Saturday, June 30, 2007

I think it's perfectly reasonable to leave a burning bag of dog shit on his front steps.

I'm so angry I could chew nails. The real ones, not the ones on my fingers.

Yes, this happened years ago but do we really want a man who has such a complete disregard for life that he thinks it's perfectly fine to strap a dog to the roof of his car to be the next President of the United States?


  1. Left a long rant at your other blog.

    In short, no, I didn't want him before this. Definitely not after.

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I posted this over at Linkateria too.

  3. He destroyed our state as Governor. Why would I, or any right thinking human being, want him to destroy the pitiful remains of this country that will be left after the Shrub leaves office? He's an ass. A spoiled, entitled ass. He has no regard for people, and now we know how little regard he has for animals.

    Hey, I know where he lives. Wanna go dump some dog shit on his front stoop?

  4. Yet another reason to remember he is an asshole.

  5. Holy crap! Had to comment at your other blog too.

  6. Staggering. What a repellant thing to do.

  7. No heart, and no brain either. I can get past youthful indiscretions, but I draw the line at outright stupidity.

  8. Ugh. That poor dog!

  9. I heard about this on Keith Olbermann last night. What a fuckwad. I've never liked him and it always baffled me how he got elected governor of this state.

  10. What? That's just disturbing.

  11. I saw that article and that is just all sorts of fucked up.

  12. For me, the question answers itself.

  13. Does it have to just be his front steps? I vote we coat his whole porch.


  14. Who? EXACTLY!

    I wasn't impressed with him before......still not impressed!

  15. Yet another reason I am proud to be a Canadian. Happy Canada day to me...

    That said, if I were a Yank, I'd totally leave a flaming bag of poo on his doorstep...right after I voted for Obama.

  16. Unbelievable! If he shows this kind of judgment, I don't want him anywhere near a position of power. I had quite enough of him in Massachusetts, thankyouverymuch.

  17. That makes me sick. Just sick.
