Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Needles and pins

I voted. Now all that's left is the waiting. And as Tom Petty so eloquently sang, The waiting is the hardest part.

It's going to be a very long day.

Do you want to vote but you're not sure where the closest voting location is? Go here, enter your address, get the directions, and then get your butt to the polls.

Unless you're voting for McCain. Then maybe you should go take a nap, maybe a leisurely lunch, and watch the latest Tivo'd Dancing with the Stars. I hear you can catch the entire season of Mad Men on most cable providers On Demand services, that should take up a good chunk of your time.

Oh, I kid. Everyone should vote. Even my dumbass ex husband, though I doubt he will. Dumbass



karengreeners said...

I am so excited to watch the results come in tonight. I just know you guys, my beloved friends in the U.S. will do it. (please, please, please dear lord, please)!

Anonymous said...

I will be up all night watching the news!!!!!


Crazed Nitwit said...

I voted 2 weeks ago for Obama. I also love Mad Men, please don't make fun of my show. It's one of the best tv shows I've seen with excellent writing and incredibly accurate sets. Not ot mention pretty boy Don Draper.

FYI- a huge portion of WA State voters vote by absentee ballot. Almost 50%.

Anonymous said...

My dumbass ex is worse than yours. He probably voted for McCain.

flutter said...

you crack me up

Anonymous said...

What a great freakn day.

Cait said...

we did it, we did it!

i'm coming out of lurkdom now. hi. i'm cait :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations America! It was amazing to witness this historic moment from UK so I can only imagine how exciting it was making it happen.
Wish you all the best!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you voting! I loved watching history unfold last night and I am thrilled for all y'all Americans! Fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Well, we must've done a good job at distracting the McCain supporters yesterday :)