Friday, March 23, 2007

What a difference a year makes

Looking back...

March 2006.
Big eyes, big cheeks, big power over me.

March 2007.
Same big eyes, slightly smaller cheeks, same big power over me. Especially with her bed head and the beginnings of a shiner under her left eye.

My baby will be two years old in just a few weeks. I barely remember her as that small infant. Where does the time go and how do I make it stop?


  1. I wonder the EXACT SAME THING!!!

    She is such a cutie! Shiner and all.

  2. So. Damn. Cute.
    It goes and goes and all you can do is hang on for the ride.
    And sometimes scream all the way down on the scary parts.

  3. Josh is coming up on two fast also.

    Fast being the operative word.

    When I talk to old colleagues about stuff that happened work, and they look lost, I realize it's because it's been almost two years since I left, and they've forgotten those bits that feel like they happened just the other day to me...


    So. Yeah. I just try to take it all in. And try not to be driven too nuts by it, when it gets nutty.

    (Oh great. Someone just cut his nap short and released an EARSPLITTING scream... What was I just saying?)

  4. I'm so right there with you. If you figure it out, please let me know.

  5. I just want to sweep her in my arms and bury my face in between her cute cheeks and her neck.

    Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to hear anymore about how fast they la la la la DB is not listening!!!!!!!!

  6. I'm not going to think about that right now. I'm just going to live in the moment. Provided the moment does not include another of my daughter's freaking tantrums ;)

  7. Awww...Mrs. Chicky! She's adorable.

    I often wonder the same little bug is 2 1/2 and I just stare at him in awe -- he's not a baby anymore and it makes me cry.

  8. I know. Cakes will be 2 in May. Crazy.

  9. Such a cutie!! My wee one just turned 2 last month. I can't believe it!

  10. Good grief that is one seriously adorable baby!

    I don't know where it goes and it doesn't ever stop. Father Time is a heartless bastard.

  11. You can't make it stop....but you can keep pic's like these to cherish the memories!

  12. oh my god. i so exactly agree.

    it's heartbreaking and amazing.

  13. Oh, my god, heart CLENCHING at the cuteness. The cheeks! The eyes! The smile! The shiner! Gaaaah! TOO SWEET.

  14. What a sweet pea! And those eyes, precious.

  15. Awwwwwwwww! She is so precious. I can't get over how fast she's growing. Look at her lovely hair!

    Good luck with the party plans!

  16. She's absoultely adorable! If you figure out how to make time stop, let me know.

  17. Yes indeedie, she is a cutie.

    Does she take after Mr. Chicky?

    Kidding. Just kidding. You know I think you are beeuuuteeefulll.

    Why else would I stalk you so?

    Cherish these days, friend. For soon the little chick will be a grubby ten year oid, rolling her eyes at you and beebopping at the altar of Britney Spears.


  18. seriously, could that baby BE any cuter??!

  19. Some crazy fool told me to have another one, she must have been drunk.

  20. She just looks like she has a sweet soul.

    Be warned - two is like arm-wrestling a crocodile.

  21. What a doll. Love the face, that it's slightly more mature but still possessing the roundness of babyhood, and the new frame of hair around it.

    My husband and I were just talking about this, that our favorite stage is 12-24 months, and that we just want to halt time to enjoy the deliciousness that is our 17-month old.

    If only we had some kind of a magic potion...

  22. My son will be two in June. I ask myself those questions every day.

  23. That Chicky Baby is so beautiful. No help on the time passages. But I am out to keep you busy.. tag your it.

  24. As much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news. . . they have to grow up. Your little one is adorable!

    Drink up every minute and tuck the wonderful memories away to cling to when she becomes a teenager and is driving you nuts.

    Happy birthday chicky peep!

  25. What a bundle of joy...
    I can not remember the toddler years now...And love looking at the blogger babies out there...

    My wee lass is going to be ten this year...I do not know where the time has gone...
    and the toddler times are such a distant memory...

  26. God she's gorgeous!!

    One day they fit in your arms and the next...

  27. Sweet looking girl!

    I swear one day they are these little tiny beings that depend on you for everything. Then you wake up and BAM they are gaining independence like my almost 2yr old or they are making you toast and grapes in bed for breakfast like my almost 6yr old. Then between the eye rolling and whatevers there is poached eggs/toast/fried potatoes and baked apples for breakfast from the almost 13yr old.

    Time flies to fast! Some days a slow down would be good. Others not so much.

  28. her gaze is so frank, and so open. she's a beauty.

    if you DO figure out how to make time stop, you'll tell the rest of us, right?

  29. Your little lady is way to cute!

    The trouble with remembering her as an infant will all come back to you at different stages.. in vivid clarity. Like when she wakes up one morning and you realize she has been replaced by some teenage angst filled pod person, or when you see her sitting behind the steering wheel of a car to learn how to drive..

    You won't see a maturing teenage girl, you'll see that little baby laying on the changing table cooing at you and you'll think OMG! This cannot be right! She's just a baby!

  30. Isn't it amazing what only one year will do? It's crazy when you look back at pictures from only 365 days ago!

  31. I can't believe Pumpkinpie is about to turn 3 next month. How did that happen?! It's funny, though, it's tempting to say I'd stop it if I could, but she gets more interesting and smarter and more self-sufficient all the time, and I'm liking it. Maybe I'll stop her at six or so...

  32. Ooooh her cuteness slays me everytime.

    I hear you on the time stoppage ... let me know when you figure it out. My guy turns SIX in a few months :( And I sit here sappy over a tooth (which fell out about an hour ago ... sniff)

  33. It would be so nice if we could just freeze them this way, before the hormones kick in!!

    What a cutie indeed!


  34. SO CUTE! And it sucks how the memories of their babyhood dim with time. I'd tell myself, 'remember this exact moment; never forget this'. Alas, I have forgotten those exact moments. Thank goodness for the words which at least I remembered to write down to help me remember. You can always hang onto that. And, the cuter-than-cute photos.

  35. This little Chicky looks right through the camera. So incredibly cute!

  36. My god she is beautiful. I hear ya' on the "where did the time go" thing, I can barely remember what a newborn felt like to hold. Mmmmmm newborns ;)

  37. I wish I knew. Bee will be 2 soon as well. Sigh.

  38. She's so adorable! The shiner just adds to her adorableness.

  39. Stick her in a veal pen and let me know if it works... the nerve of these little children growing up without our permission!

  40. It felt like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Now my daughter is 16. The time passes too quickly!

    Science for Kids

  41. Oh those big blue eyes and sweet smile. Of course you want to freeze time because she is going to be a knock out and that can only bring worry.

  42. A-DORE-A-BLE!

    How do you ever get her to stay still, AND facing you, AND smiling nicely long enough to get a picture?!?! My 2 1/2 year old is mostly seen in blurs, or squinty eyed grins, or half out of the picture!

  43. In the immortal words of Lily and the Purple Plastic Purse, Wow. That was all she could say. Wow!"

  44. Don't you just want to bottle these two years and keep them this way forever?! She's so purdy and adorable!!

  45. I love how you picked these two photos - practically the same cropping, same angle. It's amazing. What a looker you've got there.

  46. She is the cutest!! What a darling.

  47. What a sweet sweet sweetie!! Thanks for sharing her sweet cheekies.

  48. She is SO beautiful. My son would be instantly smitten if she were to pass by him. (He'd probably even offer her one of his HOTWHEELS Hummers. And that, for him, is pretty much a proposal.) heehee.

  49. Look at those eyes. She's adorable.

  50. Adorable pic!!
