I get a kick out of telling people that Chicky plays soccer. Soccer? For three year olds? Surely we must be those parents who are pushing their babies into activities well before they should. We're probably stunting her growth but how else will she be ready for the 2024 summer Olympic women's soccer team?
Well it's not so much playing soccer as it is spinning in circles in the sunshine and picking grass. Also, kicking playground balls into the woods. It's a good time. I leave every "game" in tears. Happy, joyful, laughing-my-ass-off kinds of tears.
Most of the other kids in this "league" (Don't you love the "finger quotes"? Aren't they "awesome"?) are four and five years old so being one of the youngest she gets cut a lot of slack. When the others are trying to follow the coach's instructions she's kicking a ball from one end of the grassy area to the other. I've never enjoyed watching my kid blatantly ignoring authority more.

Some might look at this picture and see a girl learning how to trap a ball. I see the "Crane Pose".

We'll wait until Chicky-san's in the third grade before we teach her to sweep the leg. At least. When it comes to sport we're ruthless in this family. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy.
(Okay, not really. We're total pacifists. Or is it pansies? I forget.)
Chicky-san will never show mercy. BTW she teaches this to Caro-san when you aren't looking.
This reminds me of our daughter last year. She was the youngest and convinced all the other kids that picking grass was much more fun. We tried to sign her up again this year but I was told it was full. My husband thinks they just recognized her name and wanted to avoid a repeat of last year.
What a cute post. Chicky looks like she follows directions better than some of the kids on my team (I coach Moe's 3-5 team).
Swarm ball is my all-time favorite sport. Watching the little kids chase the ball back and forth really does wonders for the soul.
Apparently you should have signed Chicky up for karate lessons! I love the crane pose. And nothing like some good-spirited running around, whether with purpose or otherwise. I hope the joy stays in it for a while longer before anyone starts to get competitive.
I love Chicky's artsy soccer poses. She is the cutest little player out there.
BTW----when I first saw the pictures, i wasn't sure that was even Chicky. She looks like she's 6!
She's so adorable. I bet she has that coach wrapped around her little pinky...he is kinda cute though. If she was practicing her feminine wiles, she doesn't have bad taste...hehe.
She is ADORABLE. Look at that hair!!
(ok, I know I should be commenting on her mad soccer skillz, but I just couldn't resist gushing...)
Love the poses!
I call little kid soccer "magnet ball", because of the way they all tend to immediately form into a little clump around the ball and move around as said clump. ;-)
I'd flirt with the coach, too. He's hot!
She's so freaking adorable. I love the pictures of her next to the coach and not just for looking at him. ;)
Gaw, I loved those 3 and 4 year old soccer years.
World Cup 2020!
Courtney - There are two coaches and the other one is even better looking. Yeah, I like soccer.
Yeah, she's pretty cute too. Smart momma signing girlie up for soccer to tire her out...if only they could do that with CC too eh?
She is so pretty!! Mine played soccer when she was 4 and 5. Yeah, they totally sat down in the middle of the field and compared nail polish during a game. The Ringleader? My Kid. What? OPI had just come out with a new line and she was all excited...
Dan, when did she get all tall and big and girlish?
My four year old "plays" soccer. She adores it, but she has no clue what she's doing. We do it mostly, because it's a chance for her to have to listen to someone else. Plus all the running and um...cartwheels she does, runs off energy.
I haven't seen her in a while and, wow! She's all grown up! So cute.
What a cutie pie! Zoe started dance this year, and I am thinking of putting Josh in soccer (or ameba ball as I like to call it) next year.
Too funny! I'd FORCE my boyz to play soccer if the coaches looked like that!
Looks like she's having a blast! I love that she's having so much fun outdoors. Who needs video games? not chicky.
OMG I love Chicky. she's cute and sassy and sporty and well, all the spice girls, really.
Cute pictures! I'm all for little kids playing sports: sports, bath and bed in that order. Sure sports are great for self-esteem, learning to be a team player and of course fitness but to me the sound sleeping is the best!
Watching 3-5 year olds play soccer makes it very obvious why shin guards were invented.
And are you kidding me? This is serious stuff. By 7 years old, if you don't haven't been scouted by the travel team, you might as well stick to paper dolls. *insert eye roll*
Yes, I'm a subversive among "serious" kiddie kicker parents.
Hi Tania, finally catching up post BlogHer and wanted to pop over and say hello (was so very low energy when I met you in the late afternoon...). Love these photos -- my 4yo daughter also is rocking soccer in our backyard. The coordination surprises me...
Hope we can connect at some point again in the future. Would love to chat and get to know you better.
So so cute - what a girl, no wonder you're such a proud mum
Lynette x
What a cutie! And now I can't wait to see what havoc my little anti-authority girl will wreak on the soccer field!
She's got some serious soccer poses! And if she can't get the ball, she can flip that pretty hair of hers and distract them to kick the ball away.
Hello. Those pictures are so cute. I think it's great that you don't take it too seriously and just let her have fun. She is so adorable
Coaching three-four-five year olds in soccer must be a lot like trying to herd cats.
I think Chicky and Katie will be the forwards in the 2024 games for sure! Nothing like starting 'em young.
and ps - if that were my coach, I'd stay as close to him as I could too! rawr!
I absolutely love these pics of chicky playing soccer. what a beautiful girl she is.
Oh, she's such a cute little thing! I love her soccer outfit.
Yeah... you're kid is cute.
How do I get in touch with her coach. I don't see a ring...
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