Friday, June 22, 2007

Shame? Me? No.

Hey, it's my dog Lana's sixth birthday today. Why should you care?




Yeah, I've got nothing.

C'mon, what have you got to do that's more important than wishing my dog a happy birthday? Raising kids? A job? Blinking?

While you're over there wishing my dog a happy birthday (hint, hint. What? I don't care if she can't read.) make sure you leave me some of your dog-related questions. I need material or I'm just going to start pontificating on my own. And we don't want that now, do we?


Chicky and I just had a playdate with Sarah and her kids. She is as wonderful as you think she is. Seriously. But poor Sarah, I have this habit when I meet someone for the first time of letting them lead the conversation - it's how I gauge how much I'm going to like them, if a person can keep me engaged they're so in - and I totally let Sarah take the conversation and run with it. But she rose to the occasion with grace and charm, even with three kids (!) and a neighbor's kid to watch. I think I will make her my new best friend. If she'll have me. Which she might not now that she knows I'm a mute.


Random Chicky picture....

Because it makes me happy.


  1. Yeah, I got nothing. Except a Happy Birthday.

    I can't think of anything worth blogging about. I can't find my "voice." Ugh! bitch, bitch, bitch

  2. I've had a lot of nothing lately too. Summer blahs?

  3. To my new BFF:
    Great playdate! See you again soon.

  4. I suspected Sarah was as great as she seems. Glad you two had fun!

  5. I LOVE that picture of Chicky! God I miss babies... sniff...

  6. It's hot, my kids are at each other's throats, but I've got a Happy Birthday in here somewhere for your dog. ;)

  7. Our doggie daycare guy in MA woudl make doggie b-day cakes and have little parties for the doggies with b-days that month.

    Meatloaf cake with mashed potato frosting. Big hit.

    He also had seasonal parties for doggies and their people. Also loads of fun.

    Big gatherings of dog geeks. :)

    Happy Sixth Birthday Lana!

  8. ADORABLE chicky picture!

    Happy Birthday, Lana.

  9. Happy birthday to your doggie dog!

    Chicky is a doll. A verbally advanced one. ;)

    And if that's how we both handle first conversations, then I hope one or the other of us can give a little bit at BlogHer so that we progress past "Hi!"

  10. Hey, that's a great picture of Chicky Baby!

    Happy birthday to Lana. Say, here's a timely dog-blog idea: how to calm dogs that abhor fireworks. (Daisy's been going nuts now that the neighborhood kids are setting firecrackers off randomly ALL DAY LONG.)

  11. Chicky is so darn cute. And happy birthday Lana. Yup, that's all I've got... nothing more.

  12. awe what the heck...happy birthday chicky pooch!

    My sister - Jane - has 2 pups that are her children... so I definitely know the importance of doggie birthdays!!
    - Audrey
    Pinks & BLues Girls

  14. Happy Birthday to Lana! She doesn't look a day over 5.

    Here is my dog question---in a few years (when my youngest is 5---that will mean my kids will be 5, 7 and 9), we hope to get a dog. "Hope" should be in quotes b/c it means that my two cats will have passed on to the great unknown which will be a sad thing indeed.

    Anyway, I've never owned a dog although I have done a fair share of working with dogs in animal shelters, so I know what traits I like. But, as a professional, would you say we'd be better off with a puppy, a slightly older dog or a much older dog for our 'first ever family dog'? I want to adopt (vs. buy) and prefer larger mutts, like labs mixed with shepards (shephards?)---the dog kind, not the guy with the sheep.

    Many thanks!

  15. i love it when a new connection works out. makes the world seem a bit smaller somehow.

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  17. I think that you have plenty to say when it's your doggy's birthday!!! So glad Lana had a fantastic birthday!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  18. Love this picture! I have one similar of my son. Gotta love the tunnel!!!

