Thursday, May 17, 2007

Like a PowerPoint presentation but funner

Ooh, bullet points! Where's the tepid coffee and stale bagels?

Shit, just some prune danish left. Anyway, let's begin. Could someone hit the lights?

  • How about another link? Hey! Look over here! Bring your feather dusters and Pledge because I could use some help cleaning up the joint.
  • I need a new look for my blog and I'm ready to part with some money (how that pains me to say that 'cause I'm cheap frugal) to get all spiffy. Does anyone know of a designer who can give me a more modern look? I'd like a three column blog, something simple with just a few bells and whistles and I'd like it to be completed before Blogher. Your help would be much appreciated.
  • If you like my occasional, infrequent wine reviews (maybe if I layed off the hooch I'd write them more often) you'll love The Whinery. Really good stuff already over there for your drinking pleasure.

Chicky is still sick. I've watched so much children's television that blood is starting to flow from my eye sockets. Is there any coincidence that blood is the same color as Elmo? Someone send reinforcements and make sure they have all the necessary emergency equipment: tequila, gin, and a case of wine. Thanks.


  1. I design (and I'm *relatively* cheap ;)), but I don't exactly have my portfolio able to show. However, if you're feeling a little trusting, drop me a line and we can discuss--idachick 'at' hotmail 'dot' com.

  2. Wow. I had never made the lin between Elmo and stigmata!

  3. Check out Bling my Blog at She just made mine over and worked VERY hard. She's free unless you would like to contribute to her adoption fund.

    Elmo = stigmata!!

  4. Ohhh,the Whinery looks interesting!!!I'll hafta read it all.

    Hope Chicky feels better soon. Elmo can really be a pain in the ass...

  5. Izzy did my new design, and I love it! It's so simple and clean. Karen from Troll Baby is also a great designer as well.

  6. There are a lot of awesome designers out there...but you could also just switch to Typepad and then it's really easy to make your blog look pretty. I can help - I'll make you a banner and everything!

    I don't work for Typepad, of course. It's just the only blog platform I'm used to.

  7. Another blog?! I don't get you a-types at all.

    hope the little chicky feels better soon.

  8. Oh, I hope you feel better soon. Really, one can only take just so much of Elmo.

    Unless you're my daughter...

  9. Karen Rani @ Swank Web Style did my design and she's so talented! She does fantastic work!

  10. I'm jealous & now pouting because I live in the SE.

    Do you hear Elmo in your sleep now?

  11. Izzy does it - you should ask her.

    As for Elmo, yes he's also communist red too.

  12. "Is there any coincidence that blood is the same color as Elmo?" - made me snort. Thanks. ;)

    I'm sorry that you're still sick! What a drag!!! I'm sending you some more good healing thoughts.

    Hey, the guy who designed and takes care of my website is Jim Kukral. His kids are on the icon on my sidebar for hosting websites. I grew up with his wife, Doreen. She's one of my bestest pals. Anyway, they're a wonderful couple and Jim is a talented guy. If you're so inclined, please feel free to give him a try. He's an honest man.

  13. Sorry Chicky's still under the weather. Hope she feels better soon so you're spared too many more hours of Elmo.

  14. Izzy and Karen - but if you go with Izzy you gotta wait 'til she's done with MINE.

  15. wine and cosmos are also the same color as elmo and blood.

    i'm just saying. designs? ack. Denguy dressed mine out, he's peachy like that.

  16. Yep, Izzy and Karen. Poor sweet Chicky, it's a good thing she has Jabba the Cat to keep her company. I wish I had thought of that name for my giant holiday ham-sized cat!

  17. Our Philly blogger meet-up was pretty damn rad, if I don't say so myself...

    And it sucks to be sick. And doubly so to be sick AND a mom. Because you can't just crawl into bed and forget about life.

  18. I wish we'd do something in Cncinnati like the ME Mamas blog.

    I have to say that I like your blog layout now but if you find someone good, feel free to share the love!!

    Hope Chicky feels better.

  19. On my way with tequila.

    And Izzy gives good blog.

  20. Izzy at IzzyMom

    I wish I still lived in New England. I wish I could travel. I wish ex-pats were welcome.

    I just found Mrs. Dubya. Now I'm trying not to regret all the lost time. I look forward to The Whinery. Now I'm trying not to pout that my suggestion for Carpe Vino was bypassed. LOL ;)

  21. Oh goodness, I hope she feels better soon.

  22. Ah, the blog updo...

    So exciting. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Now I'm on my way to the Whinery.

    Because I love my red...

  23. This is interesting.....elmo & blood. Interesting.

  24. Slackermommy has done some blogs too. She might be willing...

  25. New England bloggah meetup is something I've had fantasies about! Hope it works out.

    Great links for web design...I'm looking to spruce up my site as well.

    Poor Chicky. Hang in there.

    Elmo is evil. Maybe in his second incarnation as a mop for the bathroom floor he'll be easier to deal with. Heh. As if.

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  27. We totally need some designage for our blog, too. I'm going to check out some of these options. Thanks for posting about it. Hope we can meet up at BlogHer! I'm really looking forward to it.

    Susan at Working Moms Against Guilt

  28. May the illness be departed by now. I mean I wait so long to comment now I must miss everything, right?

  29. Izzy did my design as well. I really love it!

    Hoping Chicky Baby gets better soon! Poor girls (including you!).

  30. Izzy did mine, and like everyone else, I love it... I'm ready for a change as well, though... you it's good to mix things up now and then!

    Nello is also good.

  31. I always like Izzy's designs.

    Find her main page at because I can't remember her design page!
