Exhaustion is threatening to grab me by the back of the neck and force me, face down, into my keyboard, which would be okay with me if I would be guaranteed a blackout and, subsequently, a few uninterrupted hours of sleep. This week has been far more difficult and tiring than I had anticipated, since what had started out as a birthday has turned into a birthweek for Chicky Baby. But I am trying to cast aside my negative ways and focus on the positive... That is why I am posting a couple of pictures from Easter and saving the details of this week until I have had a decent night's sleep. Or two. Or seven. I promise I will share all the gory details when I've put some distance between myself and this ball-buster of a week. I don't want to bore you with my ranting and raving.... blah, blah, blah, screaming, blah, blah, sobbing, blah. When I can look back on this and laugh then I will write about it. Until then...
Cute baby pictures!

I was going for Pinky Tuscadero. I would have settled for Olivia Newton-John circa 1980, but I think I over-shot and got Elton John circa 1976.

Soo cute! Even with mashed potatoes on her cheek.

I have some really good pictures of the two of us together on Easter - and that's saying a lot since I usually hate every photo of me - but I'm not ready to out myself just yet. For now you just get my shoulder. With that said, I'm off to drown my sorrows in a bottle... of Nyquil. I really need to sleep.
I'm thinking that Chicky Baby really is a Dolly Baby...
GOod Night (I myself am known to pop a Benadryl (or 2) when I absolutely have to finally get some zzzzs.)!
I can't wait to hear the (humorous?) details...after your good night's sleep, that is!!
Nyquil to the rescue!
*Love the denim! And, your little Chicky wears those shades like a rock-star! ADORABLE!!
I agree, adorable!!!
Feel better soon!! Can't wait to hear about the party!
Shes just adorable. Hope you get the sleep you need.
How precious! I love my religion with all it's traditions but have always had a secret desire to dress up my kids for Easter and Christmas. Can you get any cuter? I think not! By the way - knock-out shoulder you've got going there!
She does look like a little star ready for the red carpet! Too cute!
I look forward to hearing the details, after you get some sleep, of course.
She is adorable. We all want to see the picture of the both of ya!
Where can I get a jacket like that? (Not for my kids...for me!) She is a doll. I'm with you on the Nyquil. I've had one of those weeks myself.
She is the cutest!!! Great jacket :)
Hope you get some good sleep soon
Pictures of Chicky Baby always bring a smile to my face. I just wanna give her a big squeeze!
Is it too trite to say awwwwwwww? I LOVE the girlie skirt + jeans jacket look! Hey...lookit that. I'm wearing it myself right now.
Cute times infinity. Love!
Sorry to hear of the hectic-ness; hang in there! But is your girl cute or what?
Give yourself a break Mrs. if you give in to the insantity of it all on year 1 they'll eat you alive at four.
Pedicure, stat!
The first birthday always seems to be the craziest. Which is odd, since they don't even REMEMBER it.
She is so adorable. My "baby" girl is four and a half now. I miss having a real live baby girl. Maybe someday....
Hmm ... I bet she sings a mean "Rocket Man." Love the shades.
So cute. But you didn't need me to tell you that.
I think that Wonderbaby has those very same glasses...
Your daughter is absolutely precious!
HA! I lvoe the Elton John comment. That is hilarious.
Spare some nyquil for me. I slept a total of 6 hrs. all weekend...zzzzzzzzz
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