Friday, May 09, 2008

I'm just trying to keep you in the will

Yes, my foot still hurts. No, I haven't given birth yet. No, we haven't picked a name out yet. Yes, I'm still cranky and surly. I think that about covers everything.

Everything except my new review for the free (Free!) photo sharing website, Kinzin. Do you suck at printing and sending pictures to your family? Have your parents forgotten what your kids look like? Do they still have photos of your little ones proudly displayed that are at least five years out of date? Well then, what are you still doing here? Check out my review.


Greens and Pinks said...

Must. find. camera. to. bring. to. hospital Thanks for the reminder!

Heather said...

I really should get a bag packed for the hospital. Eh, I've got time...or maybe not.

flutter said...

the first part of this totally cracked me up, because really? How tired are you of answering those questions?

BOSSY said...

Ouch! Well be glad you don't need those feet for walking around or supporting your weight. Oh, right. Never mind.

mo-wo said...

Stop working!!

More cakes!

Damselfly said...

Heh heh, we didn't pick out a name until the hour before we got out of the hospital.

Happy Mother's Day!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Still time to sneak in a Happy Mother's Day! Hope you had a great one.