Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring fever rears its lovely head

I feel like a fair weather blogger, in reverse. When the weather is crappy and I'll I want to do is hunker down on my couch with a cup of coffee and my laptop I find safe haven in the blogosphere. But on days like today, 80 degrees and blue skies, the last thing I want to do is slave over a computer writing pithy or verbose posts about... Well, I have no idea what about. That's the point. My head is elsewhere.

The weather affects my mood like crazy and today I am happy. Sublimely happy. I'm watching chickadees building nests in my rain gutters and I'm not worried one bit about how we're going to clean those out so the spouts don't get clogged. The brats kids next door are all still at school so the neighborhood is quiet and the sounds of small motorized vehicles don't break my concentration from the book I'm reading. Chicky and I can play outside with her new toys (procured from a very successful birthday party) and when I'm done playing she continues, she making tiny mud castles and covering herself with fine beach sand and me reading the before mentioned book. We ate lunch outside! Hurrah! Munching carrot sticks and nibbling on strawberries, I can close my eyes and pretend it's late June instead of late April. Tomorrow it's back to reality, but today it's heaven.

So you can see, while I should be doing a million and one things to get ready for my trip on Thursday I'm wasting my time daydreaming in the sun. No time for blogging here. So I hope you'll forgive my being a bad blog citizen. I'll be here, there and everywhere for the next week, but I won't be winning any blogger of the year awards.

(Speaking of awards, the lovely lady that is Oh, the Joys kindly nominated me for a couple of Blogger's Choice awards. Click on over there and vote for me if you are so inclined. Or don't. How can one care about such things when the warm sun is out?)

As for that pink buttercream frosted butterfly cake that I said in a recent post that I was going to be making this weekend, I had no idea how long that could take. Wow. I'm sure making frosting and decorating a cake is a lot of fun when you're not under the wire to get it completed in time. So, here's my first effort in cake making, such as it is.

This is how things come out when I work without a net.

Now that I know what I'm doing (snicker, guffaw, snort) if I'm ever called to task to make another "Wuttahfly" cake I'm sure it'll be prettier. But I make a mean buttercream frosting, if I do say so myself.

Chicky thought so, too. Which was praise enough for me.


  1. Chicky is beautiful! And the cake looks pretty good too.

    You can't waste sunny days staying inside - that is my firm philosophy.

  2. The glory that is little Miss Chicky trumps even the gorgeous spring day!

  3. First, I thought your cake was lovely, but really, it's the thought rather than the looks. I've never bought either of my boys a cake. Ever. It's just my thing. I make their cakes every year. And they might not be the masterful creations that I can get at the bakery, but they taste better and they are made with love. Trite, but true. :?)

  4. That cake looked great. Better than the 3 tier gross cake I made as a trial run for my daughter's b-day in June. Let's just say she will be getting a nice bakery bought cake and will like it. I didnt care if it didnt look like the picture, but when my husband describes it as the texture of cornbread I knew I was no match for the oven.

    Enjoy your beautiful day.

  5. I'm with you lady. I need gloom, doom, conflict and foul weather to get me writing. Today I just want to sing and dance and...oh wait. Contraction. Fuck. Guess I do have something to write about.

    (Congrats on your nomination!)

  6. you've got my vote, my dear...on my way over there right now.


  7. Happy belated birthday to Chicky! The cake looks delicious.

  8. That's a yummy looking cake. No lie. :)

  9. Lovely cake! Glad the b-day party was a success and oh my WORD when the perfect day comes along just go ENJOY IT!

    I'm not sure we came inside at all on Saturday. :)

  10. no need for a butterfly net - cake looks delightful. i'm not sure i'd ever have the patience!

  11. Beautiful girl, beautiful cake, BEAUTIFUL weather. Forsythia popped this morning, daffodils are everywhere, and it FINALLY feels like spring in MA! Yippeeeee!

  12. that cake looks amazing!
    glad you guys enjoyed such a glorious day. knock on wood, many more to come.

  13. Your cake was beautiful.

    Now get out and enjoy that sunshine, I am sure it's a welcome sight after the horrible weather your parts have been having!


  14. Mmmm, I want that cake. You did a great job!!

    I am finding it harder and harder to sit here and blog while the sun is shining too!

  15. Your daughter is adorable.

  16. Congrats on the nomination. And that cake looks so yummy. Chicky knows good cake when she sees it obviously. Smart little cookie!

  17. Cute cake! And it's more special because you made it yourself.

  18. Carpe Diem! So glad you did! This is what dreams and memories are made...
    Congrats on the nomination!
    Have a wonderful trip...
    And when are we all invited over for a Wuttahfly cake?

  19. Lovely cake, and the kid's pretty darn lovely too. I know what you mean about Spring fever. There is something so promising about this season...

  20. I have been out of the loop for too long- look how big she's gotten! And I am embarassed to show the cake I made for Leah's 2nd now! It was a Wizard of Oz party and let me say the cake was horrible! I had big plans, and no time or energy.

  21. Congrats on your nomination! It's totally deserved.

    I'm with you - I want nothing to do with anything that involves the indoors when it's beautiful outside. And I've been a bad blog citizen for quite some time now, but for different reasons! I'm just totally lazy because my baby is not sleeping.

  22. Niiiiice work on the cake Mrs. C! I kinda got into making decorative cakes for a few years, but you are right....they are very time consuming.

    Chicky is adorable, but I must admit she looks like she's about 5.

  23. she's a peach. it makes me wonder how much of her looks like you.

    i guess i'll get to see that for myself in july, friend.

  24. I've never seen a Wuttahfly cake before - nice!

  25. Have a great trip! And, that Miss Chicky she's givin' Cheryl Tiegs a run for her money with the signature cocked head cuteness. double yummy sweetness.

  26. Chicky is such a cutie pie. That cake looks delish, too!

  27. I am impressed by your cake-making skills!

    As for this..."wasting my time daydreaming in the sun"...there is no such thing! Why be at the computer when you can be outside with that cutie pie enjoying the day. I don't blame ya one bit!

  28. Rock on with the fancy custom birthday cakes!

    I've been a lazy, slothful, neglectful blogger myself lately, both in reading and posting. Too tired, too depressive, too scatterbrained and unfocussed to think. Sigh. Getting mildly better with the nice weather.

  29. Chicky gets cuter all the time! Your cake looks so cute.

    Enjoy the weather..... April is about as perfect as it gets where I live.

  30. I always choose the homemade-looking cakes first because they always taste the best. So that cake looks gorgeous to me! Really cute.

  31. Nice cake! And buttercream . . . mmmmmm!
