Tuesday, July 10, 2007

With Visions of Rockers Dancing in Her Head

PunditMom here stopping by the keep the Chicky nest warm while she's away! Thanks for trusting me with this sacred honor! ;)

Mr. PunditMom and I were hanging out in front of the TV late Saturday evening after taking the babysitter home and caught the last few acts of the Live Earth Concert.

Who did we see?? Roger Waters of Pink Floyd doing Dark Side of the Moon and Another Brick in the Wall, and an amazing set by The Police. (Oooo, I must say, the Sting-man is looking quite buff for an aging rockster! I’ll send out an S.O.S. to him anytime)!

You know, I can’t remember what I cooked for dinner last night, but the lyrics and the memories those songs brought back from OH-so-many years ago caught me off guard.

And it made me wonder -- what happened to the girl who couldn’t play her Police albums enough (yes, for you young readers – there was a day when vinyl ruled)!

How did my life go from being filled with infinite possibilities to one of infinite routine?

Breakfast for the PunditGirl, dishes, laundry, car pools, with a little career advancement and mental stimulation in there from time to time.

While some important dreams have been fulfilled, I had so many of them in the days before the Split Enz had turned into Crowded House, I found I had tuned out of watching Sting bounce up and down as he crooned “ROX-anne” and was drifting in my thoughts wondering:

“How do I get back to the essence of that girl?”

Family responsibilities make it difficult sometimes to keep track of the visions we had in our heads as young adults. But thanks to Roger and Sting, I think I’ll be spending some time chasing a few more of those old dreams before I’m gumming my oatmeal on the rocker out front.


  1. I so am living this post!

    I had vinyl too...I try my hardest to listen to these songs and go back...but when the kid is hanging onto your shorts...it's very difficult.

  2. Totally agree! I worry that I'm losing the essence of "me" all the time!

    And, Sting gets hotter with age.

  3. Well, knowing an aging rock star...(Think of Hugh Grant in Music and Lyrics type of guy... )Their lives too, have gone from crazy nights of debauchery to 'domesticity'.

  4. I always relive my past in the car with my music blaring. It drowns out the kids and makes the day a little brighter.

    Sometimes it is great to be an adult. No more begging or saving for that all important record (oh, I miss vinyl.), now I can just buy it and dont have to answer to anyone.

  5. I thought Roger Waters & Pink Floyd ruled at LiveEarth. They were AMAZING! My dh says that Pink had to stop touring because they would never make money on tours - they spent so much making the concerts so awesome! Yes, Sting is definitely hot! I loved Smashing Pumpkins too!

  6. I was, in fact, too busy with weekend preschooler stimulation to even watch the concert... sigh.

    And hey, I still have Police and Split Enz vinyl. Not that it's getting played, but still. It's there.

  7. Being that I am of the age that I missed out on Pink Floyd I thought it was pretty cool to see them play with the choir of kids as backup singers or stage fillers or whatever it was the kids were doing but I have always loved "Another Brick in the Wall" and watching 2-3 hours of Live Earth was pretty amazing seeing the turnout that these concerts brought.

  8. I miss vinyl. The feel, the ritual of delicately placing the record needle down, back when music WAS a ritual. Ah.

    (And, Sting? Yes, buff, but he kinda grosses me out.)

  9. Ahhh.... very refreshing post!!

    I live for my car moments sometimes... blaring my music... singing along, and yes... even pretending sometimes that I'm the one centerstage!

    Welcome back!!

    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues Girls

  10. I still miss my "Everly Brother" vinyl.

    When I want to freak out my oldest DD I listen to and I quote "that weird music" aka the old hairspray bands I use to love LOL.

  11. Ah well said...such a truth I can relate to.

    I still have vinyl. :)
