Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Um... Uh... Er... Yeah

From the bottom of my cold, dead heart and all the way down to the ends of my freakishly long toes I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my Gram. I wish that I could say that they all kick started a miracle, I really do, but they didn't.

Instead of being sent to that hospital 45 minutes away from her home Gram was, instead, sent to Mass General in Boston. Not an easy drive for my aunt, the woman who is honorary caretaker and chauffeur for my grandmother.

(If my mom was still around it would have been her doing all the driving and speaking with the doctors. My aunt calls me often to curse my mother for leaving her. She says it with a smile, but curses nonetheless.)

Gram was admitted this evening and tomorrow they'll do a battery of tests to determine what's going on with the 8 inch "growth" on her pelvis. They believe it's ovarian cancer but the doctors won't commit to that diagnosis just yet.

Oh yeah, and the cat still hasn't shown up. Also, I've learned just how weird some of my neighbors are. Bonus.

So no miracle yet, but those thoughts and prayers could still help. Thank you for them all.


On a happier note, Sarah thinks I rock. More specifically, she thinks I'm a rockin' girl blogger. I don't feel so rockin' right now but who am I to argue with my new real life friend?

Apparently, this is one of those pay-it-forward deal-ios. These things always make me feel like I'm playing favorites but in this case I really don't give a hairy rat's ass. Call it a popularity contest, blahdee blahdee blahdee, but I'm of the opinion that there are some rockin' chicks out there in blogland and they deserve to be recognized. Dammit.

1. Blog Antagonist - She doesn't know it but she's talked me off of more proverbial ledges than any other blogger. She's my idol, I want to be just like her if I ever decide to grow up. For now, I'll just consider her my big sister on the web. And the woman can write. If you don't visit her blog regularly you really should because when she's a big time published author us lucky readers will be able to say we knew her when.

2. Mama Tulip - Because we've experienced the same loss we're bound for all eternity. A bit much? I don't think so.

3. Redneck Mommy - T is the shit. She's a tough betch who will undoubtedly kick my ass if I don't keep her in alcohol at Blogher. And did I mention that I'm rooming with that tatooed and pierced freak (says the woman who calls her sister "dirtbag" as a sign of true and deep affection)? Pray for me. I may never return. I may not want to, we may just run away together.

4. Binky of 24/7 - My scrod, another woman who can write circles around me. And I love her for it. She can render me speechless with the smallest of paragraph and.... See? I don't know what else to say. She's just that good.

5. Jenny of Mama Drama and now the Bloggess - She's so fantastic that I may have to move to Texas just to stalk her. You think I'm joking. I'm not that funny. She's that funny.


One more thing, if you have a dog who is afraid of thunderstorms or fireworks I have a new post up at Dog Gone Blog about it.

Now, if you don't mind, I think I may just go get drunk now.


  1. Ok, I'm glad I get to be the first to comment on this post because my computer was acting all freaky when I tried to comment on your last post so I punched it a bit (ouch) and gave up...but I didn't want you to think that I wasn't thinking about you, my new friend! Take care. Keep me (us) posted.

  2. Ooh, that's no good. I'm sorry you're having to go through that, and I'm still hoping that it won't be the worst news for your gram.

    (Hoping the kitty shows up soon, too! I'd be so upset if one of mine was missing.)

  3. I hope Gram is okay!!! Send her my love.

    And you do rock!

  4. ((((chicky))))

    ((((chicky's gram))))

  5. continuous prayers for your gram. I know it's hard.

    And you DO rock. I know this deep down in the depths of my heart! LUBDUB!!


  6. Oh no. I was hoping for a post saying it was no big deal and the cat had reappeared. Well, I'll be thinking of you & checking back obsessively for updates.

    BTW, great rockin' blogger chick picks! I love all of those bloggers, although some intimidate me because they're so friggin awesome.

  7. Damn. On all fronts. Except the rockin' blogger chick - that's excellent.

  8. Will keep thinking of you...

    you rockin' chick. And good picks. I love me some mama T, and Jenny makes me weep, she's so funny.

  9. babe, i am so sorry. hug.

    i love those chicks. you keep the most awesome company..oh, too! woohoo!

  10. If you're coming into town and need to drop chicky off, please know we'd be thrilled to help. Two teenagers who are certifiable, me, and a worthless cat. What a deal!

    i'm being honest. Call.

  11. Muffin, thank you. You've made my morning and it's only a few strokes after 8.30.

    Your grandmother is in my thoughts, as are you, and your aunt...and everyone. Hang in there, love.

  12. I'm keeping your Gram and your cat in my thoughts friend. That is hard stuff.


  13. Hope that everything with your gram will turn out OK. And that your cat will come home. Sounds like you're having a tough week.

  14. Many hugs to you and your gram. I'll be thinking of you.

  15. Poor Gram. Thinking of her, and you.

  16. i'm thinking of you today, my dear ;)

  17. Oh no. I was so hoping for good news on all fronts.

    I'll keep hoping.

  18. Aw, Chicky....thanks. That really means a lot to me. And please know, the feeling is reciprocated whole heartedly!

    I'll be thinking good thoughts for your Gram and hoping that kitty comes home safe and sound.

  19. Thoughts and prayers for you, your family and Gram.

    And you certainly are a rockin' girl blogger!

    Congrats! :)

    Off to check out your dog post...

    Jane, P&B Girls

  20. Best wishes to you and the whole family...

  21. Come to Texas. We'll stalk each other and then we'll drink beergarita's and get so tipsy we'll end up singing songs and falling down in the lawn.

    I'm sending miracle thoughts for your Gram and peace thoughts for you.

  22. I have been keeping your Gram and your cat in my thoughts and prayers....

    Congrats on your award!

  23. You DO ROCK woman! No surprise there. :-)

    So sorry to hear about your Gram. My heart is with you.

  24. Please - pull up a barstool next to Bossy...

  25. Chicky, what more can I say. There are no words other than you will get through this. (For better or worse). It's great that you have such a caring network of friends, both live and virtual. Best wishes.

  26. Just catching up on your blog. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will pray for good news for her.

  27. Continued thoughts and prayers for your gram and your family.

    And thanks for the Rockin' Blogger badge (I'm going to ignore the fact that it specifies "girl" and pretend that I'm an all around rockin' blogger). Since T is in that list, I can be assured that you have impeccable taste. Like I ever doubted it!

  28. Here's to your Grams...I everything works out...

    And thanks for the nod. I'd nod in your direction but that seems a tad ridiculous...seeing as how you already have received a nod.

    Maybe I'll just get a tattoo of your face right on my left ass cheek.

    Ya, I like that idea....

  29. I'm sorry things aren't looking positive for your Gram. But she's in a good hospital (my family hails from Cape Ann) and hopefully they'll be able to determine what's going on quickly and go from there.

    Sending you positive thoughts.
