Tuesday, March 11, 2008

All he asks from me is the food to give him strength, All he ever needs is love and that he knows he'll get

*We have an update! It's below! Oh yes it is!*

Fisher, my dog, recently went through a rough couple of weeks but he's getting back to his old, frisky self. He's even daring to try to mount Lana, the real bitch of the house. And she promptly lays the smack down on his ass. Which he loves. The dumb little shit goes back for more. Apparently my boy dog loves him some rough lovin'.

Lana says: Watch as I open up this can of wup ass on the big dummy.


Tomorrow he'll be getting operated on. The vet will be going into his liver to take a sample to biopsy.

It's hard for me to go through with this now that he's acting so much like his old self. I feel a bit responsible for not speaking up for the poor pooch in the last month. The vet messed with the poor dog's system with too many medications on top of each other. I should have known better, and I did, but I was caught up with trying to get him well again.

I tell my students constantly that it's alright to question what your pet's doctor is prescribing. I believe in titers and not over-vaccinating. I think a proper diet is important to an animals well being and if you tell me your dog's food comes from the supermarket and it looks like little pork chops and fake carrots I'll tell you exactly how I feel about that vile crap you're feeding your four-legged friend.

And then it's my dog who ends up sick at an early age.

Fuck you, Irony. Crawl away and die.

But this post was not supposed to be about me beating myself up. Live and learn. Besides, I've been doing enough self-flaggelation lately.

What I need, what Fisher needs, is your good thoughts, prayers, juju, whatever. We need positivity and good vibes so that the doctor won't find any funny little cells in his biopsy.

And I, in return, will give you a cute dog and his girl picture:

Oh, the love. The looooove. Can you feel it?

It's an oldie but a goodie.

Tonight Mr. C gave Chicky, who was being hell on wheels, a choice between giving him a kiss or kissing Fisher on the nose. Guess which one she chose?


We need this dog to be around for a long time.

(The Cat Stevens song the title of this post came from can be found here. Dear lawd, it got me all choked up. And I DO NOT blame pregnancy hormones at all.)

*No biopsy after all! Hurrah!! The vet checked Fisher's values again and found they had gone way down so a biopsy is not necessary at this point. They're running another, much less invasive test right now as we speak but so far things look pretty good. There are some weird numbers but nothing to be too freaked out about.

Which makes me wonder one of two things: 1) You all have got some powerful juju and you might want to consider playing the lottery or 2) My vet is fucking with us and the battery of tests the poor dog has had in the past month are all bogus. I'm hoping for the juju thing. Good luck with those scratch tickets.

He still has bladder stones and will require a very expensive (oh my christ) operation and at that time they might take a piece of his liver to test. But until then we'll all go along our merry way and pretend there is nothing wrong with him and none of this happened. Which is the way I prefer to live anyway.



flutter said...

aww. fisher, I am thinking of you buddy

Her Bad Mother said...

oh, fisher. good thoughts, big sloppy hugs.

(yes, can feel the loooove. oh yes)

Paige said...

Our Lab is our best friend, too, and it must be so hard to be in your shoes right now.
Many, many doggy thoughts and prayers are coming your way...

karengreeners said...

I'm pulling for ya, Fisher. He's a beauty.

Jess said...

Oh, he's lovely. What a sweet face!

Anonymous said...

Sending Fisher all the sloppy wet french tongue kisses and healthy doggy vibes we can muster.

Mandy said...

Chilco, our wheaton terrier, sends a big doggie woof and lick through the internet.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Big sloppy dog kisses to you. Hope things go well with Fisher.

Heather said...

Sending good healthy cell doggie juju...

Amy Urquhart said...

Big, cuddly doggy hugs for Fisher (and you).


Anonymous said...

Consider good wishes, thoughts and prayers sent.
Good all fingers and pyr paws crossed for the charming and handsome Fisher!
kath in NH

Anonymous said...

Sending thoughts and hugs to Fisher and admiration for the great photos.

OhTheJoys said...

I hope all goes well, my friend.

Avalon said...

We are sending all sorts of doggie ju-ju to Fisher.

motherbumper said...

Sending all the love and positive juju Fisher's way.

Picture is making me wanna make more babies.

Anonymous said...

You know I know just how important and special dogs are. I am thinking of you guys and sending tons of love Fisher's way.

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Julie Pippert said...

Good wishes...of course good wishes. All our hope and doggie hope too.

(I knew the answer re. the kiss. LOL)

Adorable photo.

BOSSY said...

Ohhhhh, Bossy is wishing you the best.

mamatulip said...

YAY! No biopsy? That's awesome!!!

Tania said...

It's so nice to get this update. I've been thinking about you guys a lot, and hope this is the upswing for you.

Alex Elliot said...

That's great news! Now I'm totally curious who the vet is.

Christina said...

Good news! Here's hoping he continues to get better and makes a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

I am so relieved I came to read after the good news update is posted. Still sending all my love and good vibes to sweet Fisher. Bogey is too. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Our dogs (in the collective "our" and "dogs" sense) are a very important part of our lives. I'm so happy for you and Fisher and the Chicky family - knowing that things are looking up.

Now, must go buy my lottery ticket.

kittenpie said...

Yay! Glad I got here for the update so I could tell you and Fisher how glad I am things are looking, if not yet perfect, at least better and less worrisome. Way to go, dawg!

Anonymous said...

So happy Fisher is on the mend. I'd kiss that pooch any time.

But then, as you know, I'm easy.

Take care of yourself and that dog, woman.

And while I don't buy my doggie food at a supermarket, I am worried that I'm feeding him crap. (and not just the crap I cook, either...lol.) Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear Fisher didn't have to get the biopsy.

The picture of the boy and his girl is just precious! I MUST get myself some of those adorable pink shoes!

moosh in indy. said...

Oh you dog people. I'll never understand it but oh how I adore human/dog relationships.
I give you my jujus.

Major Bedhead said...

Great news!

I guess I need to get dog food suggestions, too. My dog has been eating that supermarket crap. *ducks* And the cat's food. She prefers that - the vet said that's probably why she's gained 4 lbs in the last year.

Elleoz said...

That is great news! I just love me some lab lovin! I miss my Cody so much (black lab and the best dog I have ever had) but I love my little brat Max too!

So glad to hear that he is on the mend and back to his old self.

justmylife said...

Hope everything goes smoothly for the pup. I have too many animals and I know how it feels when one gets sick. Just a little under the kids but maybe higher than hubby. Happy puppy thoughts are on their way.

Renée said...

oh. that song. ouch.

Rusti said...

So happy to hear he's feeling better!

Waiting Amy said...

Glad to hear things are so much better. I'm a bit new to your blog, but was following Fisher's story.

I'm actually a vet, and while I don't know all the details of his case -- it sounds like your vet was doing a great job. These type of liver cases can be very complex and change from day to day. There are a myriad of infections and other things that we can't always get a definitive diagnosis for but eventually improve. (just watch an episode of House and you'll see what I mean :)

Glad he is on the mend and it sounds like they will keep on top of things!