Psst. Hey. You wanna break me out of this straight jacket? Put down that camera, will ya? What am I, a burrito? For crying out loud, I'm a baby fer chrissake. Stop laughing! What, am I here to amuse you? Sure, you think this is funny now but wait until you see what I've left for you in my diaper. Let's just say it's not something you'll want to photograph for the ol' baby book. Yeah, who's laughing now?
And don't even get me started on where you can stick that pacifier.
I needed a good laugh...thanks!
Hope the sleep rolls around soon!
You slay me!
I swooned when I saw your little straight-jacket clad insane-maker (isn't it you who should be wearing that?). MY GAWD - WHY DO THEY MAKE THEM SO CUTE?
Munchy baby-burrito...what a sweet face!
Oh, so cute. I love baby burritos.
SO cute. My little one hated being wrapped tight, she would not have tolerated it or allowed a picture.
I love "her" thoughts. All of my kids and animals have "talked" to me.
That's one cute burrito!
Your daughter says stuff like that to you too????
adorable - and hilarious! man she is GOOD! :)
Absolutely gorgeous little burrito you got there. Mmmm...looks tasty, too.
She is one gorgeous baby burrito and she has your sense of humor. Thanks for sharing.
ah, i miss the days of the baby burrito! for some reason, my 4 and 2 year old babies don't like it anymore...hmmm...
she's adorable
I hope you plan to put this photo and your caption in the baby book. Too funny, Mrs. C.
Mmmmm. . .burritos.
She is adorable but that looks says, "I'm gonna get you for this mama!"
As cute as the baby burrito is, it's the look on her face that makes the picture.
Very cute photo.
so so cute. Love the hair.
OHMAHGAWD she is so cute, Mrs. C! I LOVE HER!
Oliver LOVES to be wrapped up in a burrito. He asks me to wrap him up in a burrito every single night when I put him to bed, and after he has a shower I wrap him up in a tight towel and he runs down the hall shouting, 'LOOK AT ME! I'M A BURRITO!'
That look just says, "Hey mom, wait until I'm older and you have to pay for my therapy because no one in my life holds me as tight as that baby burrito you used to put me in." LOL. She is adorable but that is one evicerating look she's giving you...hehe.
You did a nice job. She's so precious..
Awww, baby borrito. That look on her face is absolutely priceless.
C is the cutest baby burrito I have ever laid eyes on. EVER.
We have a few burrito pictures of LittleBird. They are among my favorites. Sadly, LittleMan was born in the summer and hated being swaddled. I can't say I blame him. Adorable photo. Love the comment about the paci.
That pciture is classic. I remember only half-joking that I should use duct tape to keep mine swaddled...
Too. Freakin. Much.
oh. my. god.
most awesome burrito EVER
What is she, a clown to you? Is she a CLOWN?
Oh, wait, waaayy cuter than Joe Pesci. Nevermind.
It's weird, 'cause she looks so cute and innocent, but then she talks to you like that. Thanks for the giggles!
Yeah... that baby is straight up cute, but looks hella pissed.
Oh the good ole burrito days... I miss those...
I want to eat that little burrito. Sooo cute!
They make them so cute so you won't eat them for dinner. Nom nom nom.
She's adorable.
Okay am going to skip the beautiful baby comment (which she is) and just say WTF? How does she already have more hair than Sage does?
Uterus hurts again.
I have a burrito, too. I loves me my burrito. My burrito, however, will not take a cork, er, PACIFIER. Which makes my burrito, prolly, a little noisier than yours.
Kittenpie mighta nailed something there. I do see a hint of Joe Pesci there?
Cute. Yute.
I thought my kids were the only ones who said stuff like that?!
Very cute.
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