Thursday, September 27, 2007

The signs are all there, you just need to know what you're looking for

I've said it before - I believe in signs. I think it goes back to my Catholic upbringing. Something about all those saints finding the image of Jesus or Mary in a tree stump or loaf of bread and seeing it as the sign to give their lives to God. I saw a dragonfly. I see it as a sign of good things to come. I may be deluding myself but I think we all need something to believe in and since I gave up religion for the time being, it's going to have to be insects.

Or this! This weekend is National Alpaca Farm Day. It's a little strange that a "day" is actually being held over two days, but when you're living the farm life I guess you can be a little loosey goosey about those things. I don't need someone to hit me over the head with a tree stump with the image of Jesus riding an alpaca on it. If this weekend is National Alpaca Farm Day and I just so happen to have been thinking of starting my own alpaca farm then someone's trying to tell me something.

But I think it's this sign I should be paying attention to:

You don't have to beat me over the head with a stump. Right now you could knock me over with a feather. I guess fate had a plan for us all along.


OhTheJoys said...


Big dog licks of happiness from me to you!!!


Crazed Nitwit said...

Scary and fun! Congratulations! I hope you have an easy pregnancy. After feel bleck throughout my first preg. , my second I was filled with energy and only gained 23 lbs. My 2nd labor was spectacularly easy as well. It's the teenage years that are going to be my demise.

Best Wishes!!!!

Heather B. said...

That's one big ass sign. With flashing lights and everything.

Whoot! Yay!

Trena said...


Anonymous said...



A. Nonny Mouse said...

YAY! Congratulations! What wonderful news. :) Hope all goes well with the pregnancy.

Blog Antagonist said...

OOH....congratulations! Another chicky baby on the cool!

Lawyer Mama said...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! (((((HUGS))))) *As LM tackles you and envelopes you in a big bear hug*

I believe in signs too. And that one, my snarky friend, is the most beautiful of them all.

My heart is full. Congratulations, sweetie.

flutter said...

Oh. Chicky!

Oh oh oh!!! Ohhhhh....

Phoenix said...

Holy smokes Batman. Congrats.

Sheesh you and Her Bad Mother all in one week. Is there something in the water???

Jennifer said...

Congrats Mrs. Chicky!!! I'm so happy for you!

ewe are here said...

Congratulations, Mrs Chicky! I'm absolutely delighted for you!

Tuesday Girl said...

That is a sign all right. Welcome to the newly pregnant club.

Whirlwind said...

Wow, Congratulations! Makes me envious.

Amy said...

Outstanding! Maybe that had something to do with your moody mood?

Wonderful news. It seems to be going around the blogosphere. Is it like getting pregnant by sitting on a public toilet?

Julie Pippert said...

WOW! Congrats! You and Catherine are going to have to get those progress tickers!

So I guess this means no crazy drunk night in Boston. ;)

H&H to you!

Using My Words

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mrs. Chicky!!! Truly wonderful news.

I love signs - and while mine didn't involve peeing on a stick, it did let me know which direction to take.

I am sincerely happy for you.

Everydaytreats said...


That scream you just heard came from my side of MA.



Mrs Big Dubya said...


This just the beginning of the fun!

EE said...

Are you going to call the next one chicky jr.????

kittenpie said...

OMG! First HBM and now you in the same week! That's awesome. Congrats, lady.

Greens and Pinks said...

Check your email :)

Anonymous said...

Wheeeee! Mazel Tov. I'm SO happy for you. Is this going to be little Duckie, Goosie, or what?

Anonymous said...

It seems some of us are able to make a decision while others are hoping that the urge will just go away already.

Actually, you have given me hope (and not in the baby department) with your talk of signs. I am off to find my signs and hope that they all point to good luck.

Congrats! Now the wild ride really begins.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on entering a new stage in the crazy life! Best wishes on a happy pregnancy!

Anonymous said...



S said...

How cool is THAT?


Lori at Spinning Yellow said...

Congratulations! Something is definitely in the air...

b*babbler said...

Holy crap! Congratulations!!

Is it something in Google Reader? Bloglines? 'Cause something is going around!

Heather said...


Christina said...

Congrats! The next round of second children in the blog world has started!

Anonymous said...

Man, is there something in the internets' water? (No, I'm not pregnant but people seem to be getting knocked up all over the place...)

Congratulations! :D

Amanda said...

Oh you had me so hoping this would happen! Congratulations!

Bea said...

Jaw. Dropping.


Anonymous said...


congrats, little lady!

And I saved a dragonfly from a spiderweb in my garage yesterday, and the kids were so proud of mama!

Fly girl, FLY!


cooler*doula said...



You know they say every pregnancy is different. May you be spared the projectile pukes!

(I'm right there with you - cripes - we probably have the same due week or so. I'm just not quite ballsy enough to go public yet. Except for here.

Kristin said...

I love when Fate comes along and makes all the big decisions!

Hooray for you and the expanding Chicky family!


Lara said...

AAAAAAAHHH! so happy for you! man, the blogosphere is just all knocked up these days - i hope it's not contagious! ;)

Lena said...

Does this means I officially won our debate? ;)

Congrats! Wheeee!

Major Bedhead said...

Whoooo! Congratulations!!!

I'm almost jealous. Only almost, though.

Anonymous said...

Yowsa! CONGRATULATIONS my friend! Huge sloppy kisses to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keeping It Real said...

Oh Baby!

TSintheC said...

Yep - something in the water around here. Congratulations!

karengreeners said...

I am so, so thrilled for you, truly.

I love the internet right now - so much happy baby news.

god, I was excited about alpaca farm day, but this is way better.

Hannah said...

Congratulations - I agree there is something whipping around the internets. I'm due in April and my sister just found out she's due in May.

Happy days, hope you don't feel too crummy!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!! Congrats!! Congrats!! Now you're going to be a NE Mama x 2!

Jane, Pinks & Blues

Avalon said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! So many newly pregnant Bloggers!

We are going to have to make plans for a giant Blogger baby shower.

Congratulations. Is that baby going to be named some variation of Dragonfly.......or Alpaca?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Explains the mood swings!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It was a sign! Amazing!

PunditMom said...

Congratulations! The universe is amazing sometimes, isn't it. But this will definitely put a damper on your wine reviews! I'll be saving a really good bottle to celebrate with! :)

Magpie said...

Well well, Mrs. Chicky! Think that's an alpaca in there?

Seriously, congratulations.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Maybe this was the "change" your brain has been screaming! CONGRATULATIONS!

And, gosh, this is the 3rd pregnancy message I've read this morning! First Her Bad Mother, then Miss Zoot and now you! Loads of blogging babies!

Mimi said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful!

FENICLE said...


Hooray for you guys!!!

Run ANC said...

So very happy for you! Congratulations!!

Can you get pregnant from reading mommy blogs? Cause something seems to be going around.

Jacquie said...

Well that is one helluva good sign. Congrats on the future chicklet!

Mad said...

Oh, congratulations Chicky. So much for the red wine. For now.

Kris said...

Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty clear sign ... :)


Kelly said...


It's fun, trust me. Just like I wrote to Her Bad Mother, two is hard, but it's also a hell of a lot of fun. It's delightful chaos.


Heather said...

Congratulations! I just started reading you recently you really pulled me in with the posts about possibly having another baby, I guess the decision is made. I have two and would maybe like to have a third but am not great with decisions myself. Wishing you an easy and happy pregnancy.

Lisa said...

YEAY! SO very happy and excited for you all. COngrats, congrats, congrats!

Kyla said...

OMG! BubandPie totally told me first! LOL! I was reading through my Bloglines from top to bottom, so she came before you...and her gossip made me run right over here!


Kara said...

YAY Chicky family.


Binky said...

Congratulations! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!

Mom101 said...

Holy cow! Those are some very very pretty lines, m'dear. I am so happy for you and the future baby chick.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news!

Happy and hearty congrats!

Sharon - Pinks & Blues Girls

Unknown said...

Awesome news! Big congrats! They say good news come I've heard lately to be pregnant right now! So much fun! :)

Damselfly said...


Is there something in the air? Or a blog-driven computer virus? Everyone seems to be getting pregnant.

Great sign....

Sarahviz said...

OMFG! I can't believe I'm like the 70th commenter--where the HELL was I all day?!

*grinning broadly*

Didja already know when I saw you on Monday?!

Sincere congrats. Everything happens for a reason, right?!

carrie said...


Congratulations are in order. Can't wait to hear when you're due . . . and hope you're feeling fine! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm thrilled for you, but I'm totally updating my anti-virus. There's something going around! :P

Velma said...

Yay! Yaaaaaaaaaayy! Hooray! Yippee! Yahoo!

I just spent an hour lazing in bed while my 2 entertained each other without my participation. Let me repeat - they entertained each other. You will love it!

MamaMichelsBabies said...

That's a clear and good sign for sure!! Congratulations to you both!!!!

ms blue said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you. I told Colin last night, when that little bird Twitter gave me the sign that another Chicky was on the way for you. There's nothing like seeing the test. Congrats!

moosh in indy. said...

Oh man, everyone can get knocked up but me.
(I say that in a loving jealous congratulatory kind of way.)

Anonymous said...


Is it creepy that I'm crying for you? They're happy tears, I swear.

Jessica said...

Congratulations. H&H 9 months to you.

Childsplayx2 said...


I still think it's weird that some of you do this baby thing one baby at a time.

Bobita said...


Anonymous said...

congratulations to you! That's wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...

That's some fantastic news!!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues

Ruth Dynamite said...


mamatulip said...



Chicky said...



Mazel Tov!

Cheers! (for me, not you-just got Aunt Flo's calling card)

Jenifer said...


Now I am really extatic! I get to be pregnant with THE Her BAd Mother and THE Mrs Chicky at the same time!

I feel like a member of an elite club now :)

Can't wait to share pregnancy woes! Here's to our Spring babies!!

Namito said...



Jenny said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats! :)

motherbumper said...

HOLY F*CK - how did I miss this????

Congratulations and xoxo from me and Bumper.

Cakabaker said...

Congratulations and best wishes for an "easy" pregnancy.