Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oh where oh where has my little cat gone? Oh where oh where could he be?

I've lost my cat.

No, not Nina the Wonder Lump, aka Jabba the Cat. No, Dizzy, the yellow cat, aka The Pisser.

I give new meaning to the term "wet spot".

I haven't actually lost him. It's not like I put him down somewhere and forgot where I left him. He walked out the front door yesterday afternoon and I haven't seen him since. I'm worried, really worried. I miss him, the little shit. I want him home with me where the only thing he has to fear is my foot if he pees in my bed again.

Oh yeah, the cat has urinated where I sleep and I still want him to come home.

The damn cat has pissed on my bed (hence the nickname) no less than 10 times. He howls incessantly when he wants to go out, or come in, and if I don't answer his death screams he rips the weather stripping around my front door to shreds. He's also destroyed a couch and the arm of one chair with his talons, which is preferable to what he could do to my skin if I were to pet him one second longer than what he would like.

But Dizzy loves to snuggle on my shoulder, his purring sounding like a chain saw in my ear. When I'm outside walking with Chicky he'll follow us around our cul-de-sac and then he'll sit on our stairs waiting for us to come home. He's affectionate with my little girl no matter how many times she pulls on his tail or thumps him with a drum stick. He's the dog I always wanted.

Mr. C and I have an idea of what might have happened. 1) He wandered into someone's shed or garage and got stuck there, 2) He's been injured, either by car or neighborhood dog, or 3) He was mistaken for another neighborhood cat who has been lost for the last two weeks and was delivered to that home.

I no longer have the flyer about the other lost cat and I have no idea where that home is exactly so I can't go knocking on their door to find out if they have Dizzy. I can only wait and wonder. And stare out the window like a worried mother whose child has broken curfew.

I miss my cat and I'd really like him to come home now. A cat, I'm all worked up about a damn cat. I feel a little foolish. But I promise, if he comes home I'll stop threatening him with taxidermy. I'll stop telling him he'd look really good as a fur scarf. I won't even be mad if he shows up at my door, clawing the weather stripping at 3am. I just want to know he's safe.


  1. I totally, totally understand.

    Sending you find-your-cat thoughts.

  2. I understand. We have three cats and we are fools over them. My oldest cat sounds very much like yours. Just today I had to steam clean Diminutive One's closet and put all his shoes in the dishwasher because Chester had decided it is preferable to the litter box.

    But he is also big and snuggly, and he bathes my arms when he sits on my lap because he loves me. He "talks" to me. Seriously. If I say something to him he talks back to me. He has a very well defined vocabulary of vocalizations and I feel like I am having a conversation with a person.

    I would be devastated if something happened to him.

    I sure hope your kitty comes back.

  3. Cats are family. I hope your kitty finds its way home.

  4. I'm sorry--hope he finds his way home soon.

    How do you clean cat pee? My cat has issues too.

  5. Worthless pet disappeared last night too, and didn't come in till almost 2 am. I think it's just what cats do this time of year. I hope Dizzy comes home soon. I freak out when WP disappears. I hate him out after dark with the foxes and coyotes around here.

  6. oh sweety.....

    (fingers crossed)

  7. Oh, I hope he comes home soon! I've had cats do that to me, too. They do usually come home - and that stuck in a garage thing happens more often than you'd think.

  8. Oh, I hope you see him safely home soon. I'd be really upset too. They are family.

    And he is, by the way, beautiful.

  9. come home, you damn cat. the people are worried.

    sorry, friend.

  10. The picture of Chicky and her kitty love is priceless. I hope your kitty comes home soon! I totally understand how you feel. I would die if my shitty cat left, God love her.

  11. You are a good cat mumma. Even for the useless ones. Hoping he's got 8 more lives after this one... Our neighbour had their go missing for the weekend. Pains in the asses! Like you dont' have better things to do on the weekend. That garage theory is quite possibly a good one.

    Safe home hairball!

  12. Oh crap-o-la!!! I hope your little cat finds their way back home soon. I understand the frustration with pets! We are still adjusting to our puppy (who has grown up already) and getting over what was a clean, quiet house.

  13. I hope your cat comes home soon. I have three cats and would be devestated if I lost one of them.

  14. I'm so sorry! I hope Dizzy returns home soon, smug from a night out on the town. (and you, of all people probably know this, but make sure you call all the local shelter in case someone brings him in).

    I know what you mean---my oldest cat has peed in many places around my house, is deaf and is now shedding about 10 lbs of fur every day, but I'd still be very, very sad if something happened to her. Best wishes.

  15. Aw, I totally understand. I hope he comes home soon -- hey, I hope he's home right now.

  16. I once had a cat that was so friendly that I repeatedly had to circle the neighborhood putting flyers in everyone's boxes saying, "No really. He has a home. Let him out of your house so he can come back."

    After awhile, people out on walks would say, "Hey look! There's Theo! Hi, Theo!"

    It made me worry though - a lot.

    I hope the cat is home soon.

  17. You think after all our walkabout cats I'd be used to it by now, but you should have seen the Dance of Joy(tm) when ours came home yesterday. Here's hoping for you...

  18. I have been told by the local pound and humane society that if you post on your posters that your cat requires daily medication, people will pay more attention and the chances of finding your cat is greater. Also, offering a reward ups your chances, too.

  19. come home, kitty cat. a cold foot is waiting for you, missing your, er, warmth.

    i totally get it...i live in fear that ours will get outside at all.

    i hope he comes home soon. :)

  20. Oh no! It's always scary to think of your pet, out there on their own, trying to get home.

    He looks like such a sweet kitty. Beautiful fur too. Fingers crossed that he makes his way home safely.

  21. I hope he's okay. That's so disconcerting, the not knowing.

    While you wait, I can give you mine if you want. No really. Take her.

  22. Wow. Well, you know how I feel about my cat. If she disappeared out the front door I think I'd barely give it a second thought, unless that thought was "wow, how fortuitous for me that she disappeared." But ... seeing that picture? I miss YOUR cat, and I hope he returns to you and chicky.

  23. :( little pisser! come home!

  24. Keep us posted, eh. I think I checked 10 times today for the little pisser.

  25. Sending you all the positive thoughts on finding your cat!!
    We lost our dog ince and it was very tough...
    Keep us updated!!

    Where in NE do you live??? We're in RI.

    Love your site - as Sarah said - "it's rockin!"

    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues Girls

  26. Oh many hopes you find your cat soon. I do understand.

  27. Oh no. I understand your worry. I have two cats and although I bitch about them and their passive agressive ways, I love them dearly. I lost one of my cats once and was panicked.

    I love that picture of the pisser with Chicky. Any cat who will put up with that MUST be a good cat.

  28. I hope you find him soon!

  29. I hope he comes home soon. My cat, Jesse T. Cat of blessed memory, was also felt it was his obligation to piss on my bed. Maybe Dizzy is channeling Jesse?

    Keeping our fingers crossed.

  30. Poor kitty. I hope he comes home soon; I always got frantic when my no-sense-of-direction-cat would wander off...

  31. That photos are precious. You need to get your own flyers out ASAP!!
