Friday, July 20, 2007

Total suck up, eh?

"Why do all the Canadian bloggers like you so much?"

"Do they? It's not just me, I think they like almost everyone. They're just nice that way."

"I think it's all your socialist humor."

"C'mon, you know I don't write like a socialist."

"Well, you seem pretty popular with all the women from Canada."

"Really, it's not just me. I think it's easier to be nicer to people when you have all that free health care."


"You know, maybe you're on to something though. Maybe I should change my blog name from Chicky Chicky Baby to Canadian Chicks Dig Me."


  1. Don't worry, you are loved in the USA, too! :)

    But maybe you could add something about being loved in Canada into your tagline, eh?

    Jane, P&B Girls

  2. You are lucky to be called friend in at least two countries. :)

    And don't we all like the heck out of those Canadians right back! I even joined BlogHer Act Canada.

    I think we need a button, something red and maple leaf-y with FOC or something for Friend of Canada. :)

  3. I know why I love you... you mention Canada, always nicely. And since we really are a nation with younger-sibling syndrome when it comes to the US, we love it when the bigs kids invite us to play.

    Or maybe it's just because you're a funny funny lady. Because lord knows we appreciate someone with a sense of humour. (Note the extra "u").

  4. It's always nice to be loved.

  5. The very first tag I ever responded to was one where you tagged all the Canadian bloggers. I'm pretty sure you didn't mean me specifically, but I'm still grateful!

  6. I hail from the land of the Motor City (although I left first chance I got), so I love Canada. Where else could we cross a bridge or a tunnel to at 19 yo and get to drink. Love it!

  7. Lovin you from CA!

    Oh, that would be California...The other

  8. I love you too! Sadly, not from Canada, though...

  9. Funny, I hadn't noticed the socialist humor.

    All that free health care does make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, though. That I will not argue with.

  10. Heehee! I've been mistaken for a Canadian blogger before, I'm mysterious like that. Heh.

    I agree with Julie...we need some sort of "Wishing I was Canadian" blog button. ;)

  11. i was just thinking today how many of the blogs I read are canadian. Maybe we have Maple Leaf Envy?

  12. Canadians have Wunderbars and poutine.
    You have a sweet sweet ass.
    It's a perfectly fair trade.

  13. dude. it's those canadians, they'll accept anybody.

    ps. hi canadians! love you!

  14. We dig ya because you are hott.

    And we plan on packing you up and taking us home for some free health care, maple syrup, poutine and beaver tails dude.

    Can't wait until next week.

  15. Sure we love ya!

  16. Americans like you too! (Delurking)

  17. I believe that you are popular around the world but the Canadian division of the Chicky Fan Club is the fastest growing chapter.

    In all seriousness, I've discovered other Canadian blogs by reading yours! We flock to you like birds flying south.

  18. HA!

    Yeah the free healthcare and the year lonf PAID maternity leave!!

    I'd be dealin' the love too...

  19. Change it! Change it!! You'd make Canada proud. I'll have you over for some Canadian back bacon, maple syrup and I'll cut your hair all pretty in a mullet. I'll even let you hold a hockey stick while I'm cutting it. ;)

  20. Keep Tulip away from your hair, baby. We could treat you to all the GOOD stuff if you came back with us...

  21. I have the perfect pair of scissors for Tulip to use while inducting you into our Canadian club.

    And then I have the perfect bottle of rye for you to drown your Yankee sorrows while I make you watch hours of Bob and Doug.

    I love you too.

    But I'm slutty like that.

  22. You're loved in Virginia too. But you're right, those Canadian chicks are awesome. We totally need a Maple Leaf Envy club button or something. I already know all the words to the Canadian National Anthem and everything!

  23. Maybe that's why I like you... we had a house in Canada for a while!

    heh heh

  24. Lawyer Mama -- in French, too?
    Here's a love note from yet another Canadian. You're great!

  25. it took me about 3 months to realize that about half of the first blogs I ever read were Canadian - (slow processor, me) - which I think is kind of a high percentage for someone living in New England, but it just wound up that way and I heart Canadian bloggers, but I'm ready and willing to love New England bloggers too!

  26. How did I miss this one. Well it was my Dad's birthday...? You got me.
