Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The waiting is the hardest part. I hope.

When it rains it pours. Big, heavy, buckets of unfortunate occurrences.

My cat is still missing. Who knew a damn cat could drive an otherwise rational person to distraction?

There's some big doings going on at the Chicky compound that I need to prepare for and Mr. C is pretty much unavailable to help due to work commitments. So the next couple of weeks are going to be a bit stressful.

And worst of all (and I mean way, way worse than all the other stresses that are just buzzing around my head) I just found out that my grandmother may or may not have cancer - and I'm leaning towards the "may" since she's being sent to a much bigger hospital 45 minutes away from her house because the local hospital can't help her - but we won't find out what's going on for at least another few hours if not another day. I don't like this whole waiting thing. It makes a person feel just a wee bit helpless.

Gram had a CAT scan done yesterday after weeks of feeling poor (and not going to the doctor to find out what was the matter because my grandmother is the most STUBBORN woman on the face of this earth) and the results, apparently, were not good. They think it may be ovarian cancer.

My grandmother has already lost her only sister to ovarian cancer years ago. This, I'm assuming, is the outcome she was afraid of. Her reason for putting off the doctors until she finally could not wait any longer.

No one deserves to be ill but my grandmother really doesn't deserve it. She hasn't exactly had an easy life.

She was 17 when she became a mother for the first time and had three more children in rapid succession until, when the youngest, my mother, was one, her young husband died tragically in a freak accident. She was a widow with four kids before the age of 24, can you imagine that? Soon after she married my Papa and had seven more children. Eleven kids in all. She's buried three of them already and one is a vegetable. My Papa died late last year.

So, to recap: Two husbands dead, Eleven children - three dead and one in a vegetative state, one sister dead, oh and a father who died when she was young and a mother who left her - emotionally, anyway - to be cared for by her grandmother. A lifetime of work and toil and sacrifice. She doesn't deserve one more hardship in her life. She deserves to live the rest of her days in peace, surrounded by family and friends, with nothing more to worry about than keeping up on all our birthdays.

I thank you all for the kind thoughts about my cat but if you could find it in yourself to keep one more person who really needs it in your thoughts and maybe even your prayers (if you do that sort of thing) I would appreciate it. My grandmother, though she doesn't know about this online life I have, would also certainly appreciate it. I believe in the power of positive thinking and I can't seem to muster any of my own right now. Gram will probably have surgery in the next day or so, send some good thoughts her way. Okay?

Chicky and her "Gwammy", the happiest I've seen her in a long time.


  1. My thoughts are with your Gram and your kitty (and you of course!) I hope they're both going to be just fine!

    *hugs* for you!!

  2. I will absolutely put your Gram in my thoughts and prayers.

    What an amazing women! I'd love to hear more about her.

  3. Your Gram is definitely in our thoughts and prayers. We lost the girls Great-Meme two years ago after a long hard battle with cancer.

    Hopefully your cat shows up soon safe and sound!

  4. Hope everything works out for the best.

  5. Im sorry Chicky. This is a tough week for you. I'm thinking good thoughts and sending them your way.

  6. I'll be thinking of you all.

  7. Consider it done -- here's hoping the Chicky Family Luck turns around ASAP.

  8. Thoughts and prayers with you and your sweet Gram. xoxo

  9. Your Gram sounds like an amazing woman. Strong and self-reliant. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. And, if you need anything, you know where I am. Babysitting, etc.

  10. Oh man I had such hopes of good news from you here.

    I am so sorry and bummed for you. I hope your grandmother is on the may not side. Many P&PTs.

    And your kitty. I hope he finds his way home safely, soon.

    Hang in there. (HUGS)

  11. Gram sounds great - best wishes to her and to you, and to your cat.

  12. I'll be thinking of your gram and your family.

  13. Yes, yes, of course ((hugs)) to you and your family and my thoughts and prayers for Gram.

  14. Oh frack!

    I don't pray, but I will keep her in my thoughts. Please update us when you have news. (About Pisser and Grammy.)

  15. Aw. Of course my thoughts and prayers are with your Gram and your cat.

  16. Wow. That's terrible. Hugs to Gram (and you).

  17. She must be amazingly strong and resilient to have endured so much hardship in her life. Women like her are tough to beat. She and you have all my most fervent wishes for a positive outcome.

  18. all my very best thoughts to her - and there's enough left for you too.

  19. I just wish I had the power to make everything ok. I'm so sorry. She seems like such a fantastic role model. She will be kept in my prayers.

  20. I'll be sending the thoughts your way. Hoping for the best.


  21. I will keep her in my thoughts - and you as well.


  22. Oh, honey, sure. You know I am a good pray-er.

  23. she's lovely. you are lovely.

    and you are both in my thoughts. and i've got room for the cat too. it's a lot of thoughts and i can handle all of them...xo

  24. Oh man. You're grandmother sounds like an incredible woman. You're both in my thoughts.

  25. Mrs. C, I have tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family, on all accounts.

    Hang in there. xo

  26. Mrs C~~ I know just how much my Grandmother meant to me, so I understand your worries. Good thoughts coming her way. And, alas, since I don't pray, I will ask my Mother to include her in her prayers.

  27. Sending positive vibes to you and your family. You deserve some good news.

  28. I echo the comments of everyone here - she sounds like one tough lady. And the love of your family & friends will hold her - and you - up. I'll be thinking of you all.

  29. Oh no. I hope all is OK. We're sending PVs.

  30. My thoughts are with you and your family. A missing cat is bad. Family changes is bad. And your grandma certainly deserves our best thoughts.

  31. your grandmother is lovely, and she will be on my mind.

    it's hard, isn't it, to get your mind around the lives of people from other generations who've had to deal with way more than we're accustomed to? than we think ourselves capable of?

    your grandmother sounds amazing and i hope her strength will carry her through this. hers and yours. :)

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I really hope all goes well and my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  33. So many worries. I hope they all ease up soon. Your Gram sounds like an incredible woman.

  34. Sending good thoughts your gram's way.

  35. OH, honey. I will keep all my digits crossed for your gran, even though it's making typing difficult and I am now hobbling in an odd fashion. It's amazing what some women have lived, isn't it? I hope she'll have good news soon.

  36. What a warrior of a woman your grandmother is. What a hell of a time for you.

    Absolutely...positive thoughts for Chicky's "Gwammy", on the way.

  37. Gwammy's ovaries and general well being will be added to my prayers.

  38. Cancer sucks. Of course I will add your gram to my prayers, and you, too.


  39. Wow, she does deserve to live the rest of her life without any pain. I'm so sorry and hope for the best.

  40. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your Gram. I was away for a couple of days and am now just catching up on this week's posts.
