamed for blaming my kids. That's what I had them for. :)

Anonymous said...

Not a lurker, but I'm blowing you a kiss anyhow.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I've commented before, but here I am ;)

Anonymous said...

Im guilty! Love your blog! it helps me remember why I dont want to get pregnant again, one sick preggy to another. And please no dog porn, I dont want my 11 month old to see that.

Loralee Choate said...

Not a lurker, and definitely have enough pornographic, grody animal interaction at my own house, but it's always nice to say "HI and love the blog" (The shoes in your banner KILL ME)

Christina said...

I'm lurking more often now just due to being overwhelmed. And lazy.

And I'm both a cat and dog person, although I've only ever had cats. But they're Siamese, so they act like dogs.

kelly said...

i lurk because i'm new, which will change.

ps-dog porn is not necessary, i get enough of it @ home as it is.....from my dogs, not by tv.

Mandy said...

Discovered you a couple weeks ago (maybe a month or so now).


Love your writing style! I can relate to the potty training as I have an untrained 3 year old boy.

Lori at Spinning Yellow said...

I've left a comment or two in the past, I think. But mostly lurk, so "Hi!" Dog person, do not care for cats at all. But am not interested in doggy porn. Learned lots about myself and parenting during dog obedience classes. My ten year old pitbull rules our house, so I guess I should go back to school!

So glad you are feeling better!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if I've ever commented before, so I suppose I had better delurk to be on the safe side! And I'm a cat person, but I look forward to your dirty dog story.

Anonymous said...

Do virtual twinkies count? If so, there's a box on the way. :-)

Stimey said...

As I have been know to post semi-obscene photos of elephants (okay, just the one) on my site, I'll delurk for the dog porn.

Jen said...

I can't remember if I've commented before so I thought I'd better say hi and let you know that I LOVE your blog. You are absolutely the most hilarious mom I've *not* met. I stumbled upon your blog some time ago and just keep coming back!

Clink said...

Part Lurker...Part Commenter...I am all about dogs but only have cats.
Really...Twinkies? What about Hostess Cupcakes? Devil Dogs?
Who doesn't love a frozen Devil Dog?
Oh and if it wasn't for my baby leeching the life out of me I had a few comments about your Patriots post from last week...Alas it waits for another day!

motherbumper said...


I'll say more after I see the porn (damn girl, your keyword search results from this post are going to be through the roof and nasty).

I'm resisting driving it through the roof by mentioning that you should offer p***y porn for the cat persons.

Amy said...

boo! sorry, it's all I can manage today.

Bea said...


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a sometimes commenter, sometimes lurker. I think we're both due with our babies about the same time.

I never hear about these delurking days until it's pretty much too late to ask people to delurk!

Kizz said...

I'm a dog person. I'm not going to send you Twinkies, though. Twinkies are evil. Your ding dongs are in the mail. :)

Lara said...

hi! i heart you lots. that is all.

Devra said...

Until I got here to delurk, I was living without any awareness of dog porn.

I'm such a pussy when it comes to porn. Aren't I?

Did I just hear some roof crashing?

Devra said...

I meant to just say I'm a cat person.


Anonymous said...

I can't remember if I've commented before, but I've had you in my google reader for at least four months!
I hate Crocs and Uggs. I love M&M's and Wheat Thins. Together.

Lawyer Mama said...

Dog porn?

Um, sweetie, do we need to have an intervention? Maybe that alpaca farm isn't such a good idea....

Childsplayx2 said...

Twittering over to say hi.

I'm more into kitty porn. But I might see what all the fuss is about for Dog porn.

Arkie Mama said...

Delurking as ordered.

I'm a dog person.

If I stumble across a box of Twinkies, chances are I'll eat them before they go anywhere.

Bring on the dog porn...

Chris said...

Definitely a dog person. But not *that* much of a dog person that I'll be back tomorrow.

Denice said...

I can't remember if I've commented before, but I'll comment today to say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Also, can I be both a cat and a dog person? 'Cause I just don't think I can choose… :)

Hannah said...

I missed it. Again. Didn't even post yesterday. So I guess I can't complain that I get excited when I have six comments. It's really my own fault.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Sorry about that hangnail. I don't have any, but I do have this nasty zit on my shoulder, damn irritating bra strap.

I don't normally lurk here...but I thought I'd say hi anyway. Though a day late...Happy Belated Delurker Day!

Jen said...

Hi, I'm a lurker coming out of the woodwork! I think that you are hilarious and I love reading your blog.


p.s. I'm a dog person

Fine For Now said...

I have comment before, but hello again! Cat and Dog person. :o)

Lara said...

Dog person. And hi! :)

Ms. Huis Herself said...

Dang! I didn't know about delurking day yesterday or I would have done it too - especially with that hilarious image! So, well, here's a "plink" for today anyway.

justmylife said...

Can't for the life of me remember if I ever commented before, but I have been reading, so HI! Puppy porn not required.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Dog person. Newly preggers. Could we see some shoe porn instead? As in, shoes so awesome they might just be as good as porn?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I love your witty blogs, I love sarcasium and all it does for our wonderful society! Keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

I'm a 2 boxer person unless we have a foster. And I wonder how close we are to you since we're in sort of middle-eastern NY (like south and west of Albany) and close to Pittsfield. Not that it matters. Except I'm ALWAYS in the market for a trainer. I'm delurking a day late and sound like I have ADD at the same time. Perfect.

Moments Of Mom said...

Occasional Lurker, Occasional commenter....

Hi! I hate hang nails too!

Karen Bodkin said...

Hi but um, dog porn? Just say no.

Erin said...

Little late to the game here, but I'm officially de-lurking! (creepy sounding, but whatevs!)
I've been a fan for a while...I can't believe Chicky is almost 3!! Congrats on your latest addition (sounds like a blast! j/k)...I'm sure Chicky will be a great older sister!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Crap! I meant to take part in this year's delurking day! Instead, I've fallen behind 300 or so posts and I can't get up!

1A said...

Did somebody say Twinkies?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I want to lurk in your pants.

Anonymous said...

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