Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Blog Sweet Blog

We're home.

It's good to be home. Very good.

Imagine my surprise to get back from our trip and find that the ol' blog is still in pretty good shape, especially considering that I left it in the hands of some suspicious characters. Just some empty Doritos bags, a couple of beer bottles on the floor, and a g-string hanging from the ceiling fan.

I'm betting that last one was Redneck Mommy's.

And I know I told these women to use a damn coaster but there's a few rings on the piano. Eh, it's the in-laws piano. No biggie.

In all seriousness I owe a huge debt to the best bloggers in all the land for babysitting my site. You ladies rock my world. Those of you who will be joining me at Blogher, drinks are on me. As for the rest of you blog-sitters, um... Virtual margaritas?

Oh, how was the trip?

The trip. Yeah.

Well... It's over.


It's always nice to see family, especially family we don't see as often as we'd like, but at a certain point (at around day 5) I hit my wall and I really wanted to sleep in my own bed. And use my own shower. And go into the refrigerator or the pantry when I wanted a snack without feeling like a freeloader. And watch TV when I felt like it, dammit.

I have stories to tell (and pictures! Lots of pictures!) but today I'm resting. Sort of resting, anyway. As much rest as I can get while having carpenters in my house putting in new windows (scheduling them for today seemed like a good idea at the time), going grocery shopping, paying bills, and working tonight. Oh, and having to keep an over-tired toddler occupied so she doesn't have a conniption fit in the middle of Stop & Shop.

And! I have to check my email! Which I opened once while on our trip, said "Eek!" and promptly closed it. And Bloglines? Oy, the number of blogs in my bloglines. I can't even count that high.

So when my 70 gazillion pictures finish uploading to my computer I'll tell you all about MinneSOdah and our six hour car ride to Wisconsin (that's six hours ONE FREAKING WAY) with a cranky toddler. You can barely contain your excitement, I can tell.


  1. Stop & Shop. Oh, and Big Y. Friendlys. Dunkin' Donuts on every corner.

    I. Miss. Massachusetts.

  2. Welcome back! Glad you didn't see the wine glass stain I left on the rug. Oh, and I ate all your chips, but I'll replace them someday.

    You'll have to drink a few virtual margaritas for me.

    Can't wait for all the stories and photos to appear.

  3. Welcome home! When you catch your breath, shoot me an e-mail. No virtual margarita for me...I want the real thang!

  4. Welcome Home!

  5. Welcome back! We're about to head off on our own little pilgrimage, which also involves a 6 hour car trip. (After a 3 hour car trip and a 3 hour flight.) Should be fun.

  6. welcome home! your guests were delightful, but ain't nothin like the real thing, baby.

  7. Your bloggy-sitters did a great job.

    We are heading off in a few weeks for our own 13hr one way road trip. Yay. Crossing fingers my kiddies will do well and um watch the dvd player all the way there LOL.

  8. Welcome back, you've been missed. Can't wait to hear about the car trip - it'll be funny because it didn't happen to me. :)

  9. Welcome Home!

    The ladies did do a fabulous job, but I'm glad you're back!

  10. welcome home! And I enjoyed meeting a few of your friends in your absence - that was a great idea!

  11. Missed ya' and even though the blogsitters were fun, I'm glad you are back. Get some rest and do what I do: Bloglines freaks me out and is guilt inducing so I dump 'em all and start from scratch. Sure, I miss some fantastic stuff but I can't hack the stress baby.

  12. I am wicked offended that you didn't even entertain the notion that the g-string could've been mine. It's a damn shame I'm not going to BlogHer, that's all I've got to say!

  13. Welcome home gorgeous

  14. Welcome back! You did have delightful guests, but this place is where I come to see YOU. So, yay. YOU.

  15. Welcome home chicky... I am actually just back from a 6 month blog hiatus due to lack of a computer and an internet Nazi for an IT director at work! Can't wait to read more!

  16. Welcome back. Any good casserole recipes from Minnesota?

  17. You went through Wisconsin? Oh, sad am I to have missed you! But happy to hear you had a nice vacay.

    I'm bummed to be missing BLogher. Again. But my sister's baby shower is that weekend, as is a going-away party for some good friends. I FINALLY have some weekend action, and it's all on one freaking weekend. Figures.

  18. Welcome home! Missed you!

  19. yay, welcome back! your blogsitters did an excellent job while you were away.

    also, there is a little something for you here:

    just a *little* something, though. :)

  20. Snack, read, upload photos, shower, snack, read, pay bills, grocery shop, read, snack, sleep... That's pretty much my life.

    Glad the vacation was good. Can't wait for the stories!

  21. Welcome home. You are hilarious.

    Aunt Suebob's Tips for Travelers: Why ride in the car with a cranky toddler? Do like Mitt Romney did with his Irish Setter - put them in a carrier on the roof in the summer sun. THAT will learn them to appreciate riding IN the car. Gah.

  22. Welcome Hoooooooommmeeee!!!!

  23. Glad you are home safe! Going away is great, but it does really make you appreciate the comfort of your OWN bed, shower, food, personal space, etc.!

    Looking forward to hearing all about the trip.

    And that's what I love about New England - driving 6 hours one way means that you've probably gone through like 4 different states!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  24. Welcome back!

    I always hit my wall about 3 days into a trip. Watching Fox news at the in-laws for hours on end will do crazy things to your head.

  25. Glad you had a good time! I was honored to post whie you were away --- and I'm always glad to have someone but me a margarita ;)

  26. Binky is right...the damn g-string was hers!! (I had to place it on the ceiling fan though...she's too damn short to reach that high....)

    I mean, sheesh, how can I tell you don't pay attention to a word I tell you?

    I've only told you a hundred times:


    (Can't you wait to room with me now???)

    Glad you're back sugar. You were missed.

    (But only a little. Wouldn't want to swell that ego of yours...)

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