Wednesday, February 21, 2007

She has danced into the danger zone, when a dancer becomes a dance

It gets mighty lonely - and boring - on these cold New England nights. A woman's got to be resourceful to keep from going mad. And if that means dressing her toddler up in leg warmers* and encouraging her to dance to tunes from a bygone era (uh, that would be music from the 80's), then so be it.

She's a Maniac, Maniac on the floor...

And she's dancing like she's never danced before

Grand plie, second position. And without the aid of a bar. Eat your heart of Baryshnikov.

And the big finish.
Or, where I hope you'll pay more attention to "Crazy Legs" Chicky than to the carnage behind her. It was a long day.

*This 80's flashback was brought to you by Baby Legs. The pattern hurts my eyes but I'm not complaining. They were free.


Scribbit said...

Ah legwarmers. All she's missing is a matching beret and an off-the-shoulder number.

My kids love looking at my old pictures for entertainment.

Nichole said...

Love the last pic! She is so cute. Too cute for words.

E loves her baby legs too! My hubby says "are those 80s legwarmers?! God they're ugly." He doesn't get it.

E gets into second position to bend forward at her waist when she does this move where she tries to hold soemthing between her tummy and leg. She literally tucks whatever she's holding into her pelvis and bends over, while holding both arms out to the side as if to say, "ta da!" She's such a circus freak. I've yet to catch that on camera, but when I do, you will definitely see it!

Unknown said...

I had those exact leg warmers. Only I got down to Olivia Newton John's "Let's Get Physical." said...

Those leg warmers are AWESOME!

My younger DD hates tights and "pantyhose" because she complains that they go up her butt. I'm getting her leg warmers.

And those photos are too cute!

Anonymous said...

she's a total rockstar!

metro mama said...

Love it! Next time you should tease her hair.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't her sweatshirt cut and hanging off to the side? And hello? Headbands!

This is the cutest thing I've seen in a long, long time-- and I'm not ashamed to say I was singing along with your captions. I LOVE that freaking movie.
Cute, cute kid.

Redneck Mommy said...

Damn you, you cheeky chick. I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day now!

The little chicken is adorable. Yet another reason why I'm so anxious to adopt.

I can't wait to dress my child up and revel in her future humiliation...

Now I'm off to dig out my own retro pair of legwarmers...

Since I'm singing the song, I might as well look the part!

Kara said...

Love the legwarmers, love the dance, love. it. all.

Kevin Charnas said...

HHAA!! I love it! Aaahhhh...I'm living vicariously through her leg warmers and dance moves to the music of my youth. Although, I never had any leg warmers...or Member's Only jackets. But, I did have big hair.

Mama en Fuego said...

Like all great 80's dances, it's hard to tell if she's dancing, or taking a major dump.

Avalon said...

Mrs C.~~ thanks for making my day! She is hysterical in her Jennifer Beals ensemble. That poor kid, however, is going to be mortified when she's 14 and realizes what you not only did to her, but posted on the Internet for all to see!

Her Bad Mother said...

She and WonderBaby need to get together with their baby legs and GET DOWN.

Anonymous said...

I want those legwarmers. Those are the shiznit!!

I mean, for Julia. I want them for JULIA. Yeah.

Lisa said...

Looks like she LOVED them. She's SO adoreable! Awwww.

Jess Riley said...

I LOOOOVE THIS!!!! I only hope my future kid(s) are this entertaining and adorable. Chicky Baby is so damn cute!

When I was little I used to sing Billy Joel's "Honestly," but I actually sang, "Honest tea." Turns out I was only dreaming of a future brand of beverage that I'd enjoy.

Damselfly said...

What a cutie! Her hair is getting longer. Love how she included a cookie as part of her big finish.

We just got our first pair of Baby Legs and can't wait to try them out! Hope my boy can make them look, er, manly.

Irreverent Antisocial Intellectual said...

Uh, I think I had those leg warmers. Also with matching suspenders. Oh the 80's ...

Kevin Charnas said...

You know, forgive me...I just realized that I failed to say how UNFREAKIN' BELIEVABLY CUTE SHE IS!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics. Quite the little rock star you have there.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gawd...You just KNOW I LOVE that...Great pictures and what form!!!!

Amie Adams said...

What good are the kids if they can't entertain us?

Jenny said...

Oh my Lord is she adorable! Makes me consider doing my own Manica rendition. No one's home afterall!

Anonymous said...

Oh my those baby leg warmers are the bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sparky Duck said...

ok, the 80s music is not a joke. If I have to stand up for Skid Row, Warrant, New Edition and Sammy Hagars Van Halen, then so be it!

ms blue said...

The cuteness doesn't stop! Indeed she has certainly got the moves.

OhTheJoys said...

What? No wet head and hair flip?

wayabetty said...

All I can think of is that Olivia Newton-John's song "Let's get physical" all she needs is one of those sweat headband. Too cute!!

cooler*doula said...

Just a still town girl on a saturday night, lookin' for the fight of her life...

You go girl.

Toddler carnage. Ah. We knows it well. Looks like chez zimble.

Di said...

First off, I want a pair of those for my little girl. And no one told me the 80's were gone? Dang I thought I was all "hip" too. Always the last one to know.

Super cute!

PunditMom said...

Now that's a girl with some STYLE!

Kelly said...

I love how little ones can dance with abandon, without one ounce of self-doubt. That's why their dancing is so precious.

(Love those leg warmers. Do they make them for 31-year olds?)

Anonymous said...

Those legwarmers are great! And she is super cute, so they are perfect for her!!

Little Shot said...

Leg warmers and 80s music ... love it. She's so damn cute.

Sandra said...

Ooops. That was me. Little Shot doesn't say "damn" only his idiot mother who forgets to log out.

Deb said...

I think I actually owned leg warmers like those in the 80s! Too Funny!

petite gourmand said...

I had those exact same leg warmers in the 80's.
I also had a pair of matching suspenders a la Mork & Mindy.
Let's not even talk about the hair style.

chicky keeps getting cuter and cuter.

petite gourmand said...

I'm assuming you know I'm talking about "my" hair style in the 80'ies
not chicky's (which is adorable b.t.w)

Debbie said...

a) Chicky cuteness is almost, *almost* an abomination. esp. in those leg warmers.

b) disastrous messes are getting less and less simple to bounce back from, I'm finding. I'm all set to post about what "giving up" looks like in my house.

c) have I told you lately that I love you?

Lena said...

Ahhh! Stop the cuteness! My eyes!

Seriously, this is not nice to show a person who just argued with her five-year-old for a goddamn hour over what to wear.

Oh, how I miss toddlerhood.

Anonymous said...

ok. i know have flashdance's maniac in my head. which is not bad, actually.

gorgeous gorgeous junior chicky (i''m trying to figure if I can knit me some of those)

Anonymous said...

She's such a doll. Love the Baby Legs - they really are great for keeping those little legs warm! And much more attractive than our 1980s era legwarmers.

We sing "Maniac" too. If the song title fits...

ewe are here said...

Darling pics!
And such cute little legs in those leg warmers!

Anonymous said...

going to be tired now sweetie, come sit on my lap and let me unsnap your onesie, put my hand up inside your diaper and gently stroke and rub your pussy, I love touching little girls that age the pussy feels sooooooooooooo soft, glad my wife babysits lots!! of course being the good hubby I gladly do a diaper change I have touched dozens of soft little pussy's, cum on a few too!!