Monday, July 09, 2007

I Wish That I was Jessie’s Girl

This is Fairly Odd Mother, and I have taken over Mrs. Chicky’s blog for the day. Like Binky, who wrote this yesterday, I have dogs on the brain. However, unlike Binky, the dog I think of is not by my side. Jessie was never mine, and yet I will never stop wishing she was.

It all happened about 10 years ago at a time when my life was full of changes: new relationship, new job, new possibilities. I had gone from a "me-me-me" period to one that was open to the idea that I may be starting to settle down, to have a (quote/unquote) normal life . It was in this spirit that I started to volunteer at a local animal shelter.

On my first day as a volunteer, I was taken for a tour of the tiny shelter and grounds. This was a town shelter; a ‘kill’ shelter, where space was always needed for the constant stream of unwanted and lost cats and dogs. A volunteer took me to the back of the shelter where the dog runs were---the barking was loud as every dog tried to plead his case: “Take me! Take meeeeee!”

We paused in front of one cage. A small black dog was

channeling Tigger, bouncing straight up and down in the air, and barking wildly.

“This is Jessie”, she said. “She’s been here for almost a year.”

Those words hit me hard. A year? In a cage? But why? It seemed pretty clear that Jessie was unadoptable. Hyper, jumpy, loud. . .why had this dog been allowed to live for so long when undoubtedly many others had died?

I soon found out why, and also became one of her biggest supporters. For while Jessie was hyper, jumpy and loud, she was the kind of dog that smiled and made you feel like you were the best playmate in the entire world. She was smart, sleek and cheerful, even after months and months in a doggie jail cell.

But, so help me, she presented herself to the public so badly. No sooner would I start to tell a prospective family about Jessie then I would see them recoil from her cage as she leaped vertically off the ground again and again. If I took her out into the play yard, she would race around us in circles at top speed, like a sheep dog trying to keep its flock together.

Her one-year anniversary was getting closer. Her name was put on “the list” more than once, but I argued that she was still adoptable, we just needed more time. This became my sort of “Sophie’s Choice”, as I continued to pick one dog over others. Each time, afterward, I would walk out to my car, get inside, and cry.

The object of my affection

Then one Monday evening, I arrived at the shelter and saw a funny look in one of the volunteer’s eyes. “There are two couples looking at Jessie”, she whispered to me. I ran out to the play yard and saw Jessie playing fetch with a young couple, about my age. They were smiling and laughing, not recoiling and frowning. The other couple watched Jessie from outside the fence. “We like her too”, they said, “but we can take another dog.”

An hour later, paperwork complete, Jessie walked out the door with her new family. I asked them if I could say goodbye and gave Jessie a hug. I cried big, fat embarrassing tears and tried to explain that they were tears of happiness. Of course, I was happy, but I was also saddened beyond measure that this happy little creature was exiting my life.

Months later, I visited Jessie in her new home for a follow-up story for our “Pet of the Week” cable-access television show. Her new owners were warm and funny. Her yard was huge and completely enclosed by a fence. She even had a dog playmate, as they had adopted a second dog a few weeks after Jessie. It felt good to see her happy and running free on the grass, under the trees.

I turned to walk back up the porch stairs, and Jessie darted ahead of me. She turned, a few steps ahead of me, and sat down so that her face was level with mine. I reached my arms up to rub behind her ears one last time. She picked up her front paws and put them on my shoulders and smiled her goofy little grin.

I had wondered if Jessie would remember me. After all, I was just some volunteer that played with her twice a week for a few months. But, as she sat in front of me, I felt like she was trying to say, “Hey thanks! It all worked out in the end”.

And then she bounded away to play beneath the trees.


  1. Why did this post make me cry?! That's a great picture of Jesse!

  2. I was worried this would not have a happy ending, and was so relieved when it did. It's such a cute picture you painted of her jumping with all four paws leaving the ground.

  3. Awwww. I'm all weepy now. What a great story.

  4. Oh god, you made me cry too! I love a happy ending.

  5. That was beautiful! I was worried for a while at what the ending would be.

  6. Damn it....
    I'm all teary eyed sitting at my little desk in a law office eating my lunch.

    Nice post, very very moving.
    Ms. Chicky will be proud!

  7. I just got all teary.... I'm sooo glad she found a new family.

  8. What a wonderful ending. Seems like a lot of guest bloggin' going on!!

  9. Sobarama. What a beautiful tale (tail?).

    I'm now off to hug my pound puppy.

  10. Yay for happy endings. Jessie certainly had a guardian angel hanging around her collar!

  11. You can blame any typos in my comment on the fact that I'm blinded by tears. That was quite lovely.

  12. Oh, gosh, this made me cry! And made me feel a lot better about our completely spastic, mostly worthless, hyperactive, submissive urinator shelter dog with the great smile. I'm a sucker for a great smile.

  13. I'm so glad this had a happy ending! Jessie sounds like our old dog, Alice (who we saved from the local pound, a kill shelter). I'm all teary now.

  14. Just lurking...What a Beautiful Post. Sure made my day, crying and all. Seriously, that was so beautiful. ;)

  15. Oh, friggin' a. sniff. And I don't even like dogs.
