Monday, January 12, 2009

I never said I was 100% truthful

I've got a new post up at Operation Get Happy - This is me at the beginning of this journey, unhappy. With makeup and my hair not in a ball cap but with a shot of longing for fun. Eh, whatever.

Also, it's delurking day. So delurk already will ya? Here or there. You'd make my day because I? Am a comment whore. And I'm not afraid to admit that.

*added* I'm a twit. I didn't give you anything to comment about. I mean you could just say "Hi!", that would be cool, but having something to comment about would make things much easier on everyone. And I'm all about making things as easy as possible.


There are some things I feel very strongly about, and one of those things is jelly. As in, jelly vs. jam on a PB&J. What is your "J"? Personally, I'm old school. I like straight up Welch's grape jelly and lots of it. Then again, I put sugar on my Cheerios so I clearly have a sugar problem.

What sayeth you? Grape, strawberry, blueberry? Jam or jelly? Or Fluff? Mmmm, Fluff.


Anonymous said...

I lurk, oh how I lurk.

Sometimes I swoon a little.

It happens.

Unknown said...

I'm a help me get through my day. I GET operation get happy, but I've chosen operation have medication. Thank you for posting and for your amazing writing. It is so wonderful to know someone can write what I'm thinking.

Liz Jimenez said...

Quasi-lurker, occasional commenter.


Loonstruck said...

I think you're fabulous. It's like a little treasure when you pop up in my reader.

Anonymous said...

Delurking. I am a google reader reader. Mother of two, not much time to comment.

Earth Girl said...

I too am a Google reader reader. And I'm waiting for sunshine, which is my happy.

Mahala said...

But all the cool kids are lurking...

Anonymous said...

This is me delurkified! Love your writing! Keep it up.

Chibi said...

Delurking! In regards to that Twitter thing, my email is chibijeebs at gmail dot com.

And because I'm a fellow comment h0r, I'm gonna comment on both blogs. ;)

Unknown said...

Oops, time re-lurk.

SciFi Dad said...

Is it still considered lurking if I'm reading your blog over your shoulder through a window as you type the posts out, or is that stalking? I always get those two confused.

Erin said...

De-Lurking! Hey there! Love ya! Mean it!

MARY G said...

Not that I lurk a lot, but I'm checking in both places.
I think this blog is excellent! I always check for it and read it.

Mark said...

Friends don't let Friends Lurk?

picklemommy said...
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picklemommy said...

So I am a dork. just reread your post, and you DID in fact want to know about PB and J's. No one else was commenting, so I thought it was someone else asking for delurking comments about sandwiches and deleted my comment. Apparently I need Operation Short Term Memory in addition to my very own Operation Get Happy (I am feeling you there, let me tell you!)

So- PB: creamy, and currently on a seedless strawberry jam jag, on very soft wheat bread. Lay's potato chips on the side, please.

betsybliss said...

I lurk too. I love reading about your girls, they are too cute. I'm also happy that you're on a get-happy mission, I've had a lot of the same kind of blahs. If you ever want some happy companionship I think I'm in the next town over from you although I'm not sure how much your girls would love my 2 year old boy.

All Things BD said...

De-lurking, sort of, since I think I comment once in a blue moon. Love your blog.

And grape jelly all the way, baby.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Yep. I lurk. But have no problems saying hi! (And for the record, it's raspberry jam, or nothing!) I'm also following Operation Get Happy, as I can understand the need to get happy.

Chickenbells said...

I'm a strawberry or possibly a boysenberry...and yes, I lurk...but I think I've commented before? Maybe?

Anonymous said...

I've still been lurking around here. Quite often.

Anonymous said...


No question.

Jess said...

Blueberry blueberry blueberry yum!

Hi there.

Major Bedhead said...

Not a lurker, but I have to weigh in on the PB&J question. I still have a fondness for Welch's grape jelly, but recently discovered the deliciousness of seedless strawberry jam. Yum. But it must be creamy peanut butter.

Elle Dubya said...

jam, not jelly
concord, not california

jame just seems to spread better. and i'm all the more dork to know the differences.

Heather said...

I'm a little sad that even when I ask my lurkers to comment for once I only get 2 new commenters. I need to get a badder rep I suppose.

As for jam v. jelly? Neither. Blech.

mo-wo said...

I think lurking was really something different in the cold climes of 2006. Now it is all the more loving everyday in our blogourhood, no?

But maybe I'm jaded?

-- and as to the PB&J we always say peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches... since you asked. Yeah we do happen to think we're funny like 8 days a week!

Anonymous said...

Hate peanut butter, love fluff and all jam. NOt a big fan of the jelly.

Ericka said...

it's only lurking if you NEVER say anything, right?

strawberry seedless jam - yum! i always toast the bread on my pb&j samwhiches too.

motherbumper said...

Love the jelly especially red apple jelly and grape. Reminds me of my Nanny's place in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Jam. Grape is a favorite in my house, but I prefer raspberry or strawberry.

Avalon said...

Sayeth me:


Then again, I'm no lurker so the HI! isn't terribly impressive.

Patois42 said...

Blackberry jam. Seeds or not, I don't care, but the kids whine so we go the seedless route.

Sarahviz said...

So NOT a lurker.

Love strawberry jam. With the seeds,thankyouverymuch.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated De-Lurking Day!

I'm old school... grape jelly but just the slightest covering.

St Louis MO

Unknown said...

I like seedless raspberry jam. Yum. Yum yum yum.

justmylife said...

Grape Jelly. I don't like the seeds in jam.

Carrie said...

for a PP&J, it has to be grape jelly. On toast, anything goes and I could go for some orange marmalade, or some apricot preserves.


Oh, no, preggo cravings kicking in and I'm at work with no toast or jam in sight. Maybe that's what I'll have for dinner.....

Heather said...

Welch's Strawberry Spread. It is the only one I have found without chunks of strawberries. But I won't eat a PB&J unless it has butter on both slices of the bread first. I know-super nutritious.

Anonymous said...

Lurker voting in the jelly category. For me, it's strawberry or blackberry. DS and DH are all about the blueberry, though, so that's what we keep in the house.

furiousBall said...

apple jelly, hard to find, but worth it

Ali said...

neither. just plain old peanut butter for me. :)

Christina said...

Not too much of a lurker here, but grape jam for me. Jelly is too jiggly.

Don Mills Diva said...

Not strictly a lurker but wanted to say hi and reiterate that PB and JAM is the way to go.

a li'l bit squishy said...

Sometimes I'm just a lurker but just so you know, you are part of my getting through the days. And the answer to the jam/jelly questions is skip them both and put bananas on top of your PB!

J from Ireland said...

I love peanut butter and I love jam, just not on the same sandwich. I mostly lurk so, Hi.

Unknown said...

I am a grape girl, LOVE sugar on my cheerios, and..

Brand-Eye said...

Ok, I'm unlurking....leave it to food topics to catch my eye! I prefer strawberry jelly/jam (yes, I know there's a difference, I just don't care). Hubby prefers fluff. I personally, do not care for the PB/fluff combo. Fluff, on it's own, however...

Now, aren't you glad I'm unlurking to make such intelligent comments?

Kerrie said...

I too am a sugar-whore.

AMP said...

I found your site many moons ago care of a college roomie (diapersandwine) and have lurked ever since. Hi!

Neither to the jam/jelly. Before college it was peanut butter and butter then I discovered PB&B&H (banana and honey!). My sweetness loves PB&F!

Good luck on finding your happy. My quest involved Kung Fu!

Anonymous said...

Great article, I am have my own blog Juggling Mama( I would love to add you to my blog roll and hope you will do the same - let me know your thoughts. I am also part of you should check out and add your profile, it's a great way to promote your business and blog.

I look forward to connecting with you and continuing to read your blog.


Lisa said...

Fluff. By the spoonful, straight out of the jar.

No wonder I barely passed that damn glucose test.

Lisa said...
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Kate said...

I'm just a PB gal. No jelly or jam on my bread. And it has to be really soft wheat.

Gina said...

It's been so long since I've come over to visit! I love your writing. You are a fabulous mom!

Not crazy about jelly or pb these days. Just give me chocolate.