Friday, October 26, 2007

It's never too early to start obsessing about seemingly insignificant things

Before Chicky was born, and I mean way before, like three years before she was conceived, I would regularly pepper Mr. C with random baby names that I liked. To which he would promptly reply, in true Chicky family fashion, with some smart ass answer and ridiculous name of his own.

"What do you think about Elizabeth?"

"It's okay. How about Gertrude?"

"Well, what about Thomas?"

"I don't hate it. But you know what name I really like? Zoltan."

No matter how clever he thought he was, I never gave up on baby names. So when I became pregnant with The Blob Who Ate My Soul (as she/he will be called henceforth on this blog, or T.B. Wams for short) and had no interest whatsoever with baby names, I knew we were going to be in for one of those last minute, Oh my GOD, they need a name for the birth certificate NOW or the baby will be named Baby Boy/Girl Chicky FOREVER! names.

(Or T.B. Wams. It's kind of growing on me.)

Funny enough, this time it's been Mr. C who has been initiating most of the baby naming discussions, and he's been coming up with some decent ones. Except for the time he asked me to consider giving our child, if T.B. Wams comes out as a boy, the same name as his deceased grandfather. In theory it's a really nice idea, unfortunately it's also my ex-husband's name.

Uh, no honey. That's not going to work. Not even as a middle name. Unless you want me to call him "Dick Head" as a nickname.

Naming Chicky was easy. I had her name picked out before she was even conceived and there was no swaying me from my decision. I named her after a song that reminded me of my mother. Her middle name is an ode to my sister. And though she is not technically named after anyone I like the idea that her name indirectly honors the two most important women in my life.

Not only that, but I like that she's named after a song. She gets the hugest kick out of hearing "her song" and I get a chance to get all weapy and sentimental on cue just by playing it on my iPod.

I'd really like our next child to have the same experience. I, myself, have always wanted to have a song of my own, but sadly nothing rhymes with my name. Except maybe "lasagna". That's kind of close. However, unless I have a tryst with an Italian songwriter with a love for me and cheesy casseroles I'm shit out of luck.

I went looking for songs with women's names* in the titles (what the hell did we ever do before Google?) and though there are loads of songs written for the ladies, the names left me feeling uninspired. I'm afraid this child might not have a song all her own... that she shares with thousands of other girls whose parents had the same idea.

I don't want to get all crazy, like my best friend from high school who named her daughter "Rhiannon". I love Stevie Nicks as much as the next gal and I've always wanted to be a bit like her, but Rhiannon? It's kind of silly. I'm fairly certain she didn't even know the history behind the name when she decided on it.

But don't think I haven't thought of "Caroline". Especially if my Red Sox win the Series. That would be wicked sweet.

(and, yes, I know it's been done. I never claimed to be inventive.)

*No, I don't know definitively that it's a girl. I just have a feeling. And if I'm right, you heard it here first. If I'm wrong, there's always "Sweet Baby James".


Girlplustwo said...

T.B. Wams had me laughing at loud.

And I was thinking Caroline the whole way through...good lord, that would be awesome.

Nice to hear you sounding happy. Non-pukey. Hydrated.

Heidi Hyde said...

We are two peas- I couldn't wait to have my baby girl so I could name her Cecilia (after the Simon and Garfunkel tune). Yeah. We had a boy. Wah, wah.

(kidding, kidding, I love him but last time I checked there weren't any little ditties dedicated to "Ivan") ;)


Phoenix said...

My name is in a song and I always loved it when my dad sang it. Even now, if he hears it, he calls to tell me. Now I'm so curious what Chickys name is.

I like Caroline, but I'm sure there are tons of them. Some worse than others.

Love, TB Wams. Too dam funny.

Anonymous said...

Claudia was almost Marin after "Moon Over Marin".

Too obscure?

BOSSY said...

Absolutely nothing makes a person revisit their Junior High classroom like the thought of Baby Names.

Bossy had an obnoxious story tied to almost every name in creation.

OhTheJoys said...

Ugh. I thought the choosing names part was hard.

You are hilarious. Feeling better?

motherbumper said...

I had a love/hate relationship with baby namin'. Seriously - I almost had that tattooed on my knuckles. Lone behold, while trapped on the subway with SB in my final month the name came to us - it just arrived all wrapped up in a bow. I will always remember that moment forever. I also will always remember the smell of that train. My eyes water in remembrance... for many reasons.

Stimey said...

Quinn (Bob Dylan, "Quinn the Eskimo") works for a boy or a girl. I know because I have one of those (a Quinn). And you can call him/her Q, or Q-Ball, or Q-bert. There are many excellent derivatives.

With my first we called him Wiggand in utero because it was a family name for my husband. TB Wams is really good too.

cooler*doula said...

We were one of those "named him within minutes of him being inscribed as baby boy zimble" on his birth certificate.

Names are hard.

Especially when you hit so many good notes on the first one. You don't want to short change the second. At least, as a second child, this concern consumes me...

b*babbler said...

Ooh, I like the Caroline. I tried this one with Mr Babbler, but got nowhere. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Caroline Tessie? Tessie Caroline? Either way, perfect names.

I have a GREAT name book if you want to borrow it. It isn't one of those Jason and Jennifer books, it's really academic (figures, huh) and has some gorgeous names in it, most of them either biblical, from the greek or latin, and just too cool for school.

Anonymous said...

When I talk about going for the girl, I picture myself pregnant at a Jimmy Buffett concert with one of those tacky arrow t-shirts that says "Another Brown Eyed Girl" (Jimmy covered Van).

It's my theme song and already my boys can 'sha-la-la-la' with the best of 'em.

You're sounding MUCH better.

Anonymous said...

Rhymes with Lasagna...Tanya?


ohh, ohh


(I'm really good at this game!)

Julie Marsh said...

Caroline was going to be this baby's middle name, back when I thought he was a girl. And the chosen first name was also from a song.

Naming babies should be fun, but in actuality it can be pretty stressful.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Tess was one of my #1 names but husband HATED it, and wouldn't budge. Later, I heard the Tessie song and have been stewing ever since.

And, as far as naming your child after a song? My all-time favorite name song is "Jane Says" by Jane's Addiction and it was a serious contender for me. Alas, the lyrics always tripped me up a bit. (also, there is Sweet Jane which is a great song).

I really enjoyed picking out names and enjoy even more telling people who think we named our son after a poet how we REALLY chose his name!

kittenpie said...

See, Rhiannon to me is the kind of thing you give for a middle name. Like you maybe like the idea of something celtic for your background, think it sounds kind of cool, but are smart enough to know it's not a good first name? Like that.

We took month of vetoing and back-and-forthing and cracking open every name book we could find, writing lists on scrpas and handing them over, sighing and gritting teeth and assuring each other, "You suck" before we came to a reluctant, grudging agreement on a name for pumpkinpie. However are we going to come up with another if we have a second? Gah. It's enough to make me rethink the whole thing.

Good luck!

Bea said...

Let me guess. Chicky's name is Mandy. No, wait - Sandy.

Anonymous said...

You know, my name is in a song, "Once in Love With Amy" but one time when I was about 12 a pervy old fart started singing it around me and it turned me off of it forever.

The Beatles have some great names...Lucy, Sadie, Prudence, etc...

Heather said...

I'm trying to not think about naming this baby yet. Although given our track record we probably should start the negotiations sooner rather than later.

Tania said...

My name also rhymes with lasagna, and it was Tony Danza who pointed this out for me. Between the two dogs and the name, I'm starting to think we're the same person.

FENICLE said...

I began a list of names in high school...not that I wanted a kid then, but I loved dreaming of names.

Although they all went out the window and we came up something new.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

What about Georgia? I like that.

mamatulip said...

T.B. Wams is cracking me up. In a sympathetic way. ;)

There is a Rhiannon in Julia's class and every time I hear her name I think of Stevie Nicks.

EVERY time.

Kyla said...

You "sound" good. Thank God for Zofran!

T.B. Wams. Genius. Pure genius.

Bon said...

so...mmm...Lola? that way you've got both girl (Copacabana version) and cross-dresser (Kinks, how cool are they?) covered. was just a thought. ;)

Anonymous said...

I know a Rhiannon and a James from exactly those two songs...

I had a kid in my class once named "Shithead" (sheetheed), then I also had an "Armchair" and a "Male" (Mahlay) his sister was "Female"(Fehmahlay).....

I shit you not.

I can't make this crap up.

I always knew Fa was a 'Fa' way before she was conceived too.

Kristin said...

Well, Eva is convinced that the lyrics to Elvis' infamous song are,"EVA LAS VEGAS" and we are pretty certain there will be much hostility when "VIVA" is pointed out to her...

That being said, what about "Delilah"? It's been stuck in my head since August.

Anonymous said...

When we were little, my sister thought Lonesome Loser by The Little River Band was really "Lost Tallulah". So you could always fool him or her with lyrics that sound like a name, but are actually vastly different.

PunditMom said...

I'm glad you seem to be feeling better! names -- ARGH! I had dreams that PunditGirl should be names Emily after we had chosen another name. I was so worried we had chosen the wrong name. It was quickly apparent that Emily would have been all wrong for her!

Greens and Pinks said...

As a former teacher I have run into many an odd name. Two of my all time favorites are "Lingerie" and "Cash Money" - seriously. But on a more serious note, having known literally thousands of kids, there are tons of names that aren't even an option anymore which is sad.

Cakabaker said...

Personally, I like T.B. Wams :)
I am sure you will find a name that you just can't live without, whether it be a boy or a girl. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Check out -
The Baby Name Wizard Book
Best freaking baby name book out there.
Hands down.

Heather said...

I completely wanted RP to be Sara Smile. I petitioned, offered should I be allowed to name RP after that song. All of which failed, I might add. Always loved the lyics...Smile, a while, for me.

Anonymous said...

You could go the route of my children's way of naming...after their favorite video games.

They are insisting on Zelda if a girl is dropped in our laps and Mario if it's a boy.

Is it wrong that I'm considering it???

Julie Pippert said...

We used the song theme for pets: Luka, Layla, Cecilia, Na-Na (don't ask, it was a black cat and kudos if you get the Janet ref there), etc.

I went with the, "What would look good on the business card of a Supreme Court Justice and is also a saint's name?" route for the kids.

Whew, luckily there are a LOT of saints.

Using My Words

Anonymous said...

There are also some really WACK saints' names so don't let Mr. Chicky find out about that strategy.

I second the Baby Name Wizard book. It rules.

Major Bedhead said...

The Bug's name was very nearly Caroline. I love that name. But I also love the name we chose for her. We went back and forth for months trying to come up with a name for her. Boo's was much easier, for some reason.

Major Bedhead said...

And DOOD!!! WE WON!!!!

So, Caroline wins hands down, at least in my book.

Anonymous said...

I like Caroline but I never remember how to pronounce it so if it's Caroline with a hard I you should spell it CarolIne for people like me.

NH Yocal said...

I think it is great to find a name that has a song associated with it. I always think of "Rosanna", not sure who sings it. I think that was about one of the Arquette sisters though (that family is everywhere). I also like that new "Hey there Delia" song. Mine have names associated with very famous book characters as well as a season so I guess each can feel special in a way.

Kara said...

My top two baby girl names: Maggie and Cecilia. Both about loose women taking advantage of men. I have a playlist of Maggie songs on the itunes and in each one, a man is singing about being used and abused by a woman named Maggie.

We were sure about Maggie (named after my mom) but IF we ever go for #2, the kid will remain nameless. We can't agree on anything.

wayabetty said...

I actually won out on all the names b/c I did the guilt thing by saying "I carried them for 9 months, getting fat blah blah blah" so he gave in. ;-)

As for names, how about Manny? Beckett? Or Pappelbon (SP?). ;-)

Creative-Type Dad said...

I kept telling my wife if we had a boy his name would be Gwar - a real man's man name.

She was thankful when we had a girl.

Rusti said...

I'm not pregnant yet - but I already have names picked out that I absolutely adore... the girl name though apparently has a song of the same name - from WAY back, which my mom & aunts break into every time I say the name... unfortunately - my husband doesn't like my girl names (first & middle) at all... and the boy name he's okay with, but doesn't love... it's going to be so much fun when the time comes... oh boy. or girl. or both. (my mom & Nan are twins - so my chances of having some myself are fairly decent... we'll see!) I hope you are feeling better Mrs. Chicky! Fabulous and smiling!!

Lawyer Mama said...

Where to start, where to start. My hubs also drove me crazy with naming our first and I'm pretty sure that both Gertrude AND Zoltan were on his list. In month 8, one night at dinner he suddenly exclaimed, "I have the perfect name! How about Mark?!" Me: "Mark? Dude. That's my ex-boyfriend. No. Way. In. Hell."
Trey: "His name is Mark? I thought it was butthead?"

OH & I once worked with a woman who named her daughter Stevie. After Stevie Nicks. Poor gender confused little girl.... But Caroline? Is a beautiful name.