Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing

Don't blame me if i don't post often. Blame She Who Must Be Held ALL THE TIME.

It took me at least a half an hour to type this with one hand because a certain someone refuses to be put down. Ever.

Yes, I have a sling and I use it constantly and yet, there's something about the sweatiness of my bare arm that lulls my child to sleep. Nothing says comfort like second hand body wetness.

There are more hours than I wish to admit that I find myself carrying this girl just to stop her from screaming. I think she's still pissed off about being evicted from my uterus. Not only was she ten days late but she also came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around her leg three times and once around her waist. I'm only surprised she didn't come out shouting "ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA!"

One good thing about toting around a baby: My biceps are going to look amazing by the end of the summer. But if I don't watch myself, since I tend to carry her in the crook of my left arm, I'll start looking like Reggie from Lady in the Water with one well muscled arm and one, um, not.

This may work for M. Knight but that look does nothing for this Chicky.

So if you don't hear from me as often for the next few weeks it's because I'm physically tied to this little human being.

She's snoring so maybe I can put her in her swing for awhile. Wish me luck. Or, at least, wish me stronger muscles.


motherbumper said...

OK - hats off to you for making a LITW reference because that is probably the only thing said about that movie that didn't make me roll my eyes (good lord it was like watching a train wreck). Sorry for the velcro baby but if it makes you feel any better (it won't) Gigi was like that and she turned out just... well I'm sure sweet caroline is just precious.

Binky said...

Hee hee. I do most of my posting while the baby is breastfeeding. Strap on the Boppy, hunch over the kid, and voila. Two free hands. The Contortionism of Motherhood.

Susan said...

My peanut was the same way. Slowly, surely, she began to function OK without my holding her. But it did take awhile. She too was pissed about her uteral eviction.

moo said...

Oh man, my son was the same way. We would have to devise creative ways of putting him down sohedidn'tthinkhewasbeingputdown shhhh ...

The good news is that it'll get better, eventually. And hats off to the one-handed typing!

Julie Marsh said...

I got used to carrying everything on my left while in the Air Force (must leave right hand free for saluting and whatnot). This habit has persisted through all three children. And yet sadly, neither of my arms is buff.

Anonymous said...

I know how this is...all too well. Doesn't Reggie end up with some major power though? Wasn't he like, the protect-or?...the warri-or?...the beat the wolf off with eye contact-or?

kittenpie said...

The swing was my saviour when Pumpkinpie was small. Hopefully Caroline will get into it, too!

Cassie said...

I totally get you on this one. Baby boy refuses to be put down unless he is already in the deepest sleep. It's fine now while I have help, but I don't know what I'm going to do when it is just me and him!

SciFi Dad said...

"Nothing says comfort like second hand body wetness."

That should totally be your new tagline.

Lawyer Mama said...

Ahhh, yes. I remember that well. The days of the cancerous growth known as Holden. I only got anything done when he was nursing!

P.S. I know I haven't commented since the sweet little Baby Sister Caroline was born, but please know I'm so happy for you. She's gorgeous. You done good, mom.

Jess in MA said...

Wow, that does not sound fun. I hope it is heavily air conditioned in your house! Those bebes crank out the personal heat like it's their job. Your arm dilemma reminds me of a friend who scooped ice cream at Herrell's one summer. By September she had one normal arm and one bicep of freakish proportion! But it all worked out eventually - promise.

Anonymous said...

Yep, baby was the same way... They just know!

carrie said...

Your arms WILL look amazing! It's true!

I remember w/Wyatt, I had to stand ALL THE TIME. Could not sit down no matter what, that kid would start crying the moment I bent my knees to find the couch cushion even only for a brief moment.

Maybe that's why I lost all the baby weight from him so quickly?

Too bad the same thing didn't happen w/his sister . . .

Christina said...

Mira was the ultimate snacker as a newborn, requiring being held constantly, too. I became adept at typing with one hand, although badly. Hope you get the chance to put her down some soon.

Anonymous said...

How do you pack to move to that great new house if you're totting a baby? I luckily didn't have to do that. The hubby did all the packing because both my hands were full. (twin boys...hehe). Good luck with getting some much needed arm rest... said...

After each baby, I had tendinitis in my left arm for two years. My left arm is shot.

I feel your pain.

Run ANC said...

I hear you. My "baby must be held all the time" has now turned into "baby who gives the stinkeye whenever he hears typing". The commenting and the posting are scanty, at best.

I keep holding him in one arm too - and he's almost 20 lbs now. That picture is a good reminder to switch now and again.

Heather said...

Could you type with one hand and your nose?

Enjoy the biceps while you can. Now that my boys are too big to carry, i'm starting to feel that underarm giggle when I wave.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Ok, hello, I loved Lady In The Water.

: )


Anonymous said...

It;s nice to read I'm not the only one who has a newborn permanently attached to my arm...