Blogs are supposed to be for chronicling every day life, right? I mean, that's the point of them, whether that's the approach you take or not. I'm not always so good about doing that because every day life? Let's face it, it's reeeeally boring sometimes.
Okay, most times. Sigh.
And when it's not boring there's not that much time to blog about it. What's a woman to do?
I vote for cry and then eat loads of chocolate and other fatty foods. It doesn't necessarily make me feel better but it makes my tummy feel happy. And, yes, I just referred to my stomach as my "tummy". I'm not ashamed of that.
Things just got a little more, uh, interesting around here and not in the good way unfortunately. And though I have time to blog about it I don't have the mental capacity to write about it as eloquently as I would like, because I'm kinda losing my mind over here.
I brought my dog Fisher in for a routine tooth cleaning yesterday. The dog, I'm afraid to say, has the breath of death. Really. It smells like something crawled in there and died. I know lots and lots of dogs and I can safely say that no other dog has breath like Fisher's. We thought a tooth cleaning was in order so that he may continue to be allowed to live inside with the rest of us slightly less stinky beings.
Fisher has a stomach issue, you see. I won't bore you with the details, but ever since he was one year old and swallowed a half bottle of Immodium that was left on a low window sill by some dumb punk at the kennel I was working at - ahem - and then was brought to the local emergency vet clinic for a lovely and expensive overnight stay, he's had these issues. That was almost five years ago and we suspect during the course of his throwing up the offending drugs (did you know Immodium in large quantities is an opiate? Now you do) he may have aspirated. Since then he has this problem with retching and bile, which has caused his teeth to get really nasty.
Um, scratch what I said about boring you with the details. That's it in a nutshell.
Yesterday I was supposed to pick him up at the end of the day with pearly whites that even Paris Hilton would be envious of, but soon after I dropped him off I got a call from the vet. Never a good thing. Apparently they found in his routine screening before he was anesthetized (again with the anesthesia!) a problem with his liver.
A problem. With his liver. A PROBLEM. With his LIVER.
(I'm losing my freaking mind here. Losing. It. Now. Aaaand... It's gone.)
The routine procedure was scrapped, more tests were scheduled and I spent the next hour in my own doctor's office alternately fielding questions about how I was feeling (Quite shitty, thanks for asking) and freaking out about Fisher. I was so stressed out that I noticed later I had a fingernail sized cut in my palm because my fingers were pressed so tightly into balls all day.
I know that not every person feels the same about their pets but my dogs, Fisher especially, are very dear to me. Fisher goes to work with me. He was my first baby, so to speak, and he's my buddy. Even if he is stinky.
I'm not ashamed to admit that he's my favorite. It's hard not to favor a dog who sticks by you when you cry your eyes out because your mom is dying or guards you more protectively when you're pregnant. Fisher has done all those things and more. I never have to worry about him around Chicky, except maybe to be concerned that they're licking yogurt off the same spoon. They play fetch every evening, he let's her take the ball out of his mouth and slowly runs after her when she plays keep-away. He let's her sit on him or use him as a foot stool. I don't even mind that he walks around with dirty socks in his mouth because I know he won't chew them. He just likes the taste of dirty socks. I love that damn dog.
I got news this morning that parts of his tests came back abnormal, as was suspected after the quick blood tests he had first thing yesterday. His blood was sent out and came back with an elevated white blood cell count and other initials I can't remember right now. He has an appointment for x-rays and other tests on Monday. Hopefully it's just a parasite but I can't help but freak out, thinking it could be something else. I'm little miss happiness that way.
I'm wishing for hum drum and boring right now. I'm hoping the vet will send us home with worming medication and antibiotics on Monday and that will be that. I'm praying it's absolutely nothing but a routine parasite. I'd really like for my life to be dull and not full of medical problems for my pup. My Fisher. My Squisher McFisher Fishy Fish.

I couldn't stand life without that face.
I hope you get your tests soon and they are negative for any serious problems.
Oh Chicky, that sucks. I hope your pup is home and better soon. He's beautiful by the way.
Aww -- what a face it is. Fingers crossed over here for an easily fixable problem.
I'm sorry...that's awful. I really hope it's nothing serious and that Fisher is home soon.
Hugs and prayers for you and Fisher.
OK. Me and the 5 pups are gonna sit in a circle, we will hold hands and paws and we will send out powerful Poodle karma to Fisher.
When they told me something similar about one of dogs many years ago, he was 4. He lived to be 1 month short of 14 simply by taking a dose of antibiotics every month. I hope Fisher makes out even better.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
But if it makes you feel any better, some bloodwork taken prior to my cat's dental cleaning revealed very strange blood counts. It wasn't feline leukemia -- the vet didn't know what it was -- they said we could do further tests or wait and see, but they didn't know how long she'd live.
That was 9 years ago. She's 16 and still going strong.
Oh, you poor girl. That dog is a honey, you can tell just by looking, and it's no wonder you are so worried. Because I really am little suzy sunshine, I'm going to go on and tell you I am hoping and betting it will all turn out fine, just with a few more grey hairs and stress hormones in the meantime. Here's to a totally dull, soporifically boring phone call next week.
Ok, that post brought me to tears. Now I'm thinking about my two and what I would do if I lost one. You need to stop thinking like that, it's upsetting my stomach so I can only imagine how you are feeling! It's just a parasite! *fingers crossed*
Sidenote: It's so incredibly refreshing to hear someone who still loves their dogs even though they have kids. I know that's your job and all but it gives me hope for other people. :)
Every time we go into the vet, even for something routine, I get nervous. You just never know. And when I brought the cat along on the dog's appointment to ask about a behavioral issue the dog was fine and the cat came out with a serious heart murmur so GAH! I'm sorry you have to wait and see. My girl is 13 and I can't bear to think of life without her. I joke with the friend that rescued her and gave her to me that she's promised to live forever.
As long as they both live for a very, very, VERY long time, right?
Fingers crossed. Please keep us posted.
All teary-eyed for you. Fisher is your other baby.
I completely understand how you are feeling. Am hoping your sweet and beautiful pup is feeling better soon. Hope its something easily treatable. But good thing you took him in when you did.
So I'm hoping, hoping, HOPING all turns out well and you've got happy news to report soon.
Just stumbled across your blog and read about your plight with your pooch.
Sending good juju that it's nothing that a little amoxicillin can't knock down.
I've been there and I know how you feel.
Peace to you and your handsome Fisher,
I hope you hear some good news soon...
Oh no! My fingers are crossed, toes too that you get good news soon. Who couldn't love that face?!
Awww. He's adorable. Hoping that they'll have a nice drug to fix him right up.
Awwwww. What a face!
I hope it's not serious.
He's so beautiful! What a handsome fella.
All good thoughts to you and your sweet boy.
Hope it's nothing serious, and he's back to his old stinky self in no time.
Praying for you and your first baby. Let us know when you find out. :)
Ohhh...he looks so sweet.
I know about viewing pets as much more than just domesticated animals that shed and scratch. I hope that all turns out to be just fine.
I hope he's fine and all works out for you. We have had our share of stomach/bum (and bad breath issues) with our Wheaten Terrier, so I know what it's like to stress over an animal. Especially when the animal is really another member of the family. Sending good thoughts.
He looks like an absolute love. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Oh, friend...
I will keep you both in my thoughts.
I understand this love for Fisher completely. He is beautiful.
Sending happy wormy mojo towards your pooch.
What a handsome boy. I love the picture of Fisher and Chicky. I have so many like that as well.
I hope it goes well.
I'm sending my hopes and thoughts your way too. I love those photos. You can tell he is a lovely dog just by those photos.
Oh, damn, I couldn't stop from crying about your handsome pup. I'm taking a (final) trip to the vet tomorrow with my first baby - he's 14 and has stopped eating and is beginning kidney failure, as well as an infection that just won't stop. I sure hope your Fisher gets healthy and you have many many more years with him.
Oh, I hope he's ok. He's a beautiful dog. Your love for him just pours off the page.
Oh, I know the love of which you write. My yellow lab, Monty, was the absolute love of my life.
I hope your buddy is OK. He's a beautiful boy.
Oh Mrs. Chicky, how awful to be doing the routine and have this derail the norm. I understand the fingernail cut in the fist, I've been there (not dog but cat but love is love). Please let this be something manageable. Both of you are in our thoughts hon, seriously they are.
Big, slobbery kisses to you and your Fisher. They are our practice babies and even when they're usurped by the less hairy kind, they remain a big part of the family.
Postive thoughts.
I'm so sorry. I had to put my best friend for the last 16 years down this year. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I still miss him. The waiting (to find out or follow through on decisions) is the worst part.
Aw. Hoping for the best over here.
I'll be sending warm thoughts to you and Fisher all week-end.
Oh, I am so sorry. He is such a cutie. I just want to grab those jowls and give him a big old kiss on his snout....bad breath and all.
I hope you get some good news back about your pup.
Okay, now imagine that dog is your husband and you've got my situation.
I know how you feel and then some. Hope your dog's okay!
I want to dive into the conputer and mush that sweet doggy face. Still too deep in to my own pet grief (one whole year later) to even imagine the unimaginable for you.
Fingers and toes crossed...
Dog stuff always puts a lump in my throat. All the best to you and your Fisher.
Aw Darlin' - I'm so sorry. I'm here thinking really good thoughts for you and Fisher and the whole Chicky family.
Pets are one of the grounding forces in my life, as well. I don't know that I've been without one since I was 12. No need to feel bad for feeling the way you do.
I totally understand your love of your dog. I feel the same way about our pet.
I will send warm, happy thoughts your way.
I know I am but a rookie dog mamma but I so get this.
Sending all my love and positive thoughts to you and sweet beautiful Fisher.
Wishing you and Fisher the best of luck tomorrow. I have had three labs. I lost two in 2006. They were my first babies and remained so even after the real ones were born. I hope whatever he has just needs a little meds and TLC. He's soooo damn cute. Labs rock.
I am so so sorry to read about your Fischer. Our dog Jake is our first baby, too... and we couldn't have asked for a better big brother to our baby girl! We will send you lots of good thoughts and love and hope that he'll be just fine.
I am so so sorry for your stress. I sincerely hope everything works out for Fisher.
I am partial to anything canine. My golden had something VERY similar and it turned out to be an infection of some sort that ran it's course over 8 looonnng days.
Having said that, all I wanted was the hum-drum during that anxiety laced time.
Sending strength and well-wishes from one dog lover to another.
Hugs to you. I know everything will be just fine. I know its not exactly the same, but my mom went throw this exact same thing with her cat last year. It will work out.
He is gorgeous. I'm hoping and praying that the tests come back showing its just some stupid, easy to treat thing.
Awwww...that first picture is so freakin' precious!!!
I consider our Lab my first "baby" too. He also has tummy issues, LOVES the dirty socks (especially the itty bitty, little baby ones that he can conceal entirely) and once had to have surgery to remove a large piece of foam he devoured that set me back $2000 (and no insurance).
I just did a post about him a few days ago (with over 20 pictures...yeah, more than I ever post of my ACTUAL children!).
Not sure how I stumbled across you but I loved reading about Mr Fisher! :)
We're (my Lab and I) are sending GET WELL SOON wishes your way!
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