Friday, February 02, 2007

This is your old pal Stinky Whizzleteats!

After reading the comments on my post about Boo Boo Kitty going gray (three gray hairs! Three! Three. Hairs. Three hairs!), Mr. C told me that I had to mention how impressed he was that one third of the people who commented were bare down there. He counted.

And that's why I married him.


Speaking of hair, I cut all mine off yesterday.

(The hair on my head, you sickos.)

I walked in to the salon, sat down, and let my hairdresser do whatever she wanted to the cut and color. And all without the aid of liquid courage. Go me! I needed a change. Change is good, right? The color is cool - I thought it was supposed to be dark blonde with bits of red, but it came out more red with blonde highlights. But it's good. The cut? I'm still getting used to it. It's short. But it's good. It's good. It's all good.

Have I convinced you yet? Because I'm still convincing myself. But it's good. Yeah.

I tried to take pictures, I really did, but I can't get a decent picture that isn't all blurry. See?

Mrs. Chicky for Whhiite Diiiamonds.

I hate styling a new cut the next day since it usually takes me a few days to get comfortable with it. I assure you that in real life it doesn't look so helmet-ish. It's kind of rock star, actually.

Devil Horns, baaahbeees.


Have you seen the new commercial for Pedigree's Adoption Drive? If I'm allowed to continue watching it every time it comes on I can not be held responsible for the 2,000 dogs I will soon be adopting. And I cannot be held responsible for the 2,00 dogs you'll bring home, either, after watching it. Go ahead, watch it. I dare you.


And a Friday would not be complete around these parts without some serious YouTube-ing. Since it's almost V-day (Valentine's Day. Shudder.) here's five of my favorite songs to set the mood. The romantic mood. The lovey mood. The bow-chicka-bow-bow mood. The Let's Get Down to Some Serious Baby Making mood.

(Scratch that last one. Shudder.).

This is my response to Lawyer Mama's tag for the Five Things meme. It was the least I could do seeing as how she (and others apparently) nominated me for that Happiest Blog award thingie. Even though I haven't been able to get that blasted Happy Happy, Joy Joy song out of my head since, I do thank you both. Dammit.

We'll have to address the whole happy thing at another time. When I'm drunk.

Until then, feel free to add your own to this list.

1. Quite possibly the most romantic song by a post-punk, British rock band with country/rockabilly/classic rock leanings. Ever.
2. Swoon. Melt. Swoon. Aahhh. If you haven't yet heard anything from that man, consider this your indoctrination. You can thank me later. With chocolate.
3. I know it's not cool to love this band, and the intro makes me question my taste, but this song? Bow-chicka-bow-bow. Aw yeah.
4. Classic. Perfect. Beautiful. What else can you say about this song?
5. Excuse me. Do you think I could, uh, touch you? Whoo. Why does this song do it for me? Why? Why?!

(As always, any music is subject to change without prior notice. Especially if someone comes up with a better song that makes me go, "Ooh! I like that one better. Stealsies.")


  1. I love it. You look beautiful.

    Did you color your who-ha the same as your head? Just askin'????

  2. Your new haircut is adorable. I've been trimming my bangs in the bathroom and they are still no even. Pretty soon I'll have nothing to cut and I'll look like I got half a buzz cut.

  3. Oooh, love the hair! :)

    I think I might steal your idea and list my favorite romantic/sexy songs soon. Hmmm.

    Here's one of my faves :


  4. LOVE the hair. Love. It.

  5. Oh my goodness. I love your hair!! And I love you too! I had this mental image of what you might look like and I was way off. WAY off...

  6. Mrs C~~ Love the do, even if it is red. Sorry.

    The music, oh the music.

    #3---Dave is the man. It might not be cool to love him any more, but damn, every time my daughter and I went to see him, the shows were truly fantastic.

    #4. love the song. just not the live version. Bowie does a pretty admirable cover...but then again, he could sing me the hemmoroid cream package insert and i would swoon.

    The rest, nah...not for me.

  7. OMG--The Pedigree Ad!!!!!

    I saw it once through all the way and now whenever it comes on, DH and I DIVE for the remote to change the channel, or mute the sound! I can't handle it, and I'm a touch chick with a cat who was formerly a stray (he was never even pedigreed enough to make it to a shelter) and whose family ONLY adopts animals.

    I can't take it, but I hope that it prompts many people to adopt rather than buy new, designer animals.

  8. Love your hair! And the pedigree commercial? Tears me up every time...

    Congrats on the noms...You happy, commenting thing you!

  9. hot new 'do
    I went strawberry blond once - turned out the hair person thought I said magenta....

  10. Love the new haircut! I think the snazzy new stylist that I went to just before my baby was born last month cut mine similarly ... I think, cause I haven't particularly styled it since the baby came. Oh, I should be ashamed to admit it! But it's only been 2 weeks, that's okay, right?

    Love love love the Pedigree commercial. Before you adopt all of 'em though, have you thought about fostering? Then you can have a different new dog every month or so, and help them all find homes!

  11. Oy! Sheesh, yah, the Pedigree Adoption thing got to me. I'd have to bring them all home, but the hubs would leave and then I'd have no way to care for them all.

  12. I found you through a link...somewhere. Maybe on Chicken and Cheese? But anyway -- hello! I just had to ask if you've heard the Indigo Girls version of Romeo and Juliet? I love the Dire Straits version, but the Indigo Girls version is IT for me. Definitely in my Top 5.

    But, oh so sad - is it not cool to love the Dave Matthews Band anymore? *pout*.

  13. Your hair looks really good. You have a lot of trust in your hair dresser...but I can see why. They do good work!

    Loved the idea of fav songs. I'm going to search for a few of my all time mood setters!

  14. Love the hair.

    Was right with you on the songs...until Al B. Sure. Though there is something about it, isn't there. Yikes, it's hard to rid yourself of the 80's.

  15. Like Mr C, I too noticed how many girls were braving bareness. I have tried two methods. One, as I supected resulted in hideous, itchy prickles... The other, longer lasting method, one which I've employed on my legs for, hmmm, more than half my life on this earth now, was U.N.B.E.A.R.A.B.L.Y. painful. The scream is still echoing out in the cosmos somewhere. F'real.

    Your hair is superb. I got the chop last week, and we have the same do, except mine is outwardly flippy. Not through my design abilities.I am hairdo incompetant. And it has effectively cancelled my membership in the ponytail brigade.

  16. Ohhh, Chicky,

    I'm crushing on you now. Yer so Hot! Meow!

    I'm not even gonna ask if the carpet matches the curtains...

    I've got a thing for sexy redheads. Even if they're hairy.

  17. Bowm chicka bowm bowm ... (that's porno music - you know, bad porn from the 70's and 80's? The ones with pizza guys?)

    Rockin' hair - it looks completely natural, BTW, great color!

  18. "Mrs. Chicky for Whhiite Diiiamonds."

    HHAA!! Thanks for that. I literally choked on a piece of bagel.

    And funny that you should mention the gray know, down there. I found one recently that I started writing a post about - I almost had an anxiety attack.
    Glad to know that I'm in good company!

  19. love the hair! where'd you get it done?

    I LOVE your music lists. The kiddo and I sat and you tube'd all of your parent--> child love songs.

    God only knows is one of my favorite songs ever and I just LOVE Joss Stone's version. Also, Trouble by Ray Lamontagne. sigh.

  20. KILLER haircut, Mrs. Chicky! You look GREAT! (I'm sure you did before, tho!). ;)

  21. Blurry picture or not I love the new cut. It's very stylin'!

  22. Can you hear me laughing my guts out over the Liz Taylor thing?

    Annndd... in the process of moving I have been turning over the black shantung two Max Mara backless two piece I would wear to the Grammys if I were ever invited.. do you want it? goes with the hair cut.

  23. Mrs Chicky, You are so beautiful! I love the hair...very chic, dahling...
    As far as the songs go,I say anything by Sade or Barry White myself.

  24. So, what, are you bringing sexy back? Rwarrrr...

  25. You look fabulous. The cut, the color, it's all good. Yowza!

  26. Congrats on the nomination, your hair looks fab, and your husband cracks me up.

  27. Love the red. Red is the way to go. Did I mention I love the red?

  28. You look FABULOUS! Seems we all are heading towards shorter hair. Age? Busy? Nah, just going for spunky, flirty and sexy!

  29. Your hair looks great, and I know what you mean by it taking a few days to get used to a new "do", but you rock it already!!!


  30. I love it! I think the red looks great on you.

  31. 1. You look hot. Seriously hot.

    2. Completely bare? Eek. Itchy.

    3. I'm linking to you in my post tomorrow. Just thought you'd like to know.

  32. I agree with Jenny - itchy.

    I've gone red recently too, but mine is more marker-red. I know I'm making a statement, but I'm not sure what I'm saying.

    love the cut & color - looks very easy to care for, too.

  33. Pretty hair!!!

    I got all mushy and soft-hearted when I saw that Pedigree commercial, too.

  34. I love your haircut. I need to do something with mine. I'm almost to the point of taking TCBIM's beard trimmer to it and just cutting it all off. I'd fit right in in Northampton. :D

    Mmmm, Dave Matthews. I luuuuurve him. Crash Into Me gets me all hot and bothered.

    I also have a real fondness for Closer by Nine Inch Nails. That's a real KMD,CFM song.

    It's also kind of cheesey, but Maroon 5, This Love is hot.

  35. madame chick.

    now and forever, you are that really hot madame chick, that hot madame chick chick.

  36. I've got one to top yours.

    Dick in a Box - Justin Timberlake/Andy Samberg

    Also, have I told you lately that I love you? Except, not for the fact that you dropped the Ren&Stimpy song in my brain like an alka-seltzer that won't dissolve.

    Other than that, though -- well, you're just plain, old, stinkin' fabulous. And deserve as many awards as your fabulously-coiffed self can hold. And have shelves for.

  37. nice lid, mrs.c! i often give into the 'do anything you want' spontaneous haircuts. yours has turned out much more successfully than some of mine.

    oh, and wanna know how uncool i am? i love love love #3 immensely, and did not even know that it was uncool to do so. now that's uncool.

  38. I'm a first time visitor too, but we're blogger chicks together...

    and yes, the haircut is really cute.

    I've got to get mine cut - it's a mop, most definitely.

  39. Great hair! LOVE IT! How come every time I tell my stylist to do whatever she wants I end up wanting to kill myself (or her)?

  40. Okay, first time comment, but I can't see a list of most romantic songs without adding this:

    Although the actual lyrics to the song aren't all that romantic (it's more of a broken heart song) the video and the voice and the snarl and the beach and the music and

    Obviously, I like it.

  41. Dig the haircut, Chicky Baby!!

    And I'm linking to you tomorrow!!

  42. I don't know what your former hair style looked like but this is a nice do!!

    As for romantic songs? Anything by Brian Perry just puts you in the mood, know what I mean?!

  43. Oh beautiful. Funny enough, I picture you like the photo of your daughter, wearing those glasses. Nice to see you out of my imagination.

    And when I came across your name under "best commenter," I needed to read no further. That category was made for you, lady.

  44. Great to see you!

    Also, I loved your "Dear Friend" post.
