Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This has got to be a record

93 degrees. In APRIL. I'm too hot to come up with something witty to say about that. But I do know this, Al Gore is pissed right now. Vindicated, but pissed.

Now, I like warm weather as much as the next person but this is a little ridiculous. The only thing that makes it tolerable is that ice cream is mandatory for keeping cool on days like these. It's true, look it up.


Suburb Sierra said...

I can barely read your post through the sweat dripping off my forehead...I'd like my 65 degrees back, please? Skipping spring is no fair.

The_EmilyB said...

You're gonna hate me but seriously its around 50 here so I'd trade you in a heartbeat!

Dani said...

And it was blizzarding here yesterday.

Go figure.

Whirlwind said...

We had friends invite us to go swimming at the lake today - um still too cold for that.

But we did indulge in some homemade ice cream from one of our favorite stands!

musingwoman said...

Where I live we're getting nice temperatures...along with buckets of rain.

Heather said...

I'm jealous. We had 92 on Friday which was a record for our city. I loved it. Then Saturday it was back down to 50...where we've stayed. Bleh.

Anonymous said...

You know how hot it was at our house? My son voluntarily brought up the air conditioners from the basement and installed them. By himself! Now THAT is hot.

flutter said...

got you beat got you beat! it was 100 here last week!

Ashlie- Mommycosm said...

It was 95 here yesterday. High of 60 today. Mother Nature is very fickle.

Unfortunately, I had a fever and chills all day - so I didn't get to enjoy the heat. *sigh*

furiousBall said...

i'm really very happy to have this rain that came through this morning, (not a hot weather dude)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

I am not looking forward to that weather... lucky for me it is a cool overcast day here in Iowa today... and I will take that over 93 every day of the week!

I hope it cools down for you soon!

Patois42 said...

Saw your tweet that you've been bitch-slapped to 63. I loved the heat wave we had two weeks ago...but only because I knew it wouldn't last. Real summer heat? Blech!

motherbumper said...

Oh yes, most definitely ice-cream is mandatory, it's the motherbumpin' LAW.

Christine said...

Holy crap, I couldn't believe it myself when I walked outside. then the next day it was only about 60. Freakin nuts.

petite gourmand said...

It was like that here last weekend too.
But no leafy trees to sit in the shade under.
Can't imagine what july will be like.
Then again-I'll take it-especially after this winter.

Daisy said...

Bad craziness all around. Husband refuses to put away the snow shovel, even though he's rototilling the garden. Superstitious? He won't admit it.

kristi said...