Thursday, April 19, 2007

There's always room for Jell-O

So it wasn't tuberculosis. It wasn't the bubonic plague. It wasn't even dengues fever (Mr. C's contribution to my list of possible maladies, and a good one). Of course, how could it have been? There's been a monsoon raging outside my house for the past week and the mosquitoes would have drowned by now.

But the birds. They're resourceful. It could have been avian flu.

Not according to my doctor, however. She examined me for exactly 2.47 seconds and said that she'd write me a script for something (never actually said what exactly) and when I inquired as to what I was being treated for she, my doctor, the one who should know, said the prescription would treat strep (though she didn't see any) or a sinus infection (fairly certain I had one, but not 100%). Or maybe rickets, botulism and/or kennel cough. Let's cover all our bases, m'kay?

I love our medical system. Love it.

I am finally feeling better. I was starting to think my poor health was tied to our spastic weather, and now that the rains have parted and Noah's floated off into the sunset with his little boat and pet fetish I'm even more convinced. The sun will shine this weekend and I'll eventually stop hacking and coughing up neon bile long enough to make a butterfly birthday cake for my special girl. Which will taste nothing like Benadryl. Saints be praised, because Benadryl is not as tasty as pink butter cream frosting.

I thank you all for your well wishes, your birthday messages (Chicky was touched. She wants to have you all over for woffee and cookies) and your getting through a post that had me describing my Technicolor bodily fluids. Which, as green as they were, were not as tasty as lime Jell-O. And that's saying something. Because nobody likes lime jello.


  1. Oh not a big fan of doctors either.

    I've been out of the bloggy loop for a few days cause I felt like 'poo too. So I'm sorry I missed that last post. But I'll read it.

    And happy to hear you're feeling much better.

  2. ah, good to hear it. i came back wondering how you were doing, so am so glad to learn your still to be determined illness has, at least, been given anonymous multi purpose medications.

    i mean, it's the least they can do for you.

  3. "You know....strep, sinus infection, bubonic plague...whatever! Take two of these and call me in the morning." And WHY can't we just write our OWN prescriptions exactly? Stoopid doctors!

  4. Oh, rickets! Don't you just need some sunshine for that?

    Glad to read you're on the mend.

    And a beliated happy birthday to lovely Ms. Two Years Old. Those photos are adorable.

  5. This is why I love living close to the Mexican border where I can zip across and buy whatever prescriptions I want without that nasty little script!

    I'm new to your blog and I love your voice.


  6. I'm on an antibiotic and I dont' know why either.

    Went to the Doc on Monday, no strep...but I'm prescribed something anyway..

    Oh well..I feel better.

    Glad you do too.

  7. yikes, the wanton use of antibiotics scare me a bit, but I'm glad you're feeling better.

    And I want someone to bake me a butterfly cake.

  8. glad to hear you are feeling better and that you weren't stricken with one of those devastating maladies.

    Makes you wonder, though, when the doctor doesn't even know what's wrong. Hmmmm.

  9. delighted it wasn't dengues fever!
    thanks again for your help the other day

  10. Glad to know you're feeling better...enjoy your pink buttercream this weekend...there is nothing better!

  11. I'm glad you are feeling better. I nominated you for those blogger's choice thing-a-ma-whatsits.

  12. What should I wear to the party? I'm sure my inviation will be in today's mail.

  13. I'm glad your feeling better. Husband had that same thing not long ago, and I had to bodily drag him to the doctor.

    My "baby" is having a bday this weekend too. Happy Birthday to Chicky Baby!!

  14. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Mrs. C. Being sick SUCKS, especially in and around your baby's birthday.


  15. If you aren't feeling bettter by the time that cake makes it's appearance, you will be. Frosting cures EVERYTHING, including rickets (or so I've heard).

    Glad you're on the mend.


  16. Glad you're feeling better! I'm having cake this weekend, too. My oldest is turning 5. Oh my!

  17. Lime jello. Mmmmmm!

    Glad you're feeling better.

  18. Gotta love the meds, but not the lime jello! Feel better and enjoy the sun!

  19. Isn't it funny how you always get better as soon as you see the doc? Whether they figure out what you have or not? :)

  20. Lime Jell-O?
    The only flavor I like is red.

    Glad you're feeling better.

  21. I just finished my 10 days of antibiotics and the only thing I can say is, "Lots of yogurt. Eat lots of yogurt." Feel better! The sun is out!

  22. Yeah, much of the medical community leaves a LOT to be desired. There's some great ones out there, but these days it seems to be the exception. Unfortunately.

    Anyway, I'm glad that you're feeling better and that your boogers are going to stop.

  23. I'm doing a happy birthday dance for the Chicky. I only dance like a chicken for special people so she should feel honored.

    And I'm glad to know you aren't dying. Or are contagious. Cause I was starting to worry about who was gonna braid my hair at BlogHer if you kicked it.

    Big hugs and doggy kisses to the Chicklet.

  24. Oh I do hope you are feelingbetter...
    And happy happy birthday to baby chicky!!!!!!

  25. I think that damn bird visited my house too! We are all sick as dogs!

  26. I am glad as well to hear that you are feeling better, loved the descriptions for your bodily functions and Happy Bday Chicky!

  27. THe only way I would take a script like that was if it was for painkillers. It wasn't was it? No? Damn.

    I used to like lime jello. :-)

  28. I missed all the sicky action, and I missed the birthday too.


    Big hugs to you, and big birthday cheers to the cutey-pie.

  29. I couldn't help laughing when I read "kennel cough"-hee hee! And tell Chicky Baby I would love to come over for woffee!

  30. Did I tell you I was changing my last name to Plague? You can be part of my family too :) Hope you are back at 100% real soon, ya'here.
