We're in.
The house, I mean. We're in the new house. Can I just say... Wow. If you're planning on moving with young children don't do it. Take some advice from your pal Chicky and just don't do it. Or, if you decide to not heed my good advice and move anyway, don't expect it to be sunshine and puppies. Not that we expected sunshine and puppies, not even unicorns and rainbows, but maybe flowers and a brass band....
What was I saying?
Oh yeah. Moving.
We're exhausted. Moving, whether it's five miles or five hundred miles, is tough. And to add insult to injury C.C. has decided that sleeping at night really isn't her thing and partying at 3am is. So that's fun.

Alright, she was sleeping in this picture. And maybe we forgot she was out there with all the commotion going on. But when we remembered she was still sleeping so it's totally okay and not necessary to call the proper authorities on us.
Chicky has started school.
My baby started preschool this morning. I'll admit I did get a little teary eyed when she took her friend's hand and they walked into the classroom without so much as a kiss goodbye. I'm a big enough woman to own up to it. I'm a bit weepy this morning. She's never been to anything like this before without me. She's never been to daycare, never had a babysitter who wasn't a relative or close friend even. Cutting the cord is tough, I just didn't expect it to be done so quickly and without any ceremony. And without even a hug.

With her new "pack pack". If I had a pack pack I'd keep my Zoloft in it.
Congrats on the successful move! The last two moves we made before relocating to Texas were done while I was pregnant. The first, when I was eight months along, the second when I was 8 weeks along with a toddler in tow. Both times were a joy, to be sure. At least it got me out of lifting heavy boxes.
What a great first day of school picture. My daughter used to call it a "pack pack" too. That's funny.
We may move in a coupe of years (you know, once we FINALLY finish all our home improvement projects) and I am not looking forward to it.
What a great first day of school. Moe was the same way - only we went into the classroom with her (how else could we sneak her late but not quite late to need a late slip sisters into school without going through the main office?). But she was all smiles and get the hell out of here mommy. And yup, she's got a pack pack too. I'll post later - to busy putting furniture together while she's gone.
So much better to have a happy "bye mom!" than a weeping "you can't go!"
She looks adorable. Happy Unpacking!
Breathe deep and keep unpacking. When my kids were between 0 and 7 we moved nine times. Interstate.
I feel your pain.
Pretty much why we moved when I was 32 weeks pregnant. I figured it'd be better to sit on my fat pregnant ass and direct traffic and deal with one kid rather than move with a toddler and a newborn. God bless you, girl.
Oh, and Charlotte starts school tomorrow. I'm thinking I may need to bring you a latte tomorrow morning (to cry into if need be!)
Oh how I remember moving while preg., then with a baby, then with a toddler, then with a school age kid and a toddler, then again with those two, and then once more with the same two! Yes we moved 3 times in the same year while building our house. I am here to stay... at least til the kids are out of school.
My daughter called it a "pack pack" too.
Oh, "pack pack". My kids called it a pack pack too. SO SWEET. And I didn't have the heart to correct them. Julia still says "pixture" and I let her go right ahead.
Congrats on surviving the move - it ain't easy with kids. I can't wait to hear your moving story, seriously - after our last move, I appreciate a good moving story.
Congratulations...on both the move (O how I know) and on Chicky's starting school.
Good luck finding the cat.
Glad to hear you survived the move!
I'm going to bookmark this post and the inevitable blow-by-blow that follows for my wife the next time she mentions moving.
Also? I'd love it if my daughter could go into another room with a friend without a massive anxiety attack about my whereabouts while she is in said room.
Chicky looks very excited. That's so great...even if it's sort of sad for us moms.
You have my complete and total empathy on the move and the off without a look good bye. HUG.
At least CeCe was on the porch with some leftover rations on the table.
And Chicky. Well, let's just say she will HAVE to be the cutest pack-pack girl in preschool.
AAAAWWWWW. She is adorable! I'm glad it was a smooth transition because a crying child is so much harder to leave. My twins are only 17 months old and they cry when I leave to go to work and it kills me EVERY DAY. I'm going to have such a complex from leaving them to go to work.
Yay, Chicky! Seriosuly, that is such good news. Mine started JK today, too, and off she went.
And glad to hear the move went reasonably well and you're happy in the new place. We moved when Pumpkinpie was 3 months old, too. Yeah. You'd think we'd learn... But as Misterpie said the other night, if you don't have at least three major things on the go at once, you're just not living.
Hope you start to feel settled in soon - the house looks gorgeous!
Aww, Chicky, she is adorable all ready for school! I had the same experience last week, and I am in complete agreement that it's harder for us than it is for them. Although, as all of my friends have promised, it has gotten easier (you know, I'm a pro after 3days!), and you will find that the time apart is great for both of you and makes you appreciate your time with her so much more.
Congrats on the new house! Once all those boxes are unpacked and you're happily settled in, you're going to be thrilled and you'll forget all that icky moving stuff. Kind of like having babies, right?
Glad you are in the new house and that the unpacking has begun.
Wow,school already, where does the time go? And, the cord is not cut yet, just "loosend" :)
congrats on the move. Unpacking is something I wish didn't have to happen. I think there are still a couple of stray boxes that still haven't been unpacked and we have been in our house for nearly 3 years!
Congrats to Chicky starting school. She looks so grownup! Glad she did it without a fight, I know it is hard, but believe me it would have been harder if she was freaking out.
she.is.adorable! I can't even say it enough - super cute! awwwwww....
congrats on the move! hopefully we'll be able to sell our house and get moved before our little Copper shows up, but if not I'll feel some of your pain...
cute pack pack too ;)
Time flies...and now little Chicky's off to school!
Hope things settle down as you settle in!
Oh, congrats on being done with the move! Let the unpacking begin! (Gee . . . that sounds like so much fun).
Love the pack pack! We have one of those too!
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