Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know if I'll be back again

My cat is still missing.

My Gram is having surgery this afternoon to remove the mass from her pelvis because she's in so much pain her doctors decided to do the surgery first instead of waiting, doing a few chemo treatments and seeing how that went.

And tomorrow I'm hoping on an airplane with Chicky and Mr. C to go visit his sister and her family in Minnesota.

But wait, there's more!

On Friday the whole lot of us are packing up the cars and driving at least five hours one way (not accounting for frequent stops) to visit Mr. C's grandmother in Wisconsin. And then driving back to Minnesota three days later followed by another plane ride back home.


Pray for me. I know I've been asking for that a lot but this time I really mean it. I may not return from this trip.

I'm very much looking forward to all the visiting - I love my sister-in-law and her husband and kids and my grandmother-in-law - but the traveling might just send me over the edge. But I'll make it through. I always do. Because my brother-in-law? He makes beer.

Thank you, Jaysus!

While I'm gone I'm leaving you in the very capable hands of some fabulous women bloggers whom I deeply respect. Sarah, Major Bedhead, Binky and Fairly Odd Mother are fellow NE Mamas while Redneck Mommy, Mrs. Fortune and PunditMom are writers who I just couldn't resist seeing what they would come up with for my site. Please come on by and visit them because blog sitting can be lonely. If they do a good job, the next time I go away I'll ask them to watch my pets and water my tomato plants.

Have a fantastic Independence Day. If I survive eight days without access to the internet you'll hear from me next week.


  1. Good luck and enjoy your time in 'soda and 'sconsin, as my son calls them. Best wishes for kitty and nana continue.

  2. Good Luck....And have fun...send your Gram some love from me!

  3. Good luck! And have a good trip. We're doing the same sort of hell next week, so I'll be interested to hear how it went.

  4. I'll continue to think about you and hope that all goes well.

  5. Good luck on all fronts... Gram, cat, traveling, going without the Internet for 8 days!

    Seriously, I hope everything goes well. Thinking of you.

    Jane, P&B Girls

  6. Bon voyage, girlfriend.

    Drink a beer for me.

  7. May the force be with you, Mrs. Chicky! Safe travels.

    And I'll send some good thoughts your cat's and Gram's way, okay?

  8. Good luck! Have a safe and beer soaked trip!

  9. Have a great trip!

    Here's where poverty-stricken comes in handy: unable to travel. LOL

    Come back in one piece (mind, body and spirit) okay? And so long as one of my ping services pings me, I'll be here saying hi to your friends. :)

  10. Have a nice trip - and good luck vis a vis cat and grandmother.

  11. Home brew. Nice. Enjoy yourself. I'll try not to screw things up while you're gone.

  12. Sorry to hear about your Gram, Mrs. Chicky. I'll be thinking good thoughts for all of you.

  13. Have a great time traveling. I hope all goes your way, and hope that your Gram is on the mend and feeling better soon.

    (And those blog sitters? I bet they're the kind who will rummage through your nightstand looking for evidence of sexual activity, and who will pillage your entertainment shelves for any indication of erotic movies! Especially that naughty Redneck Mommy...)

  14. go with god, friend. go with god. and a flask. don't forget the flask.

  15. Good luck! Ain't nothin like the real thing, baby, but I am looking forward to reading your very awesome guest bloggers.

    See you next week.

  16. What Jen said -- re: the flask.
