Saturday, June 16, 2007

Maybe I should just have those initials tattooed to my forehead

The Early Intervention people came yesterday.

Not only is Chicky fine and developing at a normal rate but she assessed higher than her age on all the tests, especially on the Receptive Language test where she was assessed at 35 months. Thirty five months. And that's because 35 months is as high as the test goes.

(Which is really nice to know because now when I wonder if Chicky is listening to me and ignoring me or just doesn't understand me I'll know she understands me just fine. Oh yeah, she understands what I'm telling her. She's totally busted.)

My kid is smart. I, however, feel like a moron. A big one.

The "test" - a profile, an assessment really. "Test" sounds so 9th grade - was just getting started when the woman assessing Chicky took out a laminated sheet of paper with pictures on it and asked Chicky to name everything.

"Ball. Chair. Doggie. Car. Hand."

No hesitation at all. It was like she had seen that paper a hundred times. That was when I looked at Mr. C, who with head bowed was silently vibrating from laughter, and knew our child was not delayed in any way.

Do I feel like an idiot? Oh, just a tad.

Do I feel like a helicopter mommy? You betcha.

Am I relieved to hear, from experts, that my kid is progressing nicely? Relieved and thrilled.

I will now wear a scarlet HM (for helicopter mommy) pinned to my shirt as my penance. But I'm okay with that act of attrition because I was doing what I thought was right for my kid.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Okay, do you really believe that last line of crap? More importantly, do you believe that I believe that last line?

Yes, I did what I thought was right but I still felt horribly embarrassed to take up the time of the wonderful EI women who came to our house. But I'll get over it. Eventually. With lots of therapy.

Alright, I'm done.

One more thing.

The women from EI really were great. I can't stress that enough. They made Mr. C and I feel completely at ease and there was not even a smidge of judgment in their eyes. They were very professional and extremely kind and I think I will now put them on my Christmas card list and send them both humongous fruit baskets.

I'm done now.

Okay, really just one more point.

In the past two weeks since I made the appointment Chicky has made astounding progress in her speech. She went from saying just a few things clearly (and a lot of things that only I could understand, and even then it was pretty sketchy) to stringing together two and three word sentences. Her language quite literally exploded. I know everyone told me that would happen but I really didn't believe it. Now I do.

I should have known this would happen because this is exactly what happens when I bring my car to the mechanic. As soon as an expert is brought in the freaking problem stops.

As a matter of fact Chicky is sitting next to me making up words to the tune of "Mary had a little lamb", involving her blanket. Or bucket. Or maybe pocket. She's not going to be a great orator any time soon but I see great things for her in the future.

I'm done now. Really.

I'm so embarrassed.


  1. Oh Mrs. Chicky! Don't be embarrassed! It was so worth it. And everyone likes to hear what a genius their child is, right? :)

  2. Shaking with laughter over here, as I am hearing that last line in Grover's voice...

    Hey, at least now you know. I mean, you didn't make that decision all by yourself, right, so I don't think you need to be too embarrassed about it, and now you have invaluable peace of mind.

  3. Nothing wrong with needing affirmation that your child is progressing as she should hon! I don't think you should be embarassed at all. I'm so glad the news was maahhhhhh velous!

  4. I know what you mean! I had the cable guy come out a few weeks ago because we had been having problems with the reception. He comes, turns it on, and it's.....FINE. Yeah, I felt like a big, fat liar *LOL*

    But, that aside, when it comes to your kid, sometimes you just have to be sure and not take chances. If you were a TRUE helicopter mommy, than you wouldn't have believed the would have shopped around for plenty of EI experts until you heard for the tenth time "she's fine"..right? ;-)

    I think it is great that she is perfectly normal...may excel, even!

  5. I laughed at the line about the mechanice. It's so true, and why should it be any different for kids?

    I'm glad Chicky Baby is okay. Don't be embarassed. An ounce of prevention is worht a pound of cure, right?

  6. That is great news, and there's absolutely no reason to be embarrassed.

    I think they talk more for other people than for us. My MIL says Cakes says all kinds of things. sigh.

  7. Hehehe, ok. This situation to you is so not funny that it is hilarious !

    You said exactly what I was thinking.... just like the friggin' car. Of course she performed for the EI people. :-)

    I'm happy to hear that everything is progressing nicely. Congratulations!

  8. Kittenpie - The Grover reference was exactly what I intended! I should have named this "The monster at the end of this post", with the monster being my over-active imagination.

  9. That's great news! Love the Grover reference, btw.

    And don't be embarassed! I know, easier said than done. BUt I bet if you'd asked the EI people would have told you this happens all the time.

  10. OK, now I'm blushing because I can't seem to spell.

  11. Dude! Don't be embarassed! That's great news. And better to know than not know, right?

    (Not that I'm surprised at your daughter's advancitude.)

    I'm glad the EI people were good. That's their job. This might not be comforting, but I've been surprised a few times at how low the bar is for "normal". I want my kid to be doing X, Y, and Z, and they'll say "Oh, she's doing N? that's great! right on target!"

  12. p.s. I once paid a Sears repairman $110 to come out and turn on a faucet in my basement. It happens.

  13. Aw. Such good news. (and so endearing.) I can't wait to be NEAR you.

  14. You know this is just the outcome we were all hoping for, right? That you'd get professional confirmation that Chicky is doing just fine. Wanting that does not make you a helicopter mommy.

    I know it's easy for me to say (since we haven't yet had our official appointment), but embarrassment should not be a factor here. Concentrate on relief and happiness - your baby's fine, you and Mr. C are doing everything fine, and there's no need to play catch up. YAY!

  15. Will it make you feel better if I tell you that my son, the kid who didn't walk until he was over 14 months old (he was fat, ok?) walked his first steps at his EI evaluation. Yup indeedy. He did!

    Can I borrow your HP t-shirt?

  16. I'm going to be your one friend who snorts lemonade out of her nose, while guffawing and telling you "I told you so...)

    Because I really did.

    But welcome to the world of paternal embarrassment. It's about time you joined ranks with the rest of us. And at least you know your babe is not only beautiful but a smart chicky too.

    When I had to join the paternal embarrassment club it was because my daughter poked my cousin's wife in her round tummy and asked when her baby was due. In front of a roomful of adults who knew the lady was NOT pregnant.

    Yes. Good times.

    Oh well. Your kid is smart. Mine is, well, mine.


    Glad it worked out. Snicker.

  17. ohhhh Chicky. You are too funny. So what you're HM, now you know you have the smartest kid on the block and I think that deserves a cake. Don't you?

  18. Hey, I'd rather be embarrassed, right?

    I'm glad it went well. :)

  19. That is awesome! It'd have been great if Chicky had rolled her eyes and sighed before she read off the items. I love that your husband was laughing through the whole thing.

  20. don't be embarrassed. just be thankful, and i know you are.

    we need this sometimes. someone else to tell us all is well.

    all is well, sister.

  21. smiling and giggling. WITH you. because that would so be me. and thanks to your thoughtful public service announcement, i may be able to avoid exposing my own helicoptering to the nice speech pathology people. maybe. probably not.

    but at least when i feel horribly embarrassed, i'll be able to think of you, and i won't feel alone. :)

  22. You shouldn't feel embarrassed, you should feel really proud of yourself for following through on something to do with your daughter's health that was worrying you! Imagine if you hadn't done it, and there was something wrong - then you would feel even more silly.

  23. That's fantastic news. And, really, it must be such a joy for the EI people to sail through an appointment like that with a bright toddler that no one needs to worry about - it probably made their day.

  24. Great news! And no need to be embarrassed - better to know everything is OK than to worry, right?

  25. No need to be embarrassed!

    Glad she's fine, glad you can put your cocerns to rest!

  26. I don't think you need to be embarrassed one bit, but I'm glad you are - means everything is a-ok. phew.

  27. I did the same thing when my husband said he thought our youngest might be autisitic. The thought had never occured to me (although, lots and lots of other thoughts had--I lovingly refer to myself as worst-case-scenario mom). Zack was fine and daddy didn't stop hearing me say, "I told you so..." for a good month.

    I'm glad everything turned out just fine. The relief is so worth the embarassment.

  28. great news and your post is HILARIOUS!

  29. No embarassment, just make sure chicky never shows you up again. (Good too that she can't pretend she can't hear or understand you. That's going to come in handy.)

  30. ROTFL!!! Glad to hear that ChickyBaby isn't delayed (we never thought so anyway, right?) and you're overcoming an overly-healthy dose of humility. Hang in there!

  31. Love the Grover comment...rofl!
    Don't be embarrassed (gosh, we sound like a buncha broken records) but you're Mama...we reserve the right to hover, worry and it's OKAY to be wrong - better than being sorry later.

  32. I hate it when that happens!!! Last week my cell phone was broken and I took it into the store, worked just fine. Guy thought I was the biggest idiot ever. Go Chicky. :)

  33. Don't be embarrassed. I have my own story coming up. How can we not be concerned and doing our imitations of helipcopters?

  34. I feel guilty, but I really enjoyed this post. Not that I enjoyed your embarrassment, but the way you wrote and expressed it. I chuckled the whole way through.

    NOW, seeing as Declan was a preemie and had several EI testings over the first few years, all of which he tested off their charts for verbal, and on track for motor... I feel your pain. AND, each time, the MINUTE I made the appts, the kid would have this SURGE in motor development. I mean, SURGE, like he heard me on the phone getting directions to the EI testing center or something. I'm telling you, they can just sense it coming.

  35. Same exact thing happened to us...However, they wouldn't even test Stinks...the initial meeting established it wouldn't be necessary. Ugh. Embarrassed.? Yup.

    HM = me...

  36. Ha! My sister did the exact same thing. Her kid didn't talk at all so they did the test without talking (matching flashcards, etc) and the therapist was all "Your kid's super smart. He's just messing with you."

    And he totally was.

  37. Don't be embarrassed! Early Intervention is critical, but if she doesn't need it great! That being said, I would be kicking myself, too!

  38. No need to be embarrased! I am glad everything is OK. Yay!!

  39. Embarrased, ok, whatever, understandable.... But I also bet you're super relieved.

    And delighted.

    And very proud of your lovely girl.

    And you should be.

    Glad all is well.

  40. I think you did the right thing. No need to be embarrassed!

  41. What? No, you did the right thing. What a good mom you are!

  42. Don't you dare feel like a moron. DON'T YOU DARE. (stomps foot.)

  43. You definitely should not be embarrassed. If you hadn't had her assessed you might have kept wondering about her speech. I am sure the EI people didn't mind at all -- it's part of their job!

    I am very glad for you and for your Chick.

  44. Oh, don't be embarrassed.

    I am the neurotic hypochondriac whose children's pedi files are no doubt tagged -- "WARNING! GOOGLING MOTHER IN TOW!"

    In fact, I'm quite sure the nurses snicker when I come in.

  45. She's perfect, natch.

    Heave a sigh and fawgedaboudit.

  46. How wonderful! So glad to hear your little one is on track, ahem, I mean WAY ahead! As an Early Interventionist myself, I must say I LOVE going on visits and find the child on target, after all, that is what the end goal is any how. Good for you for having the assessment done. You did what you felt was right for your child and hopefully your story will inspire others who have concerns to do the same :)

  47. You cracketh me up. And she is totally busted.

  48. Cool! I learned about receptive speech when a friend dealt with speech delay a few years ago. IT is cool to think about how many we levels we actually communciate on (?) -- besides blogging, of course.

    She say barely coherently. zzzzzz

  49. Hi Mrs. C. I'm back to reading my favorite bloggers after a 2 wks hiatus...I know, this child birth thing got in the way!

    Nah, don't be embarrass, it's better to be safe than sorry right?!

    Glad everything went well with the EI folks. Now go and sing along to Chicky Baby's made up song.
