Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My beautiful girl, today you are two.

Never could I have known how far someone could evolve and grow in just 365 days before you came along. Your legs have lengthened, your belly shrunk, the baby fat seems to have melted away and that infant that I knew has been replaced with this almost-child. In the past year you've learned to walk and talk, to brush your teeth and use a spoon and fork all by yourself. You show empathy for your peers and affection to friends and relatives. In this large world you've begun to carve out a place for yourself. A place that is all yours, separate from me.

I have just a few important years before you let go of my hand in earnest, but until then I'm going to hold onto it tightly. The casual observer may not notice how a two year old exerts her independence, but I see it. Today you want to get out of your stroller so you can roam unassisted, tomorrow you'll be going off to school and the day after that you'll be preparing for college. It happens that quickly. But today you still, for the most part, hold my hand. You need my help in almost all facets of your life. And I am here to help you. For as long as you need me I'll be here for you.

A terrible tragedy happened yesterday and that might be why I'm so quick to look ahead at your life instead of concentrating on your accomplishments to date. But the loss of those children, so full of promise, might be just the jolt I need to remind me to savor each and every day I have with you. One day you will leave for college and I will no longer be able to linger over your shoulder, making sure you cross the street assisted, that you're eating right, that you get your daily allotment of hugs and kisses.

You haven't made things easy for me, but every time I'm ready to throw in the towel I have to remember those students in Virginia and how they were once wonderfully frustrating toddlers. When they were young their parents picked them up when they fell and skinned their knees and kissed their boo boos. Their parents tucked them in at night and watched the rise and fall of their chest as they slept. Their parents wished and hoped and sacrificed for them so that they could get an education. That education that would take them one more step away from their childhood.

I do not want to dwell on tragedy, but instead celebrate this messy complicated life that I have been given to watch over. Yours. My daughter's. I'm sorry to say that most days I don't know what I'm doing, but I still take my job very seriously. And that job is to love you and care for you for as long as I'm given the opportunity to do so, on special days and mundane. Through tantrums and sleepless nights. Messy faces and eskimo kisses. I'll take all of it for as long as I can get it.

Today you are two. I will try to remember to take things one day at a time if you will allow me to catch up when time gets away from me. And let me hold your hand on occasion.

Happy Birthday to my ocean child with the windy smile. I love you.


  1. It is a heavy day to have a birthday, still - she is beautiful - and lucky to have you for her mom.

  2. Happy Birthday to a very adorable little girl.

    I was looking at my almost 5 yr old and thinking the same thing about what is going on.

  3. She is one lucky two year old today...You are a wonderful and loving mamma!!!

    Happy Birthday Chicky Baby!

    It gets even more exciting this year...Enjoy ever moment!!!

  4. I knew there was a reason I loved the Chicky. (Besides the fact that she sprung from your hairy loins.)

    She shares the same birthday as my Boo. We are destined to be great friends. Who knows, maybe I'll take her for her first tattoo!

    Wink, wink.

    Love her a little harder today in light of yesterday's horrible tragedy.

    But remember to treat each day as if it were your last and you will never once be able to say you wish you loved her harder or more.

    I have that at least with my Bug. He was well loved and he knew it.

    Now pinch those cheeks for me and tell her a hairy redneck out west is eager to corrupt, er, meet her.

  5. Happy Birthday little-big girl!

    Wonderful post...

  6. Hormonal pregnant women should not read birthday tributes.

    I've got tears in my eyes - that was beautiful. Happy birthday, Chicky.

  7. Happy Birthday, Chicky.
    Happy Momiversary, Mrs. Chicky.

    that was a beautiful birthday message to Chicky and all of us.

  8. Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby! They really do grow up so fast!

    My birthday was yesterday so we are birthday friends!

  9. I'm going through a month of birthdays here too. Parenting is just a steady series of weanings. It hurts so much to let go of each year and its milestones. I can't fathom being a parent of one of the V. Tech victoms. Each one of them broke hearts when they turned two, and seven, and nine... Hold that little beauty tight today.

  10. Awww...they are always our babies...and we will make sure they need and know to come for hugs and love wherever they are and no matter how old they are..

    Happy Birthday kid.

  11. What a beautiful post.

    Happy Birthday, Chicky.

  12. "...Ocean child with a windy smile.." Beautiful. Happy birthday to your big girl.

  13. She is so beautiful. Happy, HAPPY birthday to your wonderful little girl.

  14. Beautiful sentiments for a beautiful little girl. Happy Birthday Chicky Baby!!

  15. Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl (and what a beauty she is). Your Chicky Momma has brought tears to my eyes, made me remember to live in the now, and once again has reminded me how she is wonderful a freakin' fantastic writer. One lucky girl to have such a wonderful momma.

    Those photos are mind-numbingly cute. Seriously. I have brain freeze right now.

  16. Kristi - wish I could take credit for that but it's a play on lyric.

  17. I'm with Christina, pregnant hormonal women should be prepared when reading this.

    Happy birthday big girl!

  18. Happy Birthday Chicky Tot!

  19. Beautifully written. Sniff sniff! Lovely little girl. Happy 2nd Birthday!

  20. Happy 2nd birthday Chicky! Hope your day is filled with balloons, cake and eskimo kisses...

  21. My baby, my youngest, shares a birthdya with your daughter. I feel all those things you are feeling even though he turns 15 today.

    He has let go of my hand and is ready to face the world. He's anxious to have his first job and preparing for his Driving Learner's Permit. They grow up way to fast. :(

    Your daughter is beautiful! Huge kisses and hugs!

  22. Happy Birthday!
    How cute she is-

    Mine turns 2 soon too. It's sad and exciting.

  23. Look at the life in those eyes in that last photo---so curious and interested! She's beautiful and this is a lovely happy birthday letter to her.

    Happy 2nd Birthday!

    It is remarkable and amazing how far they grow each year just now.

  24. Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!
    She is just adorable!

  25. b a w l i n g.
    Happy Happy Chicky.

  26. Happy Birthday Beautiful Baby Chicky!!

    What a doll...you are in soooo much trouble

  27. That was beautiful, Mrs. C & so is the Chicky. Hug her tight.

  28. She is so adorable I want to scoop her up! How beautiful your love is for her.

  29. So beautiful, just so beautiful

  30. Happy birthday, beautiful girl!

    My oldest turns 5 on Sunday...I have no idea where the time went.

  31. I adore that last pic!!!

    Happy happy birthday!

    Time flies, huh mama?

  32. Two is such a delirious age.

    Happy birthday to her!

  33. happy birthday, ocean girl.

  34. I was thinking the same thoughts today as I was snuggling with my kids. Happy birthday to your daughter and congratulations on your anniversary of being a mom to her. Cute pictures!

  35. oh what a beautiful and touching post
    I'm tearing up big time.

    happy birthday little chicky..

  36. She's beautiful! Happy Birthday to your big little chicky!

  37. My son is turning two in a couple of weeks. This post gave me chills! Happy Birthday to your absolutely gorgeous little girl!

  38. I swear the most etheral little poppet. Big smiles from us all lots of love to you on your birthday and always CCB.

    And, a f'ing good post re VT, Mrs. Chicky

  39. Happy Birthday to a beautiful little girl.

  40. Made. Me. Cry.

    Hapy second birthday Chicky. You are a very, very lucky little girl.

  41. When you get a chance, stop by my blog, I've got something for you!

  42. Aww - beautiful!

  43. I'm a day late.. as usual. I hope you guys had a teriffic day. She's a beautiful child and you're a great mom. Luck all around!

  44. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl! My daughter turns two next months, so your words really ring so true in my own heart and have touched me so deeply!

  45. Everyday is a blessing whether we see it or not. You have a beautiful little girl.She is lucky to have a Mom that cares and loves her unconditionally.. Happy Birthday bright Eyes...BTW.. I wandered by via It's Schmitty Life..Nice blog you have here..

  46. Damn, you go and put Chicky Baby right back in her veal pen... I have ENOUGH of this children-growing-up-on-me crap.


    Happy Birthday, Chicky... I hope you got lots of good stuff for the big day!

  47. Hope you had a very happy birthday sweet, sweet Chicky Baby!


  48. When my daughter was 5 or 6, I called my Mother with the purpose of asking her a question. "I was just heading to bed, Mom, and I had to touch (baby-girl's) chest because I couldn't see it rise and fall from her door. When do you stop checking to see if your children are breathing in the night."

    "When they move out." came her reply from the other side of the country...

  49. And many more! Congratulations to you both!

    Could she be any cuter???

  50. What a beautiful little girl. That was a lovely post, Mrs. C. I'm all teary-eyed.

  51. Great post, Mrs C! I'm so behind on all the blogs. Happy Birthday to Chicky Chicky!

    Great pictures, too. She's cute as a button :)

  52. Happy birthday, Chicky!

    Beautiful, touching post - as usual.

  53. Happy belated b-day Chicky Baby!! Very beautiful tribute to your lovely daughter!

  54. happy 2 birthday!
    come back to my blog + enter some mother's day contests ms chicky!

  55. Sorry I missed giving Chicky b-day wishes. But she sure is gorgeous in her photos. Her eyes are so beautiful!

  56. Wow, she looks all grown up like!
    Happy birthday, Chicky Baby. Will you soon be insisting that your mama call you chicky kid?

  57. the best age, you can finger and lick their sweet little p--y and they can't tell anybody, fantastic feeling having you face between a 2 yr olds legs and feeling her kick and buck while you eat her, my wife and I babysit the neighbours 2 year old and anytime I can get alone time with her I want her p---y, can't wait until she can take my c--k in her
