Oh, honey. I know what you're thinking. Please don't do it.

I'm begging you, PLEASE don't do what I know you're about to do.
I mean, I could stop you myself, but you need to learn some self-control, babycakes. That and I don't feel like leaving the couch right now.
I mean, I could stop you myself, but you need to learn some self-control, babycakes. That and I don't feel like leaving the couch right now.

To the untrained eye she looks like she's giving him a kiss. But her mama knows what she's really doing is checking to see if he tastes like chicken.

I'm guessing he doesn't.

Yep, right about there. I could help you clear all that dog hair out of your mouth but Mama's a little busy recording this for posterity. You'll understand when you have your own kids someday.
I hope there aren't too many of you who are greeting your guts right now...
(Like my friend Liz. Hi Liz!)
...but a mom does what a mom has to do. And when CC comes home from a night of teen binge drinking and is tangoing with the toilet I'll pull out these pictures and ask her, "I bet that tastes a lot better than when you chewed on the DAMN DOG." And then I'll laugh and laugh.
(Like my friend Liz. Hi Liz!)
...but a mom does what a mom has to do. And when CC comes home from a night of teen binge drinking and is tangoing with the toilet I'll pull out these pictures and ask her, "I bet that tastes a lot better than when you chewed on the DAMN DOG." And then I'll laugh and laugh.
They say that kids who grow up on farms have a better immune system.
And I tell myself that every time mine lick the dog...
Such a good dog you have too.
Condiment at our house.
I love it. My kid used to try to bite the cat but he learned quick that the cat bites back. ;)
Ha! Everything tastes better with dog hair.
You mean all kids don't taste their pets? C'mon, what's wrong with them?
bahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious. and adorable. and gross, but mostly just completely adorable. you and amalah, posting hilarious pics of your kids, i love it. lol.
:-P My little sister used to stick her hands in the dog's mouth. Whoops
Aww! Fisher was such a good sport to lay there and stay still for all those photos.
That was sooo cute! :)
She is so stinkin' cute. She probably watches you "eat" those delish little arms and legs of hers and thought that maybe cute Fisher would appreciate a little nibble. But, mmmmm, dog fur in mouth.
I've always wanted to try dog too. I usually add on "But not your dog" when I get the hairy eyeball.
Wow... you really have a patient dog. You should totally use that time lapse photo sequence in your ads for the dog dominatrix thingy you're going to set up.
She's too cute to gross anyone out. And hey, my kid licked the cat the other day.
Nope, didn't gross me out... my kids have had wayyy worse in their mouths. Cute though.
I am so relieved that my kid isn't the only one licking the dog. Unfortunatly she always aims for the tail, thank goodness for the pug-tail that curls away from the mess...or is it worse b/c it's exposed...oh i don't know :O
After being woken up numerous times by a cat licking my lips (which hurts a lot.) and having my sister's dog randomly start licking my mouth while I was sitting on the floor talking and she licked my teeth I am definately not grossed out by that. Those pictures are great. Oh and one time when my cat was sick we had to give him medicine and we used a syringe to squirt it in his mouth. The only way we could do it was if I held him and my sister squirted it in his mouth. One of the times he moved a lot and the medicine went in my mouth. It was pink and it tasted like pepto bismal. Wow. It wasn't until commenting on this post the bad things I have had happen with animals. I've thought of a few more, but i've already written a short novel in this comment.
who can blame that kid, that dog looks delicious
Only grossing out half yoru readers? Not bad. Definitely not grossing me out. I've got kids, remember?
Dogs are totally nommable! Just like kids. :D
We have a sheltie and a schnauzer, the sheltie sheds enough to make up for the fact that the schnauzer doesn't shed at all, so everything has a dose of dog hair on it.
I'm impressed you could keep the camera still long enough to take non-shaky pictures!
Gives new meaning to the phrase, "Hair of the dog!"
I have a yellow lab... WITH A PINK NOSE ! and has theeee most fabulous velvetie soft ears!
I do better than chew on my dog... I hugggg him till he poops on the rug ! ! !
The look on that poor beleagured dog's face is priceless.
Not grossed out here. Every meal we eat has at least one obligatory dog hair. I do, however, get a little grossed out when the baby chews on one of the dog's toys.
I love it! We have a black lab that our daughter loves to lay on, bite, pet etc. Luckily he is very tolerent of her and lets her do what she wants.
Oh my gosh! Your dog's face! He is so in need of a vacay! LOL! BTW, my baby's poopy diaper sometimes has MY hair in the mix... nasty? A bit.
Your dog is like "yeah whatever". Ahh funny!!
Hey, my son once got stuck in the toilet and I wouldn't get him out until I took multiple pictures. Mother of the year award right here!
Be happy that the kid tasted the dog's back. Mine was more curious about what's under the tail!
Soooo? Chicken? I'm too lazy to figure it out myself.
Not gross at all. Good for the immune system, I figure.
That was so friggin' NORMAL to see around here, back in the day, I'm like, waiting for the gross thing. lol.
I thought there was a big-yellow-lab-butt-drag coming.
That is VERY funny - The Bun would totally try to taste Henry if he'd sit still. What a patient animal you have! No doubt because of your mad training skillz.
(And yes, HI! It's me on another reading catchup binge, having been away for too long again. I suck.)
I used to say that LittleBird subsisted on cat hair and Cheerios. Love it.
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