Awhile back, Sarah asked me to describe my dream house. I was being kind of silly when I wrote about it never thinking we'd ever find anything like what I had described.
Well, guess what? We found it. My dream house really exists and it's up for sale.
A week after C.C. was born, on a 95 degree day, we went to take a look at the inside. I don't know why we even bothered because I was sold before we even drove up the driveway. It's not the complete realization of my dream home (no pool, not by the ocean, no 48" gas range - yet.) but just about everything else was exactly how I had imagined my forever house to be.
Mr. C took one look at my face and knew I had to have the house. The poor guy hardly had a say. I guess I owe the man a few favors. Ahem.
So this past week while I should have been still resting a bit, we were viewing the house a second time and having meetings with our realtor. Then we spent the weekend in negotiations with the owners (who just happened to also be the listing realtors and the builders of this home. Can you say "Emotionally invested"? I knew you could.). After some bumpy first offers we finally settled on a price yesterday. Which means...
Holy shite! We're moving into my dream house at the end of the summer!!

That's just the front yard. Mr. C and I are already planning the first whiffle ball tournament on that lawn. Anyone want to play second base?
I think I need to lie down.
Sure, Mr. C will be even more indebted to "the man" and I'll be going back to work a little sooner than we had planned and I might have to sell a kidney or other vital organ to pay for the place, but seeing my girls run around the large yard getting grass stains on their knees will be worth it. Bringing them out back and walking through a small path to see the horses graze in the farm behind us will be worth it. Taking my dogs and my kids and walking out our driveway and almost immediately into the abutting conservation land for long hikes on nice days will be worth it. Sipping wine on my front porch or in my sunroom or in the jacuzzi tub right outside my bathroom, naked because there are hardly any neighbors to see my flabby ass, will be so freaking worth it.
(you knew there had to be one.)
It may sound strange but I'm completely terrified. I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with making payments but everything to do with my dream being realized. I can't explain it, it just makes me jittery. Feel free to psychoanalyze me.
Adding to our good fortune, and my jitters, my inlaws are buying our home so they can be closer to their granddaughters. It makes me feel a lot better about selling this place, the home where Mr. C and I got married, where we brought our kids home to, where our pool is (ahem), where we put our blood, sweat and tears in to, to keep it in the family.
For the past week I've been pouring over the pictures of this house but never daring to dream of where I would put my living room furniture or what color I would paint the baby's room. But now I can.
Holy crap.
I'm starting to feel woozy now. But there's no rest for me, Mama needs to find a job. I may be realizing one of my dreams but this dream don't come cheap.
Anyone need a dog trainer? Hmmm??
OMG!! It is SOOOOO beautiful! I totally want to come live with you...haha. I would play second base if I could take a dip in that jacuzzi. I totally need a jacuzzi. Best wishes on the moving process and I hope it is all that you wish it to be. Congrats!!!
Conga-rats on your dream house!!
It's SO beautiful. Congratulations!
Am so excited for you! Such a lovely house. :-)
What a beautiful home! It's weird to find the "forever house" isn't it? Welcome to the insane mortgage club :)
Congratulations! It's beautiful!
Wow! What an incredible home! Congratulations!
Wow, that is just incredible! Fighting back pangs of jealousy but YAY FOR YOU GUYS! ha
What a home! Congratulations! I think your jitters may be coming from you ILs buying your current home. That would make me jittery!!
That's absolutely great! Congratulations. You got what you want in a matter of day, I am so happy for you. :) You'll just do fine with the payments and all. Bask in the glory of having a new house, enjoy every moment of it.
You deserve it, girl! :D
Me for second base! Me for second base!
Congrats on that absolutely gorgeous home.
Loving it! I would be happy to play any position, but I'd be better served sitting on the cooler to keep the beer cold. :-)
Oh, and yes, I need a dog trainer, but I think the travel my take care of the profits.
omg that is freakin beautiful! I want to move now...stupid AZ with all of their cookie cutter houses
it looks gorgeous!! congrats to finding and BUYING your dream house!! that is so exciting! and I can imagine you would be a little jittery - but it's going to be sooo great once you are moved and in and enjoying all those GREAT things you mentioned...
and I would love to have you as a dog trainer... but I think the distance could be an issue... do you do virtual classes? ;)
congrats again!
OMG that is beautiful..i think you just purchased my dream home....Congratulations!!
Congratulations on the sale. The house looks incredibly beautiful!
wow, you're so lucky! Especially in THIS housing market that you can find and sell a house must be a dream come true!
holy crap, it is AMAZING! i want to come play second base! does it matter that i'm pretty bad at sports?
Congratulations! There's something to be said for keeping busy :) And there's something to be said for sitting back with some wine on that front porch. Best wishes!
CONGRATULATIONS! That's wonderful! And it looks GOR-GEE-OUS! Very welcome and homey and inviting.
I wish our house had a jacuzzi.
oh, it's PERFECT!
Congrats! It's gorgeous, and I'm really happy for you!
Oh! It's LOVELY!
Now you have the gorgeous girls, the fabulous husband, AND the lovely home...I'd be a bit nervous too!
(But that's me!)
I am so envious of that yard. And that porch. And those dormers.
Anything worth having is worth working hard for. This house is definitely worth it.
It's just gorgeous. Congratulations.
seriously beautiful.
can't wait to see pictures of the girls and their grass stains :)
Enjoy the awesome moment! It's gorgeous!
Congratulations! The house is beautiful.
It is GORGEOUS! How friggin awesome is that!
I've totally been neglecting my bloggy friends, but please know that I think of you often. Congrats, babe. ((hugs))
Wow! Talk about being on a roll! The front lawn alone is stunning. I can't picture the inside of the house but the drive way has sold me. And your old in great hands! Fabulous. I love it when someone nice gets everything they deserve. Congratulations. Now can we see more pictures of the newborn baby?(I adore babies and I like to enjoy others through their pictures)
{{{{waving hand crazily}}}
I do, i do. I need a dog trainer to help one of mine overcome a fear issue ( Blogged about it today). Do you travel? CT isn't very far.
Wow, what a beautiful house and yard. Congrats!!
That is a gorgeous home and yard! Congrats!
congratulations! This is so, so exciting. Everything is falling into place for you and your family!!
Congrats on the house! It is beautiful!
Totally worth a kidney (or both). It's perfect Chicky and you deserve it, so shake of that woozy (which means put down that vodka bottle) and get packin'. Dibs on the guest room because I'm moving in baby!
Does the house come complete with a riding lawn mower?
I know I will have some reservations when we *finally* decide to sell our tiny home and trade up.
What a gorgeous home. The physical setting sounds wonderful!
wow - that is gorgeous! Congratulations! I think you are just feeling jitters about the change. But sounds like a perfect situation.
90% happy for you, 10% completely fucking jealous. I want your new house. Congratulations!
Wow, that is SO awesome!
I've actually looked at a house or two lately, too, because if we find just the right one, maybe we could skip the future reno's and just move? But it would have to be perfect. How fantastic to see that some people find the perfect house - I am so happy for you! It must feel amazing, and it is so exciting to get to plan all that stuff, even if moving is a pain.
It looks and sounds amazing. Wow.
I do need a dog trainer but I think the gas expense to get you here will eat up the profits and then some.
This does look like a dream home and you deserve it! Good things happen...
Oh my gosh! Beautiful home. Love it. Dormers and big porch... Drool. So happy and excited for you.
Whoa - that is quite a house! So beautiful! All the very, very best in your preparations.
Wow! Now that's a house with a yard!
We were just looking at house at that way in March and that looks like one we did a drive by of. Soooo jealous!! Sadly I am still stuck in the Midwest but I would love to stop by and play some baseball!
Dude..that's a CROQUET lawn! I can already see the four of yo andyour guests all decked out in white :)
Seriously, what a gorgeous home. Congratulations!
It's gorgeous! Congratulations!
congrats...that's really a beautiful house, and the fact that the inlaws are buying YOUR house is like whipped cream all over the whole deal.
So awesome. The picture looks delightful. I can only imagine what the reality is. And the yard? It's such a huge deal. One of the things that sold me on our current house was the fairy-forest like backyard, with winding paths, huge poplars and flowery bushes. I knew how much fun my girls would have back there.
WOW, now that is a place I could hang my hat!
Wow, that is a gorgeous house! Many congratulations to you!!
Hmmm...a new baby and a new house. I'm trying hard to contain my jealousy, over here in the sticks.
Wink, wink.
I'm so happy for you. Really.
Even happier when I think of that big ole yard and those lovely dogs of yours and how many hours you will be spending picking up scat.
Welcome to my world, friend.
Big yards and dog poo. Totally worth it. Wait and see.
Can I move it with you?
It's beautiful and I'm totally thrilled for all the Chickys.
Wow! Great news! I LURVE that house! Will you be further away from me now??
Hey that is like MY dream house! Dream house lifter!!!!
ps. except there is winter there right. ok you can keep it.
Congrats on the house! I will play second base for you, I'm sure the girls will out-run me any day :)
Please don't sell any vital organs, you will need them to take the girls for all those walks.
Good luck on the job search!
I'm glad the inlaws are buying your house, and maybe, just maybe they will let you come use the pool (as long as you have clothing on).
Holy cow! That is a grand dream house! Congrats.
it's a fabulous home... i am green with envy!
It's Beautiful. Fer chrissake.
OH. MY. WORD. That is something you'd see on a freaking POSTCARD. It's gorgeous and I am seriously jealous. I mean happy for you.
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