Monday, October 22, 2007

Getting all my ducks in a row

An update: Between my (soon to be ex) doctor and me, we got the insurance company to cough up the drugs I needed. I'm good for another couple of months, though I'll lose my shit if this goes on much longer than the first trimester.


So, anyway... My latest review is up over here. Is it lunacy or just plain old good sense to have a pre-packed survival kit? It's just my opinion but...

(psst, please check it out here.)


flutter said...

How about prepared lunacy? I am glad you are getting straightened out, girly.

Lawyer Mama said...

THANK the dear LORD they coughed it up! I'm so glad you're doing a bit better now. I have everything I can possibly cross crossed over here that this will end promptly when "they" say morning sickness is SUPPOSED to end!

Avalon said...

Mrs C~~~ That is very good news. I hope this all calms down very soon.

Jenny said...

That's good news!

NotAMeanGirl said...

so glad you got the meds you needed!!! Hugs

Anonymous said...

Good, good, good news!

Jane, Pinks & Blues

ewe are here said...

Glad you got your insurance co to cough up the goods. May you endure no more iv visits to the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Phew! great news. I hope your soon to be ex-doctor doesn't know she went out of her way for you when you're gonna dump her!

Mrs. Chicky said...

Margalit - don't kid yourself. It was my doctor's office team who did all the work. I'm not breaking up with them, I love them, I'm breaking up with the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl...So glad that your meds are packed for the next couple of months...Hope your feeling better.

carrie said...

Sheesh! I'd say you've had enough!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Chicky, until this passes - which I hope is soon!

BOSSY said...

Bossy can't redirect - she's too busy celebrating the fact that you switched doctors. Is it too early for champagne? Fer chrissake?

b*babbler said...

I'm so glad that the insurance company came through. It should have been a no-brainer, but you know about separating an insurance company from its cash.

Namito said...

Hey...SO good!

Congratulations on the change of Dr., and keeping down those oreos!

The Domesticator said...

I hope this new doc renews your hope that all is not lost in the medical community...


Feel better, Mrs C.

P.S. When the Red Sox won the Pennant the other night, I thought of you!!! said...

Oh, I love me a good survival kit.

If there's one thing I like to obsess over more than my kids, it's Aramgeddon.

Hannah said...

Thank goodness! Glad to hear that there might be some light at the end of the tunnel.

Lisa said...

Saw your previous post. So sorry you needed to go to the ER and get fluids. Gah! But happy you are feeling better.

Oh and yeah for more drugs that help you keep food down. YEAY.

Also thought of you the other night. Went to PetCo to see the kitties (son and I always go visit the kitties before we go grocery shopping. No kitties to see but we happened in on a dog training session. The boy was mesmerized by the dogs and the fact that even dogs need to go to "school" sometimes.

Anonymous said...

F3h68B The best blog you have!

Anonymous said...

lc18J8 Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.