Sunday, March 25, 2007

More about me that you didn't really need to know

This is a tough time of year for me, with the anniversary of my mom's death just passed and my daughter's birthday coming up - not to mention the whole Easter - I'm a lapsed Catholic but I'm still morbidly interested in religion and I can't stop talking about it Gaaaahhhhh! - thing and the arrival of 50 degree temperatures...

(I know, you're oozing with jealousy. Fifty whole degrees! That's cah-raaaazy!)

- I find it really difficult to come up with posts that aren't made up entirely of exploitive pictures of my kid and YouTube clips. So when Mama Tulip offered to "interview" bloggers I jumped at, nay, dry humped the chance to have someone else do the thinking for me.

Try getting that image out of your head. Ooh, you like that, don't you? Take it, take it, take it...

Um. Hi!

Mama Tulip is just lucky she lives up in da Cah-nah-dah (as my friends from Bouctouche would say) because chances aren't the only things I would have molested. No, I joke. I respect her too much for that. I'd wait at least an hour after meeting her before I would proposition her.


These are the questions she asked me. With my less than spectacular answers.

1. What was the first blog you ever read? Do you still read it?

Oh man, talk about getting started on a low note. This is so boring. The first blog I read was Dooce. That's like getting your cherry popped by the quarterback or something. So cliche. But after reading a few of her entries I was totally hooked and I ended up reading all of her archives over the course of a couple of weeks. I'm a dork. But those entries did inspire me to start my own blog shortly thereafter. And the world is not any better for it.

2. Did you go to your high school prom? If you did, describe your dress. If you didn't, tell us why.

Yes, I did go to my senior prom. I went to a few senior proms actually (I wasn't a slut, really), but for my own I went with my boyfriend at the time, Psycho Andy. Psycho Andy was just that. Psychotic. He was three years older than me and just a bit touched with the crazy. But we had the best fights. I'm talking throwing stuff at each others heads, jumping out of moving vehicles-types of fights. But my prom night was, alas, extremely boring. Except for the dress. I had no business wearing a white, strapless prom dress since I was so incredibly skinny and had no boobs to hold up the bodice, but it was so beautiful I had to have it. My parents spent a ridiculous amount of money on it (for the time and our income) and I felt like a princess, even though there was nothing "princess" about it.

I'll post a picture of it when I'm feeling less lazy and less self-conscious of my skeletal shoulders.

3. Did you have pets in your house growing up?

I had one dog growing up. My mother was not a pet lover, not to mention a bit anal in the cleaning department, so we were not allowed to have anything with fur, feathers or fins. When I was twelve or thirteen my dad took me and my sister to a friend's house and we picked out the cutest white German Shephard puppy from a new litter. Unfortunately, my mother was not let in on this plan. To say she was unhappy with my father's choice to add a puppy to our family would be the understatement of the year. But we whined and cajoled and mom finally let us keep the dog. We named her Suki. I loved that dog.

With Suki around I learned how to train my first dog. Obedience-wise the dog was a complete failure. But in the trick department that dog was a star. I taught her to play dead by "shooting" her with my finger and saying the word "bang". My father, to this day, tries to claim that he taught her how to do that. He's sadly mistaken. That was all me.

We fed her the worst food, she drank copious amounts of beer when on outings with my dad, she spent her days tied to a long line attached to our garage. We did everything wrong with her but I learned so much from her. Sometimes I wish I had her back. I'd like a do-over.

4. Tell us one thing that you hope to achieve in your lifetime.

It's no secret that I'd like to start my own business working with dogs. Having my own business is something I've dreamed about for awhile and it's time for me to get off my tuckus and get something started. Working with dogs and their owners brings me so much joy - and more than a little frustration - and I know I've got something to offer to this sometimes saturated market.

I've come up with an idea that doesn't require a brick and mortar facility (for now, the ultimate goal is to have my own facility) and I wish I could share it with all of you. It kills me that I can't write about it here. I'd love to have your input because this business targets people like you (hint, hint) but I fear the Google, so for now I'll have to keep it on the down low. Once things get rolling I'll start leaking some information and don't be surprised if you get an email from me asking you probing questions about your relationship with your dog and your kid's relationship with your dog (Again, hint hint. Do I need to hit you with a brick or have you figured it out yet? Just keep it out of the comments because the Google... It watches me.).

5. Fess up: do you follow celebrity gossip?

Unfortunately, yes, I do follow celebrity gossip. I have an unnatural fascination with Perez Hilton and Not to mention Gawker, Defamer, and the Inside Track. I'm waiting to hear the results of Anna Nicole's autopsy and who the baby daddy is. I can't wait until Katie is out from under Tom's thumb (heh). And I think it's only a matter of time before Britney comes out with her own PPD book.

What? I'm a bored housewife. What do you expect? I'm a cliche.

But I did not sleep with the quarterback.

If you'd like to be "interviewed" by me leave me a comment (and make sure I have your email address) or send me an email and I'll come up with five questions specially designed just for you.


  1. Oooh cool questions and even better answers!

    You can down-low interrogate me anytime about doggies and kids.

    We had a Suki too.

    Can I say I don't remember the first blog I read? At all?

  2. Don't tell anybody, but celebrity gossip is my guilty little secret too!! I's so sordid.

    I enjoyed reading your interview. And you can make that business dream come true because you are a smart and savvy chick(y). Best of luck with it!

  3. Hey, I loved your interview! What a great idea! I'd be up for it, but I am going out of town until next week. Maybe then?

  4. Cool idea! I would love to be interviewed by you...

    My first blog was bite my cookie

    PS-I am a celebri-whore current favorite fix is

  5. Thank you to Dooce. My world is better because of Mrs. Chicky's blog!

    We really need a dog. My daughters are finger shooting me dead all the time.

    Would you pretty please interview me with a cherry on top! I'll send you chocolate.

  6. those weren't boring answers at all - I love these things because I learn so much about bloggers I love (that'd be you) (not to creep you out) (you aren't going to molest me are you?) (actually it would probably be the most action I've seen in a while) (TMI right?). I'll stop with the bracket thing.

    Cool meme and I'm doing the same - Mama Tulip asks the best questions.

  7. God, I love all of your answers. I especially love that you said you'd proposition me. AND you mentioned something about a 'dry hump'. Those were my favourite parts.

    Dooce was the first blog I ever read too, and I did the same thing -- stayed up until like 3 in the morning poring through her archives. Damn, that woman can write.

    I can't wait to see pics of your prom dress. Don't forget. ;)

    And probing emails? I'm all for it. I don't have any pets now, but I grew up in a house full of animals. I might be able to give you some decent answers. Keyword there is "might".

  8. Am I the only one on the planet that found Dooce way late? I had no idea what a blog even was until I stumbled upon Woulda Shoulda while searching for something else.

    I love your answers. These things are great for getting to know things that most people would never think to mention unless asked.

  9. How fun! Lately I've had nothing to write about but house hunting stories.

    Interview me to get me something to write about, please! I'm losing readership!

  10. Very cool answers to very cool questions.

    I didn't hear of Dooce until I was well into my blog reading addiction. I know, I'm late to the party as usual.

  11. This is a fun one! I've got questions from Sunshine I'll get to later this week.

  12. Hey now, don't short yourself there. I did quarterback my flag footbal team for a few games ;)

  13. I love celeb gossip. It keeps me going. Makes me feel even more normal.
    I love this game!!! How do I get involved???

    (Hugs to you for this time of year...I'm there too)

  14. Oh, I think we all wish we could have a do-over with some of our childhood pets. I dressed my cats up in Cabbage Patch Kids clothing, and I'm sure they're still cursing me from the grave.

    If you're not overwhelmed with interview requests already, I'd be happy to play along, too!

  15. a fine grilling, but i think the thing that left me most fascinated of all have friends in Bouctouche?!?

    must be a different Bouchtouche. the one i know - and live about two hours from - only has a gas station, a Tim Hortons, and some lovely people who speak Franglais. and some of my inlaws, who speak Franglais.

    it does not have blogger friends, do it?

  16. I remember living in the People's Republic of Massachusetts and hailing the arrival of 50 degrees. I also remember the last spring I lived in massachusetts (that would be 1997) and getting more than 5 feet of snow between March 31 and april 3. Nothing says Wicked Hard Core (wickid hahd coah?) like shoveling neck-deep snow in april. March goes out like a lamb my ass.

  17. now there's an opportunity not to be missed. can i reciprocate with some puppy related questions?

  18. I think I'm losing my mind. I could've sworn I just commented here, but now I see no proof of it. Anyway, I was just saying that, as someone who's (trying to) blog every day during Lent, I could use all the fodder I can get. Would you interview me?!? Could you?!? If you don't have my email, just let me know on my blog and I'll get back to you.

  19. You are an EXCITING housewife. And my world is better thank you very much. Don't go raggin' like that eh.

    ps.. sorry about the meme thing. I am soooo behind.

  20. You're such a pervy girl.

    No wonder I love you. It's good to know we have so much in common. We can sit together and braid each other's hair and gossip over who was better for ole Brit-Brit, K-Fed or J.T...

    Tulip interviewed me too, but I may have to kick her ass...she got down and dirty with me. LOL!

    If you got a sec, toss a few questions my way. I'll add them into the post I'm doing with Tulip's questions.

  21. Loved it! Good random questions too. If you don't have a million volunteers already, I'd love to be "interviewed"!

  22. nice. i like this idea quite a bit..the peer angle.

  23. I would love to work with dogs but have no time, money or training so I have a long way to go! For now, I just dream about having the time to go back to a shelter to play with them. Best of luck in turning your idea into a reality!

    I made the mistake of sharing my shred of a business idea with my husband and now I feel like I need to do something about it! Someday . . .

  24. I'd love some questions from you if you have the time.

    Get your prom pictures ready. I'm hosting a blog prom this weekend.

  25. Great interview! I think all of us have an affinity for the celeb gossip... even if its just a small one! heh.

  26. Oh, would you interview me? I lead an exceptionally interesting and exciting life (hahahaha!)

  27. Ooooh, I love this!! I'd love to be interviewed.

    We had a Suki, too. She was a weenie dog. So cute!

  28. Am very excited about your new business! As a small biz owner m'self, I know how thrilling and mind-numbing it all is. So, do come chat - I won't sell your trade secrets.

    I'd love to be interviewed by you - round TWO of us. ;)

  29. "Psycho Andy" -- awesome nickname. I'd love to see pics of the prom dress, I bet you were beautiful.

    So, who do you think is Daniellyn's baby daddy? The lawyer, Birkhead, Zsa Zsa's man, or none of the above? ;-)

  30. dude, dude, dude. am just back to say that i am so psyched to know Madame Chick is going to Blogher.


  31. Ooh, do me, do me! In an interview sense, of course ;p

    My first blog was Dooce too. And then I started going through the blogrolls of my commenters (Mom/Ma'am/Me, Mothergoosemouse, Ninja Poodles), and the rest is my history!

  32. I'd love to play along! I'm sooooo done with this New England weather. I swear I'm vacationing in March from now on (sans children and Hubby...a girl can dream...)

  33. Once I saw a comment on your blog from "Gonzo" and I was all "Oh, no she dint?!" because that is one of my best friends from college (in "real" life) and she does not read MY blog, okay?

    The point? Oh, right. The point.

    She is a huge dog rescue person - I think the profile doo-hickey links to her dog site...

    ANYWAY I was thinking that I should introduce you in REAL LIFE to her on the business front idea. She's making a career change... maybe there's a virtual business.

    Phew. Shut up already OTJ!!!

  34. You generally just crack me up.

    That is all.

  35. Great interview! 'Psycho Andy' - LOL!

    Shhh- don't tell, but my good friend (tv writer now) since college is actually really close with 'Perez Hilton' (and I've talked to him at parties...)

  36. I would love to be interviewed by you! I don't mind putting my email address here:

  37. I have more than 100 unread celebrity gossip posts in my google reader! :)

    I love this meme, and I love the questions you posed to Binky. She's going to interview me next!

  38. Ask away.

    Just know, I may have a slight tendency to be a pathological liar. Other than that, I am brutally honest.

  39. Just don't ask me about the quarterback. Other than that, I'll be completely forthcoming....

  40. Jeez! I miss all the good stuff. I see you've got one hundred other offers but if you are looking for an interview-ee let me know!

  41. I love these answers. Also, you must post that prom photo. I think we all had a Psycho Andy in our lives, and a strapless white prom dress. I know I did. :)

  42. Oooh, oooh, I love this post. I'm mostly just lurk here, but now I want to join the fun and have you interview me too! The questions here were awesome--not your "usual" questions, and you're answers were hilarious.

  43. Great interview...great answers. I'm laughing about the prom question/answer.

    The first blog I ever read was not a mommy/daddy blog! gasp! lol

    I'm officially offering myself to you for an interview, but it seems you have many others as well, so no pressure if you can't get to it. ;)

  44. This is such a clever idea. Fun answers and great to get to know you better.

  45. Dude, if you are a cliche, I am CLICHE SQUARED.

    Cliche rocks.

  46. I just sauntered into your little world and wanted to say HI! Good to know you did not sleep with the quarterback! :)

  47. Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

    I have a Dog Obedience site.

    Come and check it out if you get time ;)
