Saturday, August 25, 2007

More proof that God hates me

What's the best way to follow up three days on Cape Cod, where the air was cold (for summer) and it rained at least one day?

Stomach virus!

Whoo... eh, I haven't got the energy to get excited, even in the name of sarcasm.

I've been out of commission for the past two days because of my gooky stomach, too sick to even check my bloglines. But I need to get my strength back because I'm supposed to meet some lovely ladies tomorrow, so I'm going to leave you, internets, to try to choke down more than two bites of dry toast.

From out trip:

The Unibomber is not above bribing her victim with Goldfish crackers to avoid a tantrum on the ferry from Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard.


  1. I can't say what it is, exactly, but there's something about that photo that I really, really love.

    I'm so sorry about your stomach flu. Nothing worse.

    Feel better!

  2. You two are adorable.

    Feel better, Chicky.

  3. Aw, jeez!
    Feel better.

  4. I love that picture! You look so happy & Chicky Baby is adorable.

    Feel better!

  5. That picture is awesome. I can feel the wind and the spray and the New England air changing to fall. The delight in a boat ride and a daughter enjoying her goldfish. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Cute, cute picture. The thing about that picture is that the two of you look very happy just to be together.

    I'm sorry you got sick. That really bites rocks.

  7. I'm trying to talk K into moving to Amherst so I can be a NEMAMA.

    I like the incognito look, sister.

    Feel better soon.


  8. i got a stomach bug immediately upon my return from England. It was wretched, but as I said, way better than having it there OR on the flight back. Just think... you could have been using that bag of crackers for something else if you had the bug then!

  9. I hope you feel better soon :)

  10. Better after than during. Feel better soon!

  11. feel better love.

    i love that picture.

  12. That is a beautiful picture.

    I feel the pain of the tummy bug. Applesauce is also a good option (but take slow, small bites).

  13. Cold in August? I heard they had a cool snap in NY, too. What the hell??? Hope you're well for your meet-up and I love, love, love that photo. Get it blown up in B&W!

  14. Ooh. Nastiness.

    Take care of yourself, girlfriend.

    Impling is a big fan of the Goldfish cracker too.

  15. Hope you feel better soon!

  16. Yeesh! I hope you're feeling 100% tomorrow for your visit. Adorable pic! That Unibomber, she's HOT! ;)

  17. I hope you feel better soon! I've been looking forward to meeting you girl.

    I agree with everybody else, what an adorable picture!

    (Crossing my fingers and praying for good health...)

  18. I love Chicky's hair blowing free in the wind... so perfect. Hope that stomach gets it together and lets you get back to what you do best - having fun and cracking wise.

  19. Her hair is getting so long - it's lovely.

    Sorry you've got a stomach bug - get well soon!

  20. That photo makes me wistful for living in NY. No ferrys in MN.

  21. Oh Mrs Chicky, I do hope we get to meet you today (in person). Feel better! Being sick in the summer seems to suck especially bad (badly?).

  22. Great photo. Sorry about the weather...we dealt with the cool days all through my vacation. A bit disappointing...but still a good vacation!

    Hope your tummy feels better soon!

  23. What a cute unibomber you are!

    Sorry about the tummy troubles. Feel better soon.

  24. Cute, you both are so cute. Feel better.

  25. Sorry, Mrs. Chicky. You don't have the hair for Ted Kyzinski (sp?), but I know someone who does.

    Glad you're recovered now. Chicky is as cute as ever.

  26. I think the Unibomber is cute in this picture.

    Excuse me, I think the FBI is knocking on my door now.

  27. Who knew that the unibomber could be so adorable?

    That photo is making me jealous and longing for the Vineyard. Perhaps next weekend, le sigh.
