One of the things that I love about blogging is the anonymity, and the freedom that secrecy gives me, to show the real me. The me that I sometimes squash because I'm embarrassed that my friends might see through my thin veneer of coolness to the spaz that lies within. There has been some interesting talk around the ol' blogosphere the past few days - Celebrity Crushes and the interesting searches that have brought readers to our blogs. These posts have inspired me to reveal one of my deepest, darkest secrets to you, my blog buddies. Because if you can't keep it real with your friends on the internet, then what's the point? This is a secret that I've shared with the Hubby, my dogs, and one of my cats (who is currently trying to curl up on my laptopslnldiadada - Gah!) because the other one could care less about my secrets because, hey, he's got his own life to lead. So, blog friends, promise you won't laugh. Promise you won't point at me and whisper behind your hand to each other. Promise? Okay, here goes...
I have a girl crush.
(this should bring the internet pervs out in droves.)

Its generally accepted to have a girl crush on someone like Angelina Jolie. I'm talking about Angelina before she was one half of Brangelina but after the whole freaky, blood-drinking, Billy Bob phase. What red-blooded woman does not find her sexy? Who wouldn't go gay for her? Its not just me, right?
But the lovely Angelina scares me, just a bit. She's just too over the top for me (and I think some will agree with that statement). I'd rather save my admiration for someone a little more down to earth. Someone who seems more accessible. Someone with an accent and hips to die for. That someone for me is the oh-so-sexy Shakira.

And I got a big kick out of this album cover...
(shoot, I hit publish instead of save.)
So, my friend, grab a cup of coffee and have a seat at my table. Who is your secret crush of the opposite sex (or sexual persuasion)? We don't judge here in the Chicky Household. Especially when we, um, overshare. But if you say Jennifer Love Hewitt then I retain the right to throw my cup at you.
Now that you know my dirty little secret please don't pick me last for Red Rover.
Yes, Jolie is wicked hot, there is no denying that.
Nobody is laughing at you at ALL!
OMG. I have never said this outloud but when I saw Shakira perform on American Idol (or some show like that) recently I SO developed my first girl crush. The woman is hot.
Hahahaha loved your post and confessional.
Oh yeah, I've had a big crush on Shakira for some time now. When I bought her first album, I would just stare at the picture on the inside of the CD case. She's gorgeous, and not only do I lust after her, I want to BE her!
I have a crush on Dr. Christina Yang on Grey's Anatomy.
Dunno, I'm weird that way.
I've recently found myself drawn to Rachel Weisz (The Constant Gardener) but not while she's pregnant. There'd be something a little perverse about that.
While my hubby is digging another Rachel as in Rachel McAdams (The Notebook)
Oh and a funny tidbit to share... a friend told me that if your ring finger is longer than your pointy finger that means you are a lesbian. Sounds like science to me.
My husband has been trying to transform me into Shakira for years now. Kudos to you for coming clean.
I am glad that my husband isn't the only one that gets all hot and bothered over Shakira. I pretty much don't exist when her damn videos come on. She makes me feel a bit fluttery too. However my main girl crush would have to be Scarlett Johansson.
Rhonda - Yep, Jolie = hot. Suuuure nobody is laughing at me.
Sandra - Is it because she's Columbian? Is it the fake blonde hair? I don't really care either way, she's smokin'.
Christina - Okay! You hit it on the head, woman want to BE her. I've got to take up belly dancing.
Emma - You're not weird, I can totally see the attraction.
Jana - Is it the accent or the artsy movies?
Carr - Transform, eh? What does that entail exactly - Spanish lessons and low-rise, calf-skin pants?
BridgerMama - Oooh, SJ. I know many men who feel the same way you do, but have yet to meet a woman who lusts after the talented Scarlett.
Really, Shakira doesn't do it for me. The whole no english thing - I mean, how would we communicate? Obviously I've thought this through too much ...
Natalie Portman on the other hand, well .... all bets are off, knowhadi'm sayin?
I totally get the whole Shakira crush, but she doesn't do it for me. I still have a thing for Angelina, I mean even with the whole Brangelina thing it is hard to deny her sexiness.
My girl crush is probably Anne Hathaway. Also, I'd like to take a bite out of a Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy RED EYE sandwich.
I can't believe I just wrote that.
I like Shakira, Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek. But despite my seeming preference for Latinas, my #1 crush would be Angelina Jolie, just like everybody else!
(PS - Shakira is dumping her boyfriend in that song - and doing it like a total badass. She is a much better writer in Spanish - duh!)
Mrs. F - Natalie Portman... I could see that.
HeatherJ - Angelina is a sexy beast, even if she is trying to get all Mother-of-the-World on us.
Jess - Can I save that comment for when you become a famous author? :)
Applejax - Another vote for Rachel McAdams, huh? Interesting.
RH - It sounds like you enjoy your girl-crushes sexy and smoldering, regardless of nationality.
Hahahaha...great! If my husband was reading this right now, and I said I had ANY inkling of a crush on another woman...celeb, or otherwise...I'd be in serious trouble!
I envy the healthy libidos at all. I can't even seem to adequately penetrate pop culture too sustain even a man crush now that I am over 30. sad really.
I wouldn't kick Jolie out of bed. Let's just leave it at that.
Confessions of hetero women!
ok so, mine are:
1- Sandra Oh (aka Christina Yang)
2- Olivia Benson on Law and Order
I am not so much into pretty girls, but I die for serious, sarcastic strong women.
Angelina is my sexy all time favorite... and Matthew McConaughey is my hubby's... LOL
Hi, popped in to take a look, do you mind if I play along?
Morena Baccarin-She plays Inara in "Firefly" and "Serenity". Her character is what's known in the future as a Companion.Meaning a gorgeous, well-trained hooker. I confess to getting a little hot when she's onscreen! Whew!
I was sitting around a the lunch table with relatives and this whole crazy discussion about "who is prettier...Angelina or Jennifer Anniston" broke out. Well, my sis-in-law made some comment about how Angelina is a bad woman...because she stole Brad from his wife...
Well, my comment was, "I WOULD leave MY HUSBAND for Angelina Jolie!"
Apparently you aren't supposed to say such a thing outloud at a family lunch! I got the "oh my god, did she actually just say that" stares from almost everyone!
Screw 'em! Angie is my girl-crush...but I TOTALLY get your Shakira crush!
reese witherspoon...i hate being southern myself but she really can pull it off!! if not her, then julia roberts (i act like i have my choice of them or something). i'm sure my husband would love this :)
I'd have to go with Kate Beckinsale, Rachel McAdams, and Reese Witherspoon. Oh, and Natalie Portman...I like her too. I see most of their movies. There are just some chicks that you dig. Hee Hee!
Don't know how I missed this but I'm with Bridgermama. I like me some Scarlett Johannssen.
I've never really thought this out...but I'm picking Jessica Alba. Shakira and Jolie are not bad either though!
Can't believe I missed this post!
Catherine Keener, for me. But that's maybe a please-be-my-best-friend/please-like-me crush.
I do think that Angelina is over the top, but she looks like she would just throw you down for some action and there's something to be said for that.
Jolie is downright sexy but my girl-crush dream has always been Madonna. OK, someone throw insults my way now.
I have always loved Uma Thurman's long lean combo of heavy-lidded sensuality mixed with icy beauty.
BUT. Really, if I were going to bust out of the comfort zone and try it on with another woman? Oh, it would have to be Angelina. Because she seem slike she would be FUN. Hot, sexy, willing, and not likely to take things too seriously. I can totally see a good romp with her. And I totally et why Brad went for that - who wouldn't?
I so don't get the Shakira thing, though, sorry. I find her irritating. But not as irritating as J Love Hewitt, I'm with you there. She is like grit under your eyelid.
Portman and Jolie are hot. Jlove is cute. I'm a Jen Garner fan... too bad she hooked up with old Ben.
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