Monday, June 15, 2009

What I need is a pig's head and a stick

Captain's Log - Day 19:

We have been stranded in the "no school zone" for what seems like forever and yet still days away from any scheduled day camps that will bring necessary relief. The natives are getting restless.

The weather, I'm afraid, has not been cooperating. Dreary, gray skies threatening rain almost every day has forced us to be inside on most days. Four walls are starting to close in on us.

We have watched all our videos, been on multiple playdates, made high calorie treats with much sugar, and endured many tantrums and still, there is nothing to satisfactorily break up the monotony. In the middle of the night I hear sounds of tribal drums and then... Silence. An eerie silence occasionally broken up by sounds of metal on stone. Could it be weapons are being made?

Communication with the outside world is almost totally cut off by small people and their unreasonable demands for food and entertainment. When communication does become available, sheer exhaustion stops me in my tracks. I'm afraid soon I will be completely overwhelmed by their need.

I fear the end is near.

Send gin.


furiousBall said...

to the ginapult, post haste!

Gray Matter Matters said...

Vacation, truly is the final insanity and BEYOND!

Sorry to mix movie phrases, but they're both space oriented.

Live long, and drink.

Lisa said...

Yep. Sounds like my days. Tomorrow I might really shake things up and watch "Finding Nemo" instead of "The Little Mermaid." WE LIVE ON THE EDGE!!

PunditMom said...

Need limes?

ClumberKim said...

Goodness. Sending limes and tonic. Oh hell, how 'bout an IV?

Heather said...

I think it is cruel and unusual punishment for Mother Nature to send multiple rainy and cold days once summer hits, especially to those of us in the icy North.

Hannah said...

Yeah, it's been rainy and unseasonably cold here for days, too. We're climbing the walls.

flutter said...

gin forthcoming

SciFi Dad said...

If you have the "captain's log", can't you make your own entertainment at night?

(Although technically it's thinking like that that got you into this mess in the first place...)

Carmen said...

I'll send you ALL the gin if you send me the rum.

ewe are here said...

You're scaring me ... what have I done?!? ...and I can't even drink yet to take the edge off!

Heather said...

I see vlogs in your future. But Blair Witch style. good luck with the natives, they tend to get restless.

TwoBusy said...

"Chicky sharpened a stick at both ends."

motherbumper said...

The trouble with tribbles starts when they are quiet. But you've already said that. Be strong captain, be strong, help is nearly there.

Anonymous said...
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Sarah @ said...

I don't have gin, but I have lots of red wine and some whiskey. Will either of those help? Some tequila maybe?

tracey said...

that was a funny post!

WorkingMom said...

Send gin? Buy a distillery, Chicky - the bigger they are, the more demands on you.

Daisy said...

Limes and tonic, on the way. Prepare the ice!

kittenpie said...

I would so be on my way, if only I could get off my own island... Starship, anyone?