Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm all better now. I don't know if it was something I caught or something I ate but I'm leaning towards a case of vacationitis.

Wah? You don't know about vacationitis?

It affects everyone in different ways but in my case vacationitis is brought on by my natural predilection towards being a stress bag every other day of the year. I thrive on stress, I eat it for breakfast. Stress is what keeps my body moving. So those rare times when I let my defenses down and actually stop and enjoy myself for a change every germ and ailment that was beaten back by my stress force field now has a way in.

Stomach bug? Sure, c'mon in! Migraine? The more the merrier! Pinched nerve? The water's fine!

I have a history of chronic vacationitis. Take, for instance, the summer of 1997. My honeymoon with husband number 1. After working for a few years as an morning DJ at a local radio station, getting up at 4:00am five days a week and clocking 55 hour+ work weeks, I took a well deserved vacation in Jamaica. The first few days were fine because I was still de-stressing. But on the next to last day of our trip - Wham! - I got that inner ear thing that gives you vertigo when you try to stand up.

Have you ever been on a bus with no air conditioning in 90 degree temperatures and a Jamaican bus driver with a death wish at the wheel? With vertigo? The only thing I remember is getting on the bus, closing my eyes, and praying. And then I had to get on a plane. I just closed my eyes and cried. That was fun.

Then there was the time in 2002 when I was on my honeymoon with husband number 2 - Mr. C., for those of you scoring at home. We were both completely immersed in our jobs at the same large corporation and we had just finished planning and executing our at-home wedding, so the stress was palpable. Three days into our trip to the Napa Valley and I got the worst pinched nerve in my neck. Pinched nerves are no fun under the best of circumstances, but this one was so bad that I could hardly enjoy the romantical day my new husband had planned for us at a spa in Sonoma.

I know the casual observer might think that I should just give up on honeymoons, but this past vacation was no honeymoon. Believe me.

So maybe I should just give up on vacations in general. Just hide in my home with the shades drawn and the doors locked. Besides, who would watch my TV if I went away?


Thankfully, I was well enough today to go visit with some of my fellow New England Mamas.

(I was even well enough to eat pizza! Organic pizza with barbecue chicken! Without having to run to the bathroom immediately after! Yippee!)

I don't know how I got to be lucky enough to be affiliated with these incredible women, but I am. I can't wait to see them all again. I wish we had more time to talk because I know from this short meeting that we could all be bestest friends forevah and evah.

I'd gush some more but I'm from New England. Gushing is not our thing. We do not gush.

Except maybe in private with other New Englanders. Then we gush with dignity.


  1. You're a former radio gal, too? Maybe we should get together and practice our intro's? ;)

  2. I used to have this problem, too. Every single vacation I would get sick. Now I don't stress much at all and I am able to successfully travel without getting ill. It helps that I have no kids and live by myself.

  3. I'm almost as impressed with your quick-posting abilities as I was by meeting you in person.

    (I'm working hard on being a real New Englander, so I will let this be the extent of my gushing.)

  4. I know exactly what you mean. Stress is like the Dobermans in my body keeping all the bad stuff at bay. Then when I relax and put them in a prolonged sit-stay, the bad stuff rushes in.

  5. I gush a lot more if I've had a few glasses of wine. Maybe our next meeting will be an evening one?

    It was wonderful to meet you in person. And, it wasn't luck that brought us all together---it was your insight and hard work that made this happen (and all of our desire to work with you!)

  6. I've always had this problem. Even as a kid. Vacationitis? Now at least I know the name.

    Don't give up on vacations. A good vacation is well worth a small or even large case of vacationitis.

  7. Gushing with dignity. It should be our new tag line.

    I'm definitely leaving the little people home next time. They're distracting little buggers.

  8. You sound like body functions on stress...And I'm trying so hard to de-stress...

    Glad you're feeling better.

  9. glad you're feeling better.

    and the obvious solution would be to have less stress in your life all the time. Of course, if I figure out how to make that happen, I'll be a millionaire. So good luck with that. :)

  10. My husband has the same disease. We've pretty much given up on vacations.

  11. I get that too, that vacationitis, all the time. There was the sinus infection with a 102-degree fever, the torn ligaments in my ankle...

    Yes. I have a better sense of health care options in places like the Adirondacks and Rehoboth Beach than I do of those in my own town. ;)

    Glad you're better. (Stop by my site for a button.)

  12. I had no idea there was organic pizza that actually tasted good :) I really enjoyed meeting everyone!

  13. So bummed I missed all of you. I was at a family reunion but totally with you in spirit!!

  14. glad you are better and it makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who suffers from vacationitis.

    so let me get this straight - New Englanders are like Canadians? No public gushy gushing.

  15. So that's what it's called. I get a cold every time I'm on vacation too, if I have to fly to get there.

  16. I'm from the South. We live to gush, but I hope you'll forgive me & take it stoically.

    I always get sick on vacation too. What is up with that? It's completely unfair!

  17. Funny my hubby had a pinched nerve in his neck on our honeymoon too.

    This is why I haven't vacationed recently. One break in the stress chain and I may never recover!

  18. Ack! Fer chrissake! Bossy's mom had that kind of vertigo. We like to call that, "Gripping-the-bed-sheets Vertigo."

  19. Oh god, I know that. I used to get sick at the end of every school term, and I wouldn't be surprised if I get laid low this week, too. Sucks, don't it? It almost makes you wonder if it's worth taking vacation, when you need another vacation to recover from the one you just took.

    Glad your meeting went well and you're that much better, anyhow. It's so awesome to have blogger friends come out in real life, isn't it? I do so love my girls.

  20. I believe I might have gushed a tiny bit. But I'm actually a native Californian transplanted to New England in 1976. You know how those Californians like to prevaricate, right?

    It was so much fun meeting everyone. We need to do this more often. With everyone! Because I missed me some Buffalo.

  21. Are you afraid of your vacation?!?

  22. Oh babycakes, I feel your vacationitis. Some day I'll tell you about my trip to Florence in college and how most of it was spent in (shared!) pension bathrooms while looking up "laxative" in Italian/English dictionaries.

  23. I'm so glad the meet-up was fun for everyone - I'll definitely try to make the next one.

  24. It was wonderful to meet so many fellow NE Mamas and their adorable kids. Looking forward to the next one!

    Jane, P&B Girls

  25. I'm so glad you're feeling better!

  26. Evening meetup. Good plan. With dignified gushing. Yep.

    It's so nice to have faces to remember as I read now!

  27. I have some form of vacationitis too, except rather than me getting the symptoms everything around me goes wrong...flooded toilets, cottages infested with bats, lost keys, towed cars, forgotten tickets, stollen wallets...yaddayaddayadda.
