Monday, August 27, 2007

You got the peaches, I got the cream

Okay, have you seen the promo for the new season of Martha? The one with Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" over quick cuts of melted chocolate being poured over cakes, sugar sprinkled over ripe berries, syrup drizzled over baked pears?

Def Leppard. Martha Stewart.

Talk about two thing that don't go together.

Sadly I'm completely turned on.

Def Leppard was cool when I was a kid - about cough 20 cough years ago - and that song was huge. It was almost naughty to sing it, being all of about 14 or so when it was first released. I was Little Miss Innocent. Now? Not so much.

These days you'll hear the song most often in strip clubs. So I'm told.


That song was totally hot, but now it's being used to promote unobtainable standards in homemaking. I freaking love it.

This makes me officially old. I think I'll go put on Hysteria and bake a cake to drown my sorrows in, because that's the extent of my hot sticky sweet action these days.


Anonymous said...

Loooove Def Leppard. And anything is definitely hotter and creamier with a dose of Hysteria.

Great, now I'm going to have Def Leppard in my head for the rest of the day. I know what CD I'm putting in when I get home though!

Trena said...

Aaahh....takes me right back to eighth grade and my ratted bang-days (thankfully all those pictures are SO hidden, never to see the light of day). Have fun baking your cake ;).

flutter said...

Um, how about her posing with the members of Evanscence? My mind was blown. BLOWN.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Gotta love Martha!

Girlplustwo said...

i was SUCH a def leppard junkie. started when i was 13. it's amazing how bad and how good it is simultaneously.

you, me, the sox and some lep. now we are talking. wicked cool.

painted maypole said...

loved that song! and martha? strange.

S said...

Martha fascinates me. I get the feeling that under that very anal and repressed exterior, there is a LOT going on...

Avalon said...

I would love for someone to pour some sugar on Martha.....then leave her outside, suspiciously close to a Fire Ant nest.

motherbumper said...

Oh yeah baby, oh oh oh oh ....

PASS THE FREAKIN' CAKE because that is the best sounding hot sticky sweet action I've heard in a while.

Anonymous said...


Lawyer Mama said...

The next thing you know, we'll be hearing Def Leppard musac in elevators.

Jennifer said...

I didn't take you for the Martha type! But definitely the Def Leppard type! Gotta love 80's hair bands.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Martha, martha, martha---the possibilities are endless now that she's entered the world of hair bands---just think of the promos: She's My Cherry Pie (baking); Every Rose has a Thorn (flower arranging); Talk Dirty to Me (cleaning). . .

OhTheJoys said...

Even when I was an alterna-teen wearing black and listening to dark and tortured music I couldn't deny the coolness of that sone. Dude. Pour some sugar on me.

Lisa said...

I don't think ANY of us saw that coming... Listening to that song years ago...

Lara said...

i was listening to that song recently at the new boy's house, and when i informed him that it was one of the best stripper songs ever, he made me prove it.


whoa, sorry, was that way too personal for the comments section of someone else's blog? shows what i know about social etiquette...

Yuriko said...

You're old? Really? Then I can't wait to be old like you :) cuz you're so cool!

Lara: Hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

The best was when Martha Stewart and freaking Coolio presented an award together at the MTV Music Awards a few years ago.

Yeah, when I think of Martha, I totally think cutting edge badass. (although, she does have street cred with her jail sentence, so touche.)

Jane, P&B Girls

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

I am so going to see them play tonight. In about an hour and 45 minutes. Of course there is also Foreigner and Styx, but DL is headlining. Woot.

Tuesday Girl said...

God bnow I want to eat cake while watching Martha.

Sadly, we liked that song in 8th grade but my Mom was the one who went out and bought the tape for herself.
Very embarrassing.

Phoenix said...

I never would have though Def Leppard would sell out for money. I guess everyone's buyable these days.

It doesn't make me want to watch Martha though.

Julie Pippert said... about your oxymoron LOL.

It's hearing musaked versions of dance club songs while grocery shopping. OY hand me a walker why doncha.

I have inside Martha stories. From the ex side. That is one tightly wound lady with a seriously complicated back story.

Ravin' Picture Maven

Denice said...

I don't get the channel with Martha Stewart's show, but I can't believe they are using Def Leppard for a promo! I too was a 14-year-old singing that song. Good god, was it really that long ago!?

Jill Urbane, The Mentor Mom said...

Yikes, Def Leppard?! I saw those promos! Speaking of Def Leppard, I saw them last week on Kelly and Regis performing said song. Let's just say that time has not been kind to them. Funny, I will forever see them in my mind as young and hunky as opposed to old, balding and wrinkly with crackling voices.

Christina said...

Oh, I loved Def Leppard. Although I loved Guns N Roses just a little more, I think.

Little ol' Me said... funny. It's amazing to me to hear these songs that were SO hot when I was in high school and college. Now they just sound so sad and dorky, you know?

Cracking up over your post!

Julie Marsh said...

Love bites...and so does getting old.

Anonymous said...

Honey, you can pour some sugar on me any time.

Not Martha though.

She'll never be cool to me. You'd never catch her wearing a Red Sox hat. Or any other sporting type paraphernalia.

Not like you. Totally wicked, dude.

Cathy, Amy and Kristina said...

Loved. Def. Leppard.

(still do)

I saw them in concert, way back when. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I watched Martha daily for about 3 months this winter, and then stopped cold. She's so odd, that woman. She's obviously uncomfortable in front of the camera, she is not great at interviewing or small talk, and she often seems to just want to talk about herself and her house/garden/pets than anything else. And yet she does this show with stars, some of whom you just know she has no clue about.

And RedNeck Mommy is wrong. I've seen Martha wear sweats several times, when she demonstrates yoga or her exercise program. And in a baseball hat, too. Yankees, unfortunately. Obviously she's misguided about baseball.

Amanda said...

You can't keep that woman down. And now I can get rid of the memory of the pole vaulting Def Leppard fanatic that I pined for during track practice. Ripped bleach jeans with frayed rips in the knees for days.

Bea said...

I don't think I ever really paid attention to that title lyric before. What does it mean???? This feels a bit like the time I saw Grease on TV in high school and realized that Rizzo thought she was PREGNANT!

Heather said...

There are so many 80s songs that are so wrong...they're kind of right.

Beck said...

Martha is SO weird - her talk show is so misguided and unwatchable. She should have stayed removed from normal humanity, because watching her bumble around with her guests has UTTERLY removed her homemaking mistique for me.
And that ad is the most brilliant ad of all time. Ha!

Mommin' It Up! said...

I am also quite old, and I remember in 5th grade when the song came out, one of my friends (at church!!) trying to explain to innocent little me what it meant. I don't think she freakin' knew eiher.

mamatulip said...

Cripes. You know when they start using songs like that in commercials that you're OLD. That song takes me back to grade six, for chrissake.

Tania said...

Uhhhhhhh, you said "turned on" and "Martha Stewart" in the same post...

petite gourmand said...

I haven't seen that yet- but "GO Martha!"

next thing you know she'll be making homemade hand puppets to "master of puppets" with Metallica.

now that would be a show I would watch.

Jenny said...

I haven't seen that promos. Damn, that song is still fabulous in my eyes! I have the Greatest Hits CD to prove it!!

Debbie said...

you know I think that's fucking hilarious, right? (you making a cake to Hysteria, not the martha thing, although that's funny too, I suppose; funny, as in, oh, ha ha, yes, I'm-gonna-need-bifocals-soon funny, iow, not so very funny).

Damselfly said...

Yeah, totally strange combo, but I love it too.

Anonymous said...

God, I still love that song.

Creative-Type Dad said...

Yes, that song is still played at strip clubs.

So I'm told...

moosh in indy. said...

I bake cakes to that song.

Anonymous said...

the promo is up on

EE said...

You've taken me back to my middle school days!

mcbeshe said...

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