Saturday, July 21, 2007

Because sometimes I get tired of listening to myself talk

Michael Vick.

Public Enemy number one (in the dog world) or innocent party? Did he really not know what was going on or was he an active participant in the abuse and death of many, many dogs?

The evidence is mounting against him but most of the key eyewitnesses have also been indicted in this case. Does he deserve to be suspended from the NFL even though, according to American law, he is innocent until proven guilty?

I'd like to know what you think about this case


  1. I want to know why someone who makes that much money and is famous is screwing around with dogfigting anyway.

    It isn't like he needs the money.

    I hope (if he is found guilty) he goes to jail. I love the NFL and I hate to see it filled with criminals.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Based on evidence, he could be suspended not for the crime and conviction I hope he gets but under a moral clause I think.

    I think and hope every book possible is thrown at all of these people involved to send a serious message.

    P.S. A present for you...okay can't figure out how to insert into a comment. Umm, I have a graphic for you. How shall I send it?

  4. Many people even though innocent until proven guilty get suspended (usually with pay) or I guess they use the fancy term "taking an administrative leave" while they are in the midst of legal problems. In this case I think he should be out until we find out what happened...

  5. Of course, he's innocent until proven guilty but because of the heinous and immoral nature of the crime of which he is accused, I think a "leave" is warranted.

    Frankly, anyone that hurts ANY animal intentionally should be publicly flogged, fined and imprisoned. I say that because if the punishment were more severe maybe some of these dumbasses would think twice before doing these kinds of things. Until all people in our society see animal cruelty as the crime it truly is (because many don't) you can expect it to continue unabated.

  6. For someone who has been given so much, more must be expected. This appears to be a long term scam Vick has been involved in. I think since many children look up to NFL and college players that Vick has blown it bigtime and hopefully justice will be served.

  7. I'm with the innocent til proven guilty idea. I still have this pollyannish belief in our system of justice.

  8. With a husband in law school and a desperate loathing for animal abusers I hope he's going DOWN.

  9. this is horrific. i think that is there is a question of impropriety or behavior that is questionable in regards to expectations in your work then a leave of absence from said work is perfectly acceptable.

    at the very least. and ps. how the hell do you just "not know". whatever, man.

  10. I am disgusted by anyone who would hurt an animal for any reason. As the owner of an amazing pitbull who was abused by her former owners I am personally disgusted by anyone who would exploit the breed in this way.

    I can't believe that he didn't know that this was going on, but even if he didn't a 'leave' while charges are pending sounds appropriate. Even police officers who use force in the line of duty are put on leave until the investigation is completed. The NFL needs to set an example for their fans, since clearly the organization can't count on individual players to do so.

  11. I can't even bear to follow the story it hurts my heart so much.

    Innocent until proven guilty? Begrudgingly, yes. But how close do you have to be to the wrong people to even be accused of such? He is off my list.

  12. Honestly, I think, Michael. You had it made. You are a rich football star. What were you thinking? Duh.

    Dog fighting is unforgivable and stupid.

  13. Somebody already said it, but I'll second her- call it admin leave, call it benched on account of stupidity, but he should sit until all this is worked out.

    people who have been accused of moral/ ethical impropriety in many other fields are forced out of the office until the fact finding is over- why should the NFL be any different?

  14. My attorney brother says since he was indicted by a federal grand jury, there's already lots and lots against the man.

    I say suspend the evil-doer!

  15. The problem is that this guy has been in trouble SO MANY TIMES.....How are we to believe that he didn't know what was going on? I don't, not for a minute.

  16. I'm say innocent until proven guilty BUT if he is guilty of these crimes, I hope karma throws him into a match to the death with a large vicious man (I've got an evil streak).

    Animal cruelty is right up there with child abuse in my books. Protect those who cannot speak for themselves.

  17. i'm all for the 'admin' leave...even being involved/connected to that dogfighting world is pretty, erm, unclassy at best. and kids look up to the NFL.

  18. I think, due to the mounting evidence and the suspicion surrounding him, it should be enough for the NFL to put him on leave until the outcome of the case is decided.

    Unfortunately, sports figures are too often seen as mentors by today's youth. To have an animal abuser admired by our children is scary. Err on the side of caution until the facts are known or he is proven innocent.

    My own personal emotional and completely bias opinion is to hang him by his toe nails then stone him to death. But that's just me. I think of every one of those poor dogs and my sense of fairness goes flies out the window.

  19. I don't really care about what the law says in cases like these. I say, put him into the pit and let the dogs decide if he is guilty.

  20. I haven't been following the case, but...

    As a lawyer, I have to go with the 'innocent until proven guilty' theory. Think back to the Lacrosse players at Duke who were accused of rape not more than a year ago. Accused. And the University suspended them for the year. And they didn't do it, no doubt about it, they didn't do it. But they've lost a year of their lives, essentially....

    Now, if the football player did the things he's accused of, I hope he is severely punished down the line by the criminal justice system. And by public opinion -- I hate that kids idolize these guys for merely kicking/throwing/running with a ball. Hate it.

  21. This case makes me sick. Those poor, poor dogs. If he is guilty, I hope he has to pay dearly (with jail time, fines, banishment from football) and not just get a little 'slap on the wrist'.

  22. I like the idea of "innocent until proven guilty", but I think the NFL has a right to protect its brand image. With something as controversial as this, it makes sense to keep him from playing, in my opinion.

    With that said, if the situation is as nasty as it appears, he should go away for a long time. The whole thing doesn't make sense. It's not for financial gain. If he's an action junkie, he needs to go to Vegas. Beyond those two issues, you have to be sick, sick person to get into that crap.

    - Mike
