Thursday, August 30, 2007

Talk talk

There once was a time when I worried my daughter wouldn't speak. I wrung my hands with concern, closely scrutinizing other children her age for signs that my kid was further behind than she should be. I fretted and agonized over every babble that I thought should be fully formed words at her age. I even called in experts.

Then she started speaking.

Complex sentences started flowing freely from her plump, pink baby lips and my heart was filled with joy. I could now begin communicating with my daughter! She could tell me what she needed! We could have conversations about mailboxes and airplanes and Barney!

It truly is a wondrous event in a mother's life, when her sweet toddler starts stringing words together, and phrases you didn't even know she knew are added daily to her vernacular. When did she learn that? is a common thought in my head these days.

It fills my heart with joy.

And now that she's talking easily and only is requiring of the occasional Chicky-to-English translation for the grandparents I only have one concern...

Now how the hell do I get her to freaking shut up??


  1. Aw fer chrissake, what's so wrong with a little masking tape applied to the jaw?

  2. ha ha ha

    the dilemma of little girls everywhere! :)

  3. um, that was supposed to be the dilemma of PARENTS of little girls everywhere.

  4. Bwwwhahahhahhahaaaaa!

    Yeah, right. Get her to shut up.

    That might be the funniest thing I HAVE EVER HEARD.

  5. heheheheh....

    That was one of the reasons I never worried about my kids not talking early *LOL*

  6. Yeah. Good luck with that. My girls are 8 and 6, and I still haven't figured that out.

    Maybe I'm a slow learner.

    More likely, isn't gonna' happen.

    I've heard that when they become surly teens they will start to grunt only a few syllables at a time.

    Something to look forward to.

  7. super glue?

    I kid, I hear ice cream usually does the trick

  8. LOL, been there!

    Though one day last week, she was very quiet in the backseat, and I said what's up? She told me that she was just waiting to go to kindergarten. Which is in a year.

  9. I'm still feeling entertained by toddler-talk, but a bowl of popcorn and a 1/2 hour of finding Nemo is a good shut-er-up-er if ever I need quiet time.

  10. That's not a possibility, unfortunately. The best course of action would be to take care of it on your end. Light the ends of two Q-tips on fire and stick them into your ears. Sure, it'll hurt for a second or sixty, but you won't be able to hear a thing from there on out. I've considered this option before.

    Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls

  11. Tacy hasn't taken a break in over four years. I'm still waiting.

  12. We had the same problem with Noodle. She didn't speak until she was 3. Now, at 6, we have discussed with her the premise that she have an internal dialog.

  13. Can't be done once the flood gates are opened.

    Cordy even talks in her sleep.

  14. Oh, God help us, it's not just girls.

    Ben talks from the moment he wakes up until the moment he falls asleep -- even if no one else is within earshot.

  15. A little duck-tape goes a long way.

    Seriously though - we have 3 non-stop chatterers.

    Just wait until she can speak her own opinion. When Moe gets mad, she tells us "I don't like you". It's heartbreaking at first but then you learn to say "I'm sorry your upset, but I love you"

  16. Yeah, that's what everyone told me when I was worried about Hollis talking. I was going to suggest duct tape, but it seems that many parents had the same suggestion. Hope no one from CPS is lurking here....

    Hollis talks just to hear himself sometimes and it can be maddening. The constant, and I mean *CONSTANT* questions!

  17. Definitely not just girls...Little J hasn't had a thought that he hasn't shared in about two years.

  18. Ha! It only gets worse as they get older. My 5 year old son babbles whether anybody's listening or not.

    Just give them the standard "Yep, honey" about every 3rd sentence or so and they're good to go.

  19. Boo won't shut up, either. And since I also have O, who is a chatterbox of epic proportions, I never get any peace. Ever.

    Duct tape only works until they figure out how to rip it off. Then not only are they talking, they're giving you shit for taping their mouths shut. You can't win. Buy earplugs. Or whiskey. Or both.

  20. I'm always amazed when I see some kids (who go to the library) with their moms can ask for things like "May I go to see those books?" or "May I have some water?" Then, I see some kids who were raised by the tv asking.. "I want wa wa! I want Bubbleman!" *outrageous crying tantrum*

    It's scary!

  21. You can just tell her that quiet kids are good kids!!

    Of course, I'm kidding!

    I totally remembering thinking that way about my middle guy Alexander. William spoke so damn early it scared the hell out of me.

    Alexander took some time... dare I say I thought he was delayed!? But I remember being really concerned, and then... one day - the words came... and came... and came.

    I must have my sons meet this beautiful little girl of yours! We're surrounded by boys... so we have to get some girls in the mix!

    Sorry I missed SAturday afternoon - I was in Maine with friends... but my mom and sister said it was wonderful! Till next time and glad you're feeling better!
    - Audrey
    Pinks & Blues

  22. Told ya!

    I'm with bossy on solutions...

  23. Oh yeah. You totally can't now.

    Someone should have put that in the mother's manual.

  24. My 18 month old has NO words. I'm talking not even mama or dada. A bit worried over here, but feeling better after reading you. Thank you!

  25. Seriously? They don't shut up. Oh great.

    Ear plugs? Tranquilizer darts?

  26. You know what they say: You spend the first 2 years teaching them to walk and talk then the rest of their lives to sit down and shut up. In a nice way, of course.

    It doesnt get any better. I have a 5 yr old that would talk her way out of duct tape, a paper bag, terrorist attack, murder, etc.

  27. You can't. There is no cure. you have now entered the never ending realm of "constant dialouge". Just wait until she enters the narrating stage where she feels the need to talk her way through ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Fun times.

  28. I'm waiting for the answer to that myself!

  29. Totally. The Boss can't stand silence, either. If she's not spewing a constant stream of monologue-y word vomit, she turns interrogative with "whatchu doin'?"

  30. If you figure that one out - let me know!!! It's one random comment after anothere here.....

  31. HA! I've wondered the same thing. How could a kid who didn't speak until he was three, possibly talk so much now??

    I will say though that compared to girls his age, he's positively taciturn.

    Well...enjoy it. Some day they won't want to talk to us at all.

  32. Dude. Word. Or...rather, No Word.

    Now that my oldest is almost six---a nonstop yapping age, trust me, so much worse than 2, 3 or 4 for her so far, and I had no idea it could get worse which prompts the adage of be careful what you wish for---I find my mind wandering far and wide away, sometimes for up to five minutes and when I pop back she's still going so I just say "is that so?" or "You don't say..."



  33. Uh, yeah. Not just the girls - and I have three little men that talk of luck to you.

  34. totally with you! Except more on the physical side... Whereas Declan used to lag in motor skills but lately he's been running around like a maniac!!! I am like, calm the f down, dude!!!

  35. Good luck on that. My niece was slow to talk too and now that she has, she never shuts up. Girl even talks in her sleep.

  36. My oldest talks all the time! It can sometimes drive me crazy, but I do like hearing her babble on and on too. It is much preferred to the guessing-game I have to play with my son---"What was that you said? Toy? Car? Juice? TV? Outside?" Argghhhh, that drives me to drink.

  37. Ack. I know your pain. Lately, my son especially has a running commentary all day. I actually just wrote a post about it...

  38. It's funny. We can't wait for them to speak...and then we finally get to the point when we just want it QUIET!

  39. You can't get them to shut up. I've been trying for a year and a half. Last night I resorted to ear plugs. Not joking. Seriously. Ear Plugs.

    BC asked what they were for and I told him that I didn't want to hear him scream any more.

    They don't EVER shut up again...

    Have fun!!
    xoxo, k... bye!

  40. If you find out, please tell me. My five year old still hasn't found the off switch.

  41. Put her with another toddler, they'll confuse each other so bad she'll pipe down.

  42. I've been looking for the "off" buttons on my girls for um lets see 13 and 6 years so far.

    I'm guessing given the 2 year olds new found vocabulary I will be looking for her button soon.

  43. I think its funny, they don't talk much and then they more than make up for it later.

    I find it absolutely fun

  44. I can relate! I have a couple of chatterboxes here too :)

  45. Yay for little Chicky and I am glad your worries are washed away.

    It is truly amazing to hear the thoughts that they form. A whole new level of the personality is revealed. I'm guessing you have a social intellect! You're going to need a very good cell phone plan.

  46. Candy.

    Stuff her mouth with candy.

    It is hard to talk when you are eating peanut butter cups. I know this from experience - it is how Mr. Chicken shuts ME up.

  47. Uh Huh. I was told from the first child that you spend a whole year teaching them how to talk and then spend the rest of your life wondering how to get them to SHUT. UP!

  48. Tell me about it! Thank god preschool is starting next week.

  49. Haha - you don't. You teach them to talk to their dollies and read books to themselves and have tea parties and talk their way through puzzles and say excuse me if they really really need an answer.

  50. PunditGirl NEVER stops talking. That's how I know when she's sick. My mother claims it's my punishment for being the same way when I was a little girl.

    Shall we set up a debate for Chicky & PG?

  51. Heheh! That sounds great. Our 19- month old is just starting to put words together. It's the cutest thing.

  52. As I reached the end of this post - all I could do was laugh... thank you!
