Friday, June 26, 2009

It's a really good thing my oven is electric...

... Because my head would be stuck in it right now.

It's been raining for weeks. WEEKS. The kids are going crazy, I'm going crazy. Everything is wet and don't even get me started on my frizzy hair. It's a really good thing I look decent in baseball caps, that's all I'm saying.

I wouldn't actually hurt someone, but if the sun doesn't come out soon I may know of someone, a certain stir crazy housewife for instance, who would willingly make a hit on someone if you need it. I wouldn't even need to get paid.

I mean, this person wouldn't need to get paid. Ahem.


Anonymous said...

Trade ya. It's 102 here, 112 with the heat index. Yesterday I literally showed my children how to fry an egg on the sidewalk.

aymom said...

I feel the same as growingapair does...same here. And no worries, according to your weather forecast chart it looks like you will only be getting one giant drop of rain per're good.

Auds at Barking Mad said...

I hate this weather. It's like New England got stuck in some sort of weird low pressure system and we can't get out!

If the sun doesn't come out, and STAY out, and soon, I'm just going to repaint the entire house...deck and porch, GREEN! That way it will match the moss and mildew that's currently covering everything!

Dorene said...

My hair has been in a permanent state of frizz for weeks. I've given up on it. And forget about taking the kids out to some indoor event. I just about had a nervous breakdown last week at the bookstore's story hour. The kids seemed to be multiplying before my eyes.

Life As I Know It said...

I just saw the 7 day forecast and almost cried. Real tears and everything. And then I started following Pete Bouchard on twitter.
I feel like we lost the entire month of June. Which is not fair after this winter...

Fairly Odd Mother said...

This weather is actually good for my hair! Which is scary b/c I hate this humidity. I'm kicking myself that I never invested in a rain jacket and boots for the kids this spring b/c they would've gotten got good use out of it.

And, growingapair: I tried that experiment last summer and it didn't work but it was not nearly as hot.

SciFi Dad said...

Meanwhile, here in Canada (y'know, the place where there's igloos and polar bears year round according to most Americans) we've had sun and highs in the mid to upper 80s for a week.

Crap. You're going to hurt me now, aren't you?

Mags said...

I hearya loud and clearly!!! We finally had a sunny week in the DC area...BUT where we're heading on vacation on Tuesday hasn't seen the Sun in a while, and the forecast doesn't look great for this week anyway. ARGH!!!


We have had 25 days of rain out of 28 this June on Long Island. If I don't get a tan soon, I just may help "some one" with the murder of certain weather forecasters!!!!

Amo said...

What the hell?! It's warm, throw them out in the yard in their swimsuits and tell them that Jesus is throwing them a sprinkler party.

And you have to go have communion in private.


mo-wo said...

What rip.

Mary said...

Good thing we have these forecasts to have things geared up!

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