Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bring out your dead

I have an aversion to doctors of any sort, so I must be feeling really horrible if I'm considering schleping myself to my primary care doctor. This sickness, it's kicking my heiny, so I think it's time to consult with a professional.

Mr. C was nice enough to come home early on Monday to care for me and Chicky and he had already scheduled to have yesterday off, but today he went back to work. We're feeling his absence today. I'm not physically ready to deal with a demanding toddler. Chicky has watched far too much television over the past few days and eaten way too many Cheerios (Straight out of the box. I'm Mother of the Year!) but we're doing what we can to get through this.

Good lord, I sound all doom and gloom, don't I? Well believe me, I'm worse in person. So far I've diagnosed myself with meningitis, tuberculosis, and the bubonic plague. I'm still leaning toward tuberculosis but I'm not counting out the plague just yet.

Being sick sucks. 'Nuff said.

Oh, but I have found something to love through all this. My newest review is up at my other site. Go. Enjoy.

And for crying out loud, keep that mask over your nose and mouth when you're around here. Jeez. I don't want everyone getting sick.


  1. I don't think TV hours count when a parent is sick, do they?

  2. Cheerios and tv is Chicky's prescription...

    Now get to the doctor and get yours silly! I am a huge fan of pills, get some and take them NOW...

    Feel better soon...

  3. Ugh, I hope it's not the plague. I thought I had that last year. As it turned out...I had.....whooping cough! Who gets that?? Me and the pilgrims, that's who.
    Take care and feel better.

  4. i'm sending you a bowl for vitural chix noodle soup.

    as for the cheerios and tv, doesn't the packaging say 'relief for sick parents?'

  5. TV doesn't count when you're sick. But if you've been feeling bad for several days, it's time to go to the doctor, I think.

    Take care!

  6. agh. it's been like that round here too. lots of green thick snot and hacking coughs. i feel like we've been like this for months now, on and off.

    your daughter--GORGEOUS!

  7. Sheesh, I hope you feel better. I hate going to the doctor too. Going to check out your review...

  8. I just had to go to the doctor yesterday. My alergies are so bad it have chest congestion and haven't been able to breath well enough to go to the gym, it sucks. He put me on some good allergy meds so hopefully we'll both be feeling better soon.

    Did you find an outfit to wear to Phoenix? Yee-haw.

  9. If you've got what I've got, I'm pretty sure it's bubonic plague. I really hope you feel better soon and feel no guilt about the TV, we've been stuck on Treehouse for days (I have no energy, not a bit to even try to entertain a toddler).

  10. Um I'm pretty sure watching tv hours on end & eating food out of the box is cancelled out when mom is sick!

    Feel better soon. What did the dr say?

  11. Cheerios out of the box taste way better! Feel better and stop diagnosing yourself already. If I get a zit, I convince myself I have 16 different maladies. I think the plague may have been one of them at some point.

  12. I learned a long time ago that the stay at home parent is not allowed to get sick. It is so hard with an active child around. TV and cheerios are very good for them though so do not depair, much better than lovingly cooked meals and reading....

    hope you get better very soon.

    Can you call in a teemager to entertain her while you take a nap?

  13. I'm crossing my fingers that it's the plague. Think how great it would be to blog about!

    (Get well dahlink)

  14. *santizes hands and runs away*

    I really do hope you feel better soon

  15. the horror of accompanied sick time. it's preposterous. i simply fall apart in pity when that happens. there should be rules against this...instant help delivered to our doors. god knows, it's only fair.

    hang in there.

  16. *covering mouth as I stop by*
    Hope you feel better soon.. Cheerios and T.V are a necessity when one is down with T.B or The B.P.. oh no.. I feel a sneeze...aahhhhhh choo.... got to well..

  17. Hi there - just found your blog through someone elses and wanted to let you know that not only is your daughter toooo cute (I have three of my own so I know cute when I see it!) I am enjoying your blog immensly.

    Come by and visit my blog sometime if you get the chance :)

  18. I agree with everyone when you are sick tv and cheerios are perfectly fine. Would you rather make yourself even more sick? Hope you feel better soon.

  19. Yup, I agree -- no worries about TV and Cheerios until you're feeling MUCH better.

  20. I'm coming out of lurkdom because I am sick too and I feel your pain. I have strep throat, but before going to the doctor I diagnosed myself with meningitis too. And the African flu.

    Feel better.

  21. Go to the doctor...and my money is on it being strep. Can I win something if I'm right? *lol*

  22. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that it's nothing serious.

  23. Sounds like bird flu.

    (Sorry. Not funny.)

    I hope you feel better very soon!

  24. Next time, call me... I'm not a doctor, but I play one on the Internet.
