I blinked and then you were one.
I know it's cliche, I know every parent says it, but where did the past year go? It seems like I just had you but it also seems like you've always been with us. You just have that way about you, I suppose.
There are so many things I want to remember about your first year because you're so utterly enjoyable, but because you're the second child I've really let the ball drop on the whole documenting your first year of life thing. Sorry about that. It's not intentional. Honestly, we've been spending more time living which leaves less time for writing. And it's not like I don't try to take pictures of you, I really do. You just never sit still long enough so I've ended up with two hundred pictures of the back of your head.

But see? Here's a cute picture of you. It was taken before you could crawl away from the crazy lady and her flashy camera-thingy.
And it's not like there haven't been plenty of milestones to record - First crawled: six months. First word: HI! (capital letters, exclamation point), used often and regularly. Number of teeth: sweet Jesus, baby girl, you went into this week with an impressive seven teeth (and I do mean impressive, you could gnaw through the piano leg if I let you) but then this week you cut two molars at the same time. You can slow down because I'm still not sharing my steak with you - because there have been plenty to keep us busy.
Then there are the little things they don't leave spaces for in those books - how you love to dance and sing, how you manage to engage complete strangers in marathon games of peek-a-boo, how you're so very small but incredibly mighty for someone your size.
How you will amuse yourself for hours with nothing but a paper towel roll, a shoebox and an Advil bottle with a quarter in it stopping every once in a while for a quick cuddle or to blow kisses to me across the room.
Or how you love your sister even though she tries her best to make your life unpleasant (And for the record, she loves you too. She just doesn't know it yet).
And how, when frightened or unsure or just in the mood for a little love, you cling to me like a capuchin monkey, fingers holding onto my shirt for dear life while you giggle while I kiss your cheeks, until you feel comfortable enough to literally throw yourself out of my arms at whatever catches your eye.
That's how your first year has been spent, throwing yourself at whatever interests you regardless of consequence. I like that about you.

But the best part about the last year can be summed up by this: When sitting in your high chair you eat your meals with your right foot propped up on the tray. Never the left, always the right. And the first time you noticed it you were all, "Hey, look at That. How did That get there? Wow, I didn't know I had That! That has got to be the coolest thing I've ever seen. Mom, did you see That? Isn't That the best?? I really like That. I think I will sit with That next to me at every meal."
And that is what you did, still do, pretty much every meal for months. Among the things I will miss as you grow older, that is one of the most important. Your ability to find pleasure in the most mundane, the most simple, and the most obvious things we usually miss. I love That about you.
All my love,
Happy 1st Birthday CC!!
Happy 1st, CC!!!
And to think, I knew her when she was just a blog post.
Much cuter and smooshable now.
Happy 1st birthday to your second baby!!!
aw. she's a cutie. if you change your mind about her, she's welcome to come hang out at our place. :)
Wow, she's a year already!??! Holy moly.
Hope she got a big ol' piece of cake.
Happy Birthday CC!
Beautiful post and wonderful job of capturing some beautiful memories.
Happy 1st Birthday to CC, and congratulations and job well done to YOU!
Such a cutie. Too bad she's going to give you an ulcer from worrying in about 14 years.
Aww, happy birthday!
T, she's a doll. Pleasure and wonder in the mundane - it's pure joy for them, and for us too.
Happy birthday to your sweet baby girl.
Happy Birthday to your baby girl!
I had to laugh at the foot thing, because my baby girl does the same thing, except it's always the left foot!
That was awfully sweet.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (okay momma, seriously -- how did a that happen? A YEAR ALREADY?)
Happiest of birthdays CC! It's probably hard to find something NOT to love about a face like that!
Happy birthday, sweet, wonderful girl!
It's a cliche...the days go by slowly, the years go by fast. But you've captured this first year beautifully. It's a blessing to be able to live in the moment, and a gift to you and to your children to be able to catch those moments in words. xxoo
Happy Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl!
What a doll!
Happy Birthday to CC!
(One? ALREADY? Damn, these kids have to do something about this GROWING UP business.)
she's so beautiful!
and one
time really does fly.
happy 1st b-day!
Happy birthday to your gorgeous one-year old, and to you too, mama :)
Happy birthday to you! Around here, the first birthday is the celebration the parent throw the Come and celebrate! We've had a kid for one year and survived. Make sure you get to celebrate, too, mamma. You deserve it!
gah!! i cannot believe she is ONE! my god!
happy birthday to her!
Happy first birthday, CC! And happy birthday to your mom as well =)
Happy #1 CC!
adorable! I have a 14 month old boy that would love to spend time with that cutie!
So beautifully said. What a beauty she is, too. Happy happy happy to you all!
Happy birthday to your happy girl. She's a beauty all around.
Ach, so cute. She reminds me of you more than Chicky does, too. Did I mention cute?
It's funny to read your post because it's exactly how I've been feeling lately about Isabella, I am planning her 1st birthday and I've been thinking about how time flies. Geez I just got my body back from having her inside of me and I'm already planning her 1st b-day, it's unbelievable! Happy b-day to your little girl!!
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